Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections

No, just the jokers that came up with this law.

You may (rightfully or wrongly) object to non-citizens getting s driver's license...
HOWEVER, to extend that objection to voters' fraud does NOT correspond to what CA did to ensure that non-citizens' drivers' licenses would NOT be allowed to be used to vote.

However those very same drivers licenses automatically registered them to vote. You don't think there is any reason to be suspicious about that?
So? What's so good about everyone voting? More than half the people of this country are dumbasses who aren't qualified to vote for head dog catcher, let alone vote for the President of the United States.



The ones collecting welfare (the poorest) in those states are almost all Democrats. See, being a red state doesn't mean you don't have any Democrats in your state. If you wern't such a dumbass libturd you would know that.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.

According to a TIME analysis of county-by-county food stamp enrollment data, GOP politicians represent more districts that majorly participate in SNAP than Democrats.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!
Your other brother from another mother, Rdean, already tried that angle and it went down in flames.

Leave the dead horse alone

Let me guess, you CAN'T refute it and ONLY have BS?


For all the crap about small govt, self-sufficiency welfare cheats and other right wing delusions, the fact is that the red states are Easy Riders living off of the Blue states. And they have less concern for their citizens, worse social behavior etc

The states most dependent on the federal government are who you'd least expect

The states most dependent on the federal government are who you'd least expect


Moocher Red States Still Don’t Want Free Healthcare Money With Obama’s Name On It

. Five years after passage of the Affordable Care Act, some red states are still debating, or outright refusing, free money because they just really REALLY hate President Obama:

Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia said yes to Medicaid expansion when the law went into effect. Since then, just six more have signed on. States that say yes get billions of additional federal dollars, but many Republican lawmakers are loathe to say yes to the Obama administration.

The expansion enables adults with incomes up to 138% of the poverty level to receive Medicaid. The federal government picks up the whole tab for their care through 2016, then tapers its support down to 90% of the costs.

It would be HI-larious, if the consequences weren’t so severe and even fatal, that states who’ve happily sucked off the government teat for years are all of a sudden uninterested in federal dollars for poor people to be able to go to the doctor

Moocher Red States Still Don’t Want Free Healthcare Money With Obama’s Name On It
The example you cited was a coal town that, because of automation and anti-coal policies, have been badly burned.

You can take a state by state poll all you want.
I was talking about how the story you posted has been squashed time and time again.

Do you honestly think that "red" states have no democrats or "blue" states have no republicans?

Why don't you break it down along those lines and THEN tell the class who is more dependent?!

Thanks for the link, Ray.

The quote tags are all over the place so I'll repost

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.
However those very same drivers licenses automatically registered them to vote. You don't think there is any reason to be suspicious about that?

In your mind, WHO IS "THEM"????

Are those "them" legal citizens who combined the requirement of getting a drivers' license AND registering to vote..................OR,

Are those "them" non-eligible individuals who got drivers licenses that SPECIFICALLY states could not be used for voting????
However those very same drivers licenses automatically registered them to vote. You don't think there is any reason to be suspicious about that?

In your mind, WHO IS "THEM"????

Are those "them" legal citizens who combined the requirement of getting a drivers' license AND registering to vote..................OR,

Are those "them" non-eligible individuals who got drivers licenses that SPECIFICALLY states could not be used for voting????

"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.
Thanks for the link, Ray.

The quote tags are all over the place so I'll repost

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.

No problem. Use the information to put these "welfare red state" people in their place because they bring that up constantly.

Liberals never ask questions, they just repeat what they are told to repeat without giving it a second thought.
"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.

I don't know whether you're faking being dumb...or you truly are dumb.

How many freaking times do we need to RE-post that driver's licenses for aliens CLEARLY specify that they are not for voting??????

Are you one of those people that need to be told the same thing 48 times since number 47 simply doesn't register?
If this were the other way around and illegal aliens tended to vote Republican, the left and the media would be sounding the alarms and screaming 'fraud.'

Thing is, the cheating is being done with the legally registered voters.

Motor voter registration is how they cheat. There are always nearly 2/3 of the legally registered voters who don't show up to vote. That means a lot of ballots sitting around unused. When Obama got more than 100% of the possible votes in certain places, it proves cheating and it's likely that some dishonest poll workers made use of those unused ballots. It was the same when Al Franken won after they magically discovered a bunch of ballots, all for him, in the truck of a car. That was just some cheaters filling out the unclaimed ballots. All would appear to be legal because the voters were all legal and there is no way to verify that the actual voters cast those ballots.

If someone would actually do a survey and poll registered voters to see if they actually voted or not, we might figure out where most of the cheating is taking place.

We need to end motor voter because of the undetectable fraud it allows, but of course the Dems are only wanting to do that everywhere. We should have each and every citizen re-register before the next presidential election. It's easy to register for citizens and we need to delete the current voter rolls and update now!!
"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.

I don't know whether you're faking being dumb...or you truly are dumb.

How many freaking times do we need to RE-post that driver's licenses for aliens CLEARLY specify that they are not for voting??????

Are you one of those people that need to be told the same thing 48 times since number 47 simply doesn't register?

How many times do you have to be told that they don't have to show their driver's license when they go to vote? Nowhere does the legislation state that drivers have to prove citizenship to be registered to vote.
If this were the other way around and illegal aliens tended to vote Republican, the left and the media would be sounding the alarms and screaming 'fraud.'

Thing is, the cheating is being done with the legally registered voters.

Motor voter registration is how they cheat. There are always nearly 2/3 of the legally registered voters who don't show up to vote. That means a lot of ballots sitting around unused. When Obama got more than 100% of the possible votes in certain places, it proves cheating and it's likely that some dishonest poll workers made use of those unused ballots. It was the same when Al Franken won after they magically discovered a bunch of ballots, all for him, in the truck of a car. That was just some cheaters filling out the unclaimed ballots. All would appear to be legal because the voters were all legal and there is no way to verify that the actual voters cast those ballots.

If someone would actually do a survey and poll registered voters to see if they actually voted or not, we might figure out where most of the cheating is taking place.

We need to end motor voter because of the undetectable fraud it allows, but of course the Dems are only wanting to do that everywhere. We should have each and every citizen re-register before the next presidential election. It's easy to register for citizens and we need to delete the current voter rolls and update now!!

Democrats heavily rely on the ignorant public to put them into power. These people really could care less about voting, but if it's easy enough, convenient enough, yeah, they'll vote.

That means things like giving people rides to the polls, chartering busses to take people to the polls, extended days and hours so that Democrats can drift in anytime they want, vote by mail so they don't have to get off of their fat asses.

Now if there is any effort needed to vote, those uninterested people that vote Democrat won't vote, and Democrat politicians know this.

So now they will automatically register them to vote to take some of that effort away. Makes it easier to lure people into the voting booth if they don't have to strain themselves by going to the library or wherever to register. It's the same reason they hate voter-ID; because it would take some minor effort to obtain an ID.

Most Republicans on the other hand will go through hell and high water to vote no matter what it takes. We are interested voters, we know what we're voting on, we know what's at stake, we understand the issues. It's important to us.
"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.

I don't know whether you're faking being dumb...or you truly are dumb.

How many freaking times do we need to RE-post that driver's licenses for aliens CLEARLY specify that they are not for voting??????

Are you one of those people that need to be told the same thing 48 times since number 47 simply doesn't register?

And how many times do I have to tell you that they are registering those illegals to vote? It's in print if you care to click the link; right there in front of you.
"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.

I don't know whether you're faking being dumb...or you truly are dumb.

How many freaking times do we need to RE-post that driver's licenses for aliens CLEARLY specify that they are not for voting??????

Are you one of those people that need to be told the same thing 48 times since number 47 simply doesn't register?

How many times do you have to be told that they don't have to show their driver's license when they go to vote? Nowhere does the legislation state that drivers have to prove citizenship to be registered to vote.
And, if you don't have to show ID to vote......
"Them" are those people that get drivers licenses legal or not. If somebody is registered to vote simply because they have a drivers license legal citizen or not, it's not such a stretch to vote because you are a registered voter. And if California doesn't have a requirement of a government ID, then those illegals who will then be registered can vote just using a utility bill or whatever they allow in that state for voter identification.

I don't know whether you're faking being dumb...or you truly are dumb.

How many freaking times do we need to RE-post that driver's licenses for aliens CLEARLY specify that they are not for voting??????

Are you one of those people that need to be told the same thing 48 times since number 47 simply doesn't register?
So I take it that you have suddenly switched positions, and back mandatory Voter ID laws (state-issued ID or drivers license that verifies citizenship), along with the premise that anyone who can't show one can't vote...

Am I right???
My simple solution is to remove party designations from ballots. I predict some of the (R) voters will be lost and most of the (D) voters would be besides themselves.
My simple solution is to remove party designations from ballots. I predict some of the (R) voters will be lost and most of the (D) voters would be besides themselves.

Oh yeah?

Well who do you think would complain the most about that idea if it were ever close to actually happening?

The ones collecting welfare (the poorest) in those states are almost all Democrats. See, being a red state doesn't mean you don't have any Democrats in your state. If you wern't such a dumbass libturd you would know that.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.

According to a TIME analysis of county-by-county food stamp enrollment data, GOP politicians represent more districts that majorly participate in SNAP than Democrats.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!


"But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps (17% for each group), according to the survey."

...The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.


The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients


"But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps (17% for each group), according to the survey."

...The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.


The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

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