Nadler's Theatrical Performance - Again Requests Grand Jury Info

It's alarming how stupid this liberal bunch is. They actually think people believe their stupid charades. Their righteous concern for our country is laughable. Their whole objective is to belittle Trump with one fabricated crisis after another. Their actions are less than those of spoiled children. Democrats are unfit to lead. Viva Trump.

will he ever give up?

Today Nadler and Pelosi did their best to recover from yesterday's 'Titanic' moment by holding a press conference during which Nadler lied to the American people and announced that he was going to ask for the Grand Jury info Mueller's (Weissmann's) team redacted from its final report, as per the law Nadler and his fellow Congressmen passed.

Lest anyone should forget, Nadler already brought in a Constitutional Law Expert to testify before his House committee on the legal possibility of Nadler getting the Grand Jury information - which he was already given an opportunity to see but refused to do so - released to the public...or at least to Democrats.

In that hearing, NADLER'S star witness broke the news to him and his fellow seditious Dems that the information could not and would not be released. He told Nadler this had already been decided in a case before the D.C. S.C. earlier this year, upholding the law, in fact.

Nothing has changed.

Nothing will change.

The hearing yesterday did not present any new information that would change this / cause the courts to change their decision.

Again, all today's press conference was by Pelosi and Nadler was an attempt to save face, to try to convince Americans they did NOT just waste 3 years and millions of tax dollars partisanly going after Trump instead of working to protect our 2020 election from Russian attempts to interfere with it, which they say is going on right now, and to try to justify continuing this embarrassing proven 'witch hunt'.

Nadler repeats faulty claim, corrected by Mueller, about why Trump was not indicted

Washington DC, face-saving move. Ask for something, in an epic theatrical performance, that he knows he will never get.

Then, a year from now, he'll blame the courts.

The King of the Weeble People has, once again, failed his electorate.
Today Nadler and Pelosi did their best to recover from yesterday's 'Titanic' moment by holding a press conference during which Nadler lied to the American people and announced that he was going to ask for the Grand Jury info Mueller's (Weissmann's) team redacted from its final report, as per the law Nadler and his fellow Congressmen passed.

Lest anyone should forget, Nadler already brought in a Constitutional Law Expert to testify before his House committee on the legal possibility of Nadler getting the Grand Jury information - which he was already given an opportunity to see but refused to do so - released to the public...or at least to Democrats.

In that hearing, NADLER'S star witness broke the news to him and his fellow seditious Dems that the information could not and would not be released. He told Nadler this had already been decided in a case before the D.C. S.C. earlier this year, upholding the law, in fact.

Nothing has changed.

Nothing will change.

The hearing yesterday did not present any new information that would change this / cause the courts to change their decision.

Again, all today's press conference was by Pelosi and Nadler was an attempt to save face, to try to convince Americans they did NOT just waste 3 years and millions of tax dollars partisanly going after Trump instead of working to protect our 2020 election from Russian attempts to interfere with it, which they say is going on right now, and to try to justify continuing this embarrassing proven 'witch hunt'.

Nadler repeats faulty claim, corrected by Mueller, about why Trump was not indicted
i swear to god nadler ate paint chips as a kid.

and likely all the way up to and including yesterday.

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