NAACP Leader: ‘It Really Doesn’t Matter If He Had a Gun’

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?
It wasn't IN the car it was in his hand. And open carry does not mean that.
The NAACP has lost its mind. They want Blacks carrying illegal guns who are under arrest to be given a pass and do anything they want.
The police need to adopt the policy that unless they are already shot they do not shoot back. Seems simple enough. What it is time for is to give up the inner city, build a damn wall around the place and let those rioting have at it. They don't want police protection, fine. They want to have a gun and threaten people fine, threaten themselves which is pretty much what they are doing anyway.

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?
Learn what open carry is and is not.
Why are leftists so ignorant?
NC is an open carry state.
Shitforbrains thinks open carry means you can walk around with a gun in your hand. What a pathetic retard.

So the cops should have shot this butterface?


If any of them were pointing it at a cop and refused to put it down when told? Yuppers.
You righties have been saying that for years, but now you get mad?
Link away, liar BOY.
You've cheered lots of people killed by guns who didn't have guns. Are you really going to make me find links? There are too many to choose from. Maybe you can ask for a specific time?
You do know A "gun" can not kill anyone on it's own?

Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black
Shitforbrains thinks felons can have guns.
Thanks for validating the left are morons, moron.

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state
Any more dumbass strawman combat battles you going to fabricate today, dumbass?
NC is an open carry state.
Shitforbrains thinks open carry means you can walk around with a gun in your hand. What a pathetic retard.

So the cops should have shot this butterface?


If any of them were pointing it at a cop and refused to put it down when told? Yuppers.

But I thought just having it was enough? Now they have to point it at cops? Like this you mean

Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black
Shitforbrains thinks felons can have guns.
Thanks for validating the left are morons, moron.

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state
Any more dumbass strawman combat battles you going to fabricate today, dumbass?

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state

Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black
Shitforbrains thinks felons can have guns.
Thanks for validating the left are morons, moron.

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state
If you're trying to make the case that white policemen are racist, this isn't a good example to use.

Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black
Shitforbrains thinks felons can have guns.
Thanks for validating the left are morons, moron.

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state
If you're trying to make the case that white policemen are racist, this isn't a good example to use.

I didnt mention race...I said having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state. Am I typing in WingDings and you guys cant understand?
So what if the Charlotte policeman who shot a man was right?!
So what if he had a gun and refused to comply with multiple orders to drop it?!
So what if he WAS a threat to the police?!

That female black officer shot that black man.....




They obviously should sacrifice her on the radical racist / BLM 'false narrative' alter!

Hey NAACP...


Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black
Shitforbrains thinks felons can have guns.
Thanks for validating the left are morons, moron.

Having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state
If you're trying to make the case that white policemen are racist, this isn't a good example to use.

I didnt mention race...I said having a gun isnt a reason to shoot someone in an open carry state. Am I typing in WingDings and you guys cant understand?
Is this in WingDings?

"Having a gun in a open carry state isnt a crime

Unless you're black"

IOW, you DID mention race.

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