NAACP Leader: ‘It Really Doesn’t Matter If He Had a Gun’

So cops have the right to shoot you if you have a gun?
I assume that the NRA will have a strong statement about this.

If they know that you are a felon and they told you to drop it? Yeah, I'd say so.
I sort of like the John Rumsfeld Rules of Engagement...First die and then defend yourself.
NC is an open carry state.
Shitforbrains thinks open carry means you can walk around with a gun in your hand. What a pathetic retard.

So the cops should have shot this butterface?

You righties have been saying that for years, but now you get mad?
Link away, liar BOY.
You've cheered lots of people killed by guns who didn't have guns. Are you really going to make me find links? There are too many to choose from. Maybe you can ask for a specific time?
Yeah, I cheered when OBL was killed. And I cheered when every Islamofascist got oblitered.
Any links to any other cheering? Oh yeah, felon Michael Brown.
Whoa dude u r cool
Little girl busted in her lie again.
So cops have the right to shoot you if you have a gun?
I assume that the NRA will have a strong statement about this.
If the point it at the cop...defintely.
What if he didn't?
Then he had better drop it so the cops know he's not going to use it. Just follow the directions from the officer. It could save your life. And we had better let all cops know that if they don't follow protocol on ANY suspect...They are looking at prison time.
Link away, liar BOY.
You've cheered lots of people killed by guns who didn't have guns. Are you really going to make me find links? There are too many to choose from. Maybe you can ask for a specific time?
Yeah, I cheered when OBL was killed. And I cheered when every Islamofascist got oblitered.
Any links to any other cheering? Oh yeah, felon Michael Brown.
Whoa dude u r cool
Little girl busted in her lie again.
If she was saying he had a gun and he didn't...see her in court.
NC is an open carry state.

Not for felons.

You left out 'black'.
That has nothing to do with a persons skin color. What are you, some sort of racist prick? Or did you not bother doing the research?

Folks like you in one breath want to keep guns out of criminals hands, and then in the next, when they are gunned down for having them, will indict the police. Which is it, are you a hypocrite or just an idiot? Face it, YOU are the racist, using this ex-cons skin color to serve your social engineering agenda.

Previous charges
A public records search shows that Scott was convicted in April 2004 of a misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon charge in Mecklenburg County. Other charges stemming from that date were dismissed: felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, and misdemeanors assault on a child under 12, assault on a female and communicating threats.

In April 2015 in Gaston County Court, Scott was found guilty of driving while intoxicated.

In 1992, Scott was charged in Charleston County, S.C., with several different crimes on different dates, including carrying a concealed weapon (not a gun), simple assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He pleaded guilty to all charges.

Scott also was charged with aggravated assault in 1992 and assault with intent to kill in 1995. Both charges were reduced, but the disposition of the cases is unclear.

According to Bexar County, Texas, records, Scott was sentenced in March 2005 to 15 months in a state jail for evading arrest. In July of that year, records show, he was sentenced to seven years in prison on a conviction of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. A Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman said Scott completed his sentence and was released from prison in 2011.

Charlotte police protests: Governor declares state of emergency as violence erupts for second night

Read more here: Charlotte police protests: Governor declares state of emergency as violence erupts for second night
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the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

According to you Social Justice Warriors and Radicals, I thought it was only supposed to apply to folks with out violent criminal records. . . .

Wasn't that it? Why do you racists keep wanting to make this about the color of this guys skin? The person that shot him was black, do you think he gave a shit what color this ex-con was?

4. The Officer Who Shot Keith Scott Was Black

Officer Brentley Vinson is a black officer for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. Officer Vinson is the officer who shot Scott. Officer Vinson’s skin color should have dispelled any myth about this being a racially motivated shooting, however stories of the involved-officer being white persist. The false stories spread by Scott’s family resulted in an uninvolved white officer being targeted by people on the internet. Scott’s family likely made a mistake about the shooting officer’s race because:
Keith Scott Shooting: 5 Facts - What You Know May Be Wrong
So cops have the right to shoot you if you have a gun?
I assume that the NRA will have a strong statement about this.
If the point it at the cop...defintely.
What if he didn't?
Oh, so the circumstances don't matter...he had a gun so the cops were right to shoot him.
I'm better informed now thank you.

I couldn't say, I really couldn't.

All I know is this. Everything you read or see about this incident is meant to make you FEEL, it is not meant to inform you.

You will never get enough adequate sensible information to make an intelligent and informed opinion about what happened.

The only way you can draw any sort of opinion about this account, is to look at the background of the officer, and the background of the victim, and take it from there. Really though, that is no one's concern, but the locals to administer justice and figure out what happened, it is their concern.

But do know this, the current federal and international elite have an agenda. They do wish to eliminate local police authority over our own communities. If you think policing authorities are deaf to local concerns now, just go ahead and push for a federal police force and an end to the right to bear arms. A far off elite want to end your freedoms for a very good reason, because they are loosing control of the economy and other things, thus, they need more control.

This is why all the propaganda false narrative is pushed out through the MSM to mold folks minds toward these desired goals.



White House Petition To Create Federal Police Agency To “SUPERVISE” ALL Local Police Has STARTLING Number Of Signatures Already
White House Petition To Create Federal Police Agency To "SUPERVISE" ALL Local Police Has STARTLING Number Of Signatures Already ⋆ US Herald

Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police Scheme
Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police Scheme

The first six cities to be targeted as pilot sites will be Birmingham, Alabama; Fort Worth, Texas; Gary, Indiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Stockton, California. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price described the program as “a tool to strengthen our partnership with the justice system.” However, other police departments are also in the cross hairs. According to the official announcement, an unspecified number of “police departments and communities that are not pilot sites” will also be targeted for more DOJ “training” and “technical assistance.”

Skeptics have pointed to past precedent and deemed the plan dangerous. Among other deeply troubling elements, in the past the Justice Department's “training” schemes for state and local police have included, as The New American reported in 2012, teaching officers to associate mainstream political activism, such as conservative bumper-sticker displays on cars, with “terrorism” and “extremism.”

Ironically, the next year, the DOJ itself was exposed working with an anti-Christian extremist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, that had inspired a confessed terrorist to attempt a mass-murder attack on a pro-family group. The year after that, the Justice Department came under major fire for funding a New York “community group” that was involved in a rap video promoting the murder of police officers. Indeed, since Obama took office, the administration has been pumping out a non-stop barrage of propaganda demonizing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Americans as “extremists” and potential “terrorists,” owing to their mainstream political views. The administration has also consistently vilified police who were accused of abusing their power, even before investigations were concluded.

Indeed, there's little reason to believe that this latest effort by Obama's DOJ has as its actual goal the increased professionalism of police.

Attorney General Holder has been repeatedly lambasted for his own anti-police extremism, including publicly making accusatory comments about police officers before investigations into the facts of controversial behavior have taken place. He was also held in criminal contempt of Congress — the first sitting DOJ boss in history to face such a serious measure — after trying to unlawfully cover up the administration's “Fast and Furious” gun-running program for Mexican cartels. Guns from that scheme, which official documents show was aimed at pushing more assaults on gun rights, resulted in the deaths of multiple U.S. law-enforcement officers. Holder has successfully avoided prosecution so far, but the contempt citation remains in effect and carries a potential jail sentence. Numerous other mega-scandals have plagued Holder's tenure as well.

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