Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections

I think we should go back to only property owners and taxpayers vote. We were a more prosperous country then
I'd be okay with tax payers but property owners is a stretch. Many people have jobs that make owning property prohibitive. My first 15 years in business I traveled the country rebuilding Military housing & schools.

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

Spakovsky, a former political appointee in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division whom President Bush temporarily placed on the FEC using a recess appointment, is said to have “used every opportunity he had over four years in the Justice Department to make it difficult for voters — poor, minority and Democratic — to go to the polls.”

Here’s an overview of his record of disenfranchising voters:

Spakovsky stalled ruling on Mississippi redistricting, effecting electoral outcomes: In 2002, under Spakovsky’s leadership, the DoJ stalled making a determination under the Voting Rights Act on a conservative-drawn redistricting plan, approving it by default. The plan influenced the outcome of a key House race.

Spakovsky pushed through Texas re-districting that violated the Voting Rights Act: In 2003, “led the battle within [the] Civil Rights Division to approve the Texas redistricting.” In 2006, the Supreme Court held that parts of the plan violated provisions of Voting Rights Act by diluting minority voting strength.

Spakovsky urged Maryland officials to reject voter registration forms of lawful voters: In 2003, Spakovsky told a Maryland election official to deny voter registration applications if any of the information on the application failed to match what is in the DMV and Social Security databases. The move exceeded federal law and was found to needlessly reject thousands of applications to vote that were lawful.

Spakovsky blocked an investigation into voter discrimination against Native Americans: In 2004, then-Minnesota U.S. Attrorney Thomas Heffelfinger believed a state voter ID ruling would disenfranchise Indian voters, but when the DoJ’s voting rights section sought to open an investigation, Spakovsky directed attorneys not to contact county officials, which “effectively ended any department inquiry.”

Spakovsky approved “modern day poll tax” over objections of career staff: In 2005, a team of Justice Department lawyers and analysts who reviewed a Georgia voter-identification law recommended rejecting it because it was likely to discriminate against black voters. But the law was approved the next day by political appointees, including Spakovsky. When the law was eventually overturned, a federal judge compared it to a Jim Crow-era poll tax.

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

Spakovsky, a former political appointee in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division whom President Bush temporarily placed on the FEC using a recess appointment, is said to have “used every opportunity he had over four years in the Justice Department to make it difficult for voters — poor, minority and Democratic — to go to the polls.”

Here’s an overview of his record of disenfranchising voters:

Spakovsky stalled ruling on Mississippi redistricting, effecting electoral outcomes: In 2002, under Spakovsky’s leadership, the DoJ stalled making a determination under the Voting Rights Act on a conservative-drawn redistricting plan, approving it by default. The plan influenced the outcome of a key House race.

Spakovsky pushed through Texas re-districting that violated the Voting Rights Act: In 2003, “led the battle within [the] Civil Rights Division to approve the Texas redistricting.” In 2006, the Supreme Court held that parts of the plan violated provisions of Voting Rights Act by diluting minority voting strength.

Spakovsky urged Maryland officials to reject voter registration forms of lawful voters: In 2003, Spakovsky told a Maryland election official to deny voter registration applications if any of the information on the application failed to match what is in the DMV and Social Security databases. The move exceeded federal law and was found to needlessly reject thousands of applications to vote that were lawful.

Spakovsky blocked an investigation into voter discrimination against Native Americans: In 2004, then-Minnesota U.S. Attrorney Thomas Heffelfinger believed a state voter ID ruling would disenfranchise Indian voters, but when the DoJ’s voting rights section sought to open an investigation, Spakovsky directed attorneys not to contact county officials, which “effectively ended any department inquiry.”

Spakovsky approved “modern day poll tax” over objections of career staff: In 2005, a team of Justice Department lawyers and analysts who reviewed a Georgia voter-identification law recommended rejecting it because it was likely to discriminate against black voters. But the law was approved the next day by political appointees, including Spakovsky. When the law was eventually overturned, a federal judge compared it to a Jim Crow-era poll tax.

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

That's from your first paragraph. In other words it's an assumption based on speculation.

Why don't you try addressing the topic of this thread, hack.

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

Spakovsky, a former political appointee in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division whom President Bush temporarily placed on the FEC using a recess appointment, is said to have “used every opportunity he had over four years in the Justice Department to make it difficult for voters — poor, minority and Democratic — to go to the polls.”

Here’s an overview of his record of disenfranchising voters:

Spakovsky stalled ruling on Mississippi redistricting, effecting electoral outcomes: In 2002, under Spakovsky’s leadership, the DoJ stalled making a determination under the Voting Rights Act on a conservative-drawn redistricting plan, approving it by default. The plan influenced the outcome of a key House race.

Spakovsky pushed through Texas re-districting that violated the Voting Rights Act: In 2003, “led the battle within [the] Civil Rights Division to approve the Texas redistricting.” In 2006, the Supreme Court held that parts of the plan violated provisions of Voting Rights Act by diluting minority voting strength.

Spakovsky urged Maryland officials to reject voter registration forms of lawful voters: In 2003, Spakovsky told a Maryland election official to deny voter registration applications if any of the information on the application failed to match what is in the DMV and Social Security databases. The move exceeded federal law and was found to needlessly reject thousands of applications to vote that were lawful.

Spakovsky blocked an investigation into voter discrimination against Native Americans: In 2004, then-Minnesota U.S. Attrorney Thomas Heffelfinger believed a state voter ID ruling would disenfranchise Indian voters, but when the DoJ’s voting rights section sought to open an investigation, Spakovsky directed attorneys not to contact county officials, which “effectively ended any department inquiry.”

Spakovsky approved “modern day poll tax” over objections of career staff: In 2005, a team of Justice Department lawyers and analysts who reviewed a Georgia voter-identification law recommended rejecting it because it was likely to discriminate against black voters. But the law was approved the next day by political appointees, including Spakovsky. When the law was eventually overturned, a federal judge compared it to a Jim Crow-era poll tax.

Hans Von Spakovsky 101: How To Suppress The Vote Like A Pro

Don't understand the difference of voter fraud versus voter fraud? I'm NOT surprised Bubba

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

9 Florida Counties Report Faked Voter Registration Forms From GOP-Backed Firm

Voter Registration Fraud From GOP-Backed Firm Spreads

Man arrested in voter fraud

Mark Jacoby, owner of a firm hired by the state GOP, allegedly broke the law with his own registration.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

Man arrested in voter fraud
ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE
Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on October 10, 2015

Democrats are applauding California Governor Jerry Brown’s signature today on a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records. The move automatically opens up voting to 6.6 million Californians.

Some are calling it “state-sanctioned voter fraud.”

As reported by

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records.

Starting in 2016, every eligible California citizen who goes to a DMV office to get a driver’s license or renew one will be instantly registered to vote, unless he or she chooses to opt out.

The new “motor voter” law is just one of several steps aimed at addressing California’s dismally low election participation rate — one of the worst in the nation. Just over 42 percent of eligible voters turned out in last fall’s election. In Los Angeles County, just 31 percent of registered voters cast a ballot.

There’s just one TEENSY problem with this. The California Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has acknowledged it can’t distinguish citizens from non citizens in its current database. You may recall that beginning this year, California began issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants — and received a tremendous response. If it’s is unable to separate out these non citizens in the database, California will be registering illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses, as well as legal immigrants who are permanent residents (but not citizens) and refugees who do not yet have their citizenship. Additionally, the DMV has no way to identify felons who aren’t allowed to vote in California and part-time residents (with driver’s licenses) who may be registered to vote in other states.

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE - Allen B. West -
For the liberals. THIS is the topic.

Don't understand the difference of voter fraud versus voter fraud? I'm NOT surprised Bubba

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

9 Florida Counties Report Faked Voter Registration Forms From GOP-Backed Firm

Voter Registration Fraud From GOP-Backed Firm Spreads

Man arrested in voter fraud

Mark Jacoby, owner of a firm hired by the state GOP, allegedly broke the law with his own registration.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

Man arrested in voter fraud

Your first reply stated that there really was no voter fraud in the country, now you seem to find all kinds of stories.

Imagine that!!!

Don't understand the difference of voter fraud versus voter fraud? I'm NOT surprised Bubba

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

9 Florida Counties Report Faked Voter Registration Forms From GOP-Backed Firm

Voter Registration Fraud From GOP-Backed Firm Spreads

Man arrested in voter fraud

Mark Jacoby, owner of a firm hired by the state GOP, allegedly broke the law with his own registration.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

Man arrested in voter fraud

Your first reply stated that there really was no voter fraud in the country, now you seem to find all kinds of stories.

Imagine that!!!


Hint there are a handful of people trying to vote for another at the poll each year, the ONLY voter fraud GOP VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS STOP!

Don't understand the difference of voter fraud versus voter fraud? I'm NOT surprised Bubba

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

9 Florida Counties Report Faked Voter Registration Forms From GOP-Backed Firm

Voter Registration Fraud From GOP-Backed Firm Spreads

Man arrested in voter fraud

Mark Jacoby, owner of a firm hired by the state GOP, allegedly broke the law with his own registration.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

Man arrested in voter fraud

Your first reply stated that there really was no voter fraud in the country, now you seem to find all kinds of stories.

Imagine that!!!

I'll give you 5 minutes to produce the dozens of links to support your posit wingnutter, then I'm going to go enjoy the beautiful day in Cali Bubba

Don't understand the difference of voter fraud versus voter fraud? I'm NOT surprised Bubba

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

Gop Voter Registration Fraud

9 Florida Counties Report Faked Voter Registration Forms From GOP-Backed Firm

Voter Registration Fraud From GOP-Backed Firm Spreads

Man arrested in voter fraud

Mark Jacoby, owner of a firm hired by the state GOP, allegedly broke the law with his own registration.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

Man arrested in voter fraud

Your first reply stated that there really was no voter fraud in the country, now you seem to find all kinds of stories.

Imagine that!!!


Hint there are a handful of people trying to vote for another at the poll each year, the ONLY voter fraud GOP VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS STOP!

You mean ILLEGAL voter suppression laws. You left a word out.

Naturally it gets you all het up..all you loons start screeching if you think your illegal bs is going to be stopped...

So NO, you can't give me ANYTHING to show GOP's VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS (voter ID's, restrictive voter times, closing polls, etc) have done ANYTHING to stop someone from impersonating others at the poll, the ONLY thing voter ID laws do. Thanks anyways Bubba!
Typical criminal lefty....



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