naacp tells blacks not visit florida


The main problem I have is how they act in public places. So vulgar and classless .So loud
Then when you see one near you it adds a strong sense of uncertainty because they are so unpredictable
The main problem I have is how they act in public places. So vulgar and classless .So loud
Then when you see one near you it adds a strong sense of uncertainty because they are so unpredictable
Are you even for real? Yeah, don't get swarmed by the black cloud. Even old black men know that one. :rolleyes-41:
Or their equivalent, old crackers like me. If you see the black cloud coming, try to avoid it.
I fell into the black cloud one day, just walking along, next thing I know the black cloud is around me. I should have been paying better attention, or maybe they shouldn't be shitbags. One of 'em reached out and punched me in my jaw. He ain't had no wallop.
Then I pulled that gun outta my coat and cocked it and aimed it at 'em. You never seen a black cloud disperse so fast.
Was not such a cohesive black cloud after that.

Hey look, I'm not trying to reinforce any crazy racist notions you might have, but avoiding the black cloud is just common sense.
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Are you even for real? Yeah, don't get swarmed by the black cloud. Even old black men know that one. :rolleyes-41:
Or their equivalent, old crackers like me. If you see the black cloud coming, try to avoid it.
I fell into the black cloud one day, just walking along, next thing I know the black cloud is around me. I should have been paying better attention, or maybe they shouldn't be shitbags. One of 'em reached out and punched me in my jaw. He ain't had no wallop.
Then I pulled that gun outta my coat and cocked it and aimed it at 'em. You never seen a black cloud disperse so fast.
Was not such a cohesive black cloud after that.

Hey look, I'm not trying to reinforce any crazy racist notions you might have, but avoiding the black cloud is just common sense.
We as people seem to be all one way or the other on issues. There are many levels of middle ground. The power fiefdoms like police can be just as intolerant and dictatorial on all political sides. Either way, the Progs are making inroads into Deplorable areas. With it some money is coming so it smooths it over to a degree. Nothing is forever though.
If the NAACP is dedicated to splitting the country for fun, profit and promoting Democrat economic slavery and lousy education for Black youngsters, they’ve certainly done a great job for far too long.
Are you even for real? Yeah, don't get swarmed by the black cloud. Even old black men know that one. :rolleyes-41:
Or their equivalent, old crackers like me. If you see the black cloud coming, try to avoid it.
I fell into the black cloud one day, just walking along, next thing I know the black cloud is around me. I should have been paying better attention, or maybe they shouldn't be shitbags. One of 'em reached out and punched me in my jaw. He ain't had no wallop.
Then I pulled that gun outta my coat and cocked it and aimed it at 'em. You never seen a black cloud disperse so fast.
Was not such a cohesive black cloud after that.

Hey look, I'm not trying to reinforce any crazy racist notions you might have, but avoiding the black cloud is just common sense.
I recall driving around Maxine Waters congressional district not that many years ago and you talk about clouds, desperation and hopelessness .. it was like driving in a cloud of depression. Of course, she lived in a 6 million dollar house … miles away … I wondered why they voted for her as well.
Like all liberal institutions, the NAACCP makes worse what it claims to be trying to improve.

there still at it. having a fit. just cause blacks want to preach racism so much. and whites are sick of their shit.
The main problem I have is how they act in public places. So vulgar and classless .So loud
Then when you see one near you it adds a strong sense of uncertainty because they are so unpredictable
A black dude held the store door for me yesterday and I said "Thank You, sir."

Ofc I'm in FL so things are a bit different here than other states.

Racism is not quite as rampant here.

Also the guy was older than me, so that's a factor as well.

Some of my mentors were older black guys..that knew karate or kung fu and wore freakin' sweat bands all the time.

(yeah, they absolutely did, idk why)

One thing they taught me is that we're all in this thing together.
NAACP are really communists, bro.

BLM leaders all admit they are "Marxists" and homos.

The top of the Black Democrat "leaders" are not representative of Blacks, and Blacks like Ice Cube are pointing that out.

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