Name A Country or Countries Greater Than the US and Why

Is America still the greatest country on earth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
I really don't enjoy living in this country anymore. The attitude of rule from above seems to have became the norm in this society. We are constantly told what to think and what to do by those above us in some form or the other. The fact I spend a great deal of my life dealing with what the government wants me to do is another factor leading to the lack of enthusiasm about living in this country. I can go on and on and on about it but it seems quite pointless to do anymore since so many people want to be told what to do and expect others to do the same. America was great a very long time ago but not now and I don't think it will be in the near future unless something drastic is done.

Well, there's the door....
I really don't enjoy living in this country anymore. The attitude of rule from above seems to have became the norm in this society. We are constantly told what to think and what to do by those above us in some form or the other. The fact I spend a great deal of my life dealing with what the government wants me to do is another factor leading to the lack of enthusiasm about living in this country. I can go on and on and on about it but it seems quite pointless to do anymore since so many people want to be told what to do and expect others to do the same. America was great a very long time ago but not now and I don't think it will be in the near future unless something drastic is done.

Which country would you move to where you would be better off?

I would much rather live in Communist russia where life is for free.

You would do well in Somalia...unlimited guns and nice beaches
You can find many countries greater than USA. Two examples:
- Greece for its philosophy
- Italy for its history

I think when it comes to culture Greece wins but Rome was pretty brutal and Italy is actually a very young country with possible more political corruption than the US. Italian culture is much classier than the US for sure.

I don't think you understand the word "culture."
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.

Rampant unemployment, stagnant wages, taxes that lift 30 to 35% of your wages, a porous border but yet we live in a police state because of an alleged war on terrorism. Homeless vets that can't get care but yet they are flying in thousands of unvetted muslim refugees a week and setting them up in a place to stay and providing them a stipend.. A corporate government that has grown oppressive that instead of governing from the bottom up, creates acts and statutes and codes all designed to bring in revenue. They have been skimming off the top and using our tax dollars to basically take over wall street and all the major corporations which is a complete conflict of interest. Doesn't exactly inspire me to salute the flag, no?
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.



Citizens can bear arms to defend themselves
they are NOT a warfare state
I really don't enjoy living in this country anymore. The attitude of rule from above seems to have became the norm in this society. We are constantly told what to think and what to do by those above us in some form or the other. The fact I spend a great deal of my life dealing with what the government wants me to do is another factor leading to the lack of enthusiasm about living in this country. I can go on and on and on about it but it seems quite pointless to do anymore since so many people want to be told what to do and expect others to do the same. America was great a very long time ago but not now and I don't think it will be in the near future unless something drastic is done.

Which country would you move to where you would be better off?

I would much rather live in Communist russia where life is for free.



Again, after listening to the rhetoric that America sucks by democrats for years and years it is hard to feel good about your country anymore. It is just a fact. .....

Sounds like you are a weak-minded pansy who never really loved America in the first place.
Yo, this is Minus Obama!

(1) We saved the World from Tyranny three times!
(2) We`re first at spreading Freedom and Democracy, and there is no second place!
(3) We do more to prevent War, and create World stability than anyone else!
(4) We aren`t using our Power for Conquest!
(5) Our Economy, the way it is now with Obama, is still trying to get back on it`s feet? Our Technological advantage!
(6) Our right as Citizens to Protect ourselves, with GUNS!!!
(7) We can still Vote?
(8) Free Speech, but limited with Obama in office!
(9) Marriage between a Man and a Woman, after the door hits Obama on the ass!
(10) Separate Bathrooms for Men and Women, after the Gay Boy is gone!
(11) We don`t do deals with the Enemies, after A-hole is gone!
(12) And when we do fight a War? We don`t tie there hands behind their backs, like A-hole does!!!
(13) Yes, first to Land on the Moon!!!
(14) Liberty
(16) Freedom
(17) And Rambo Loves Pissing Off The Mini Puppets Trying To Destroy America!!!
(18) Etc., Etc, Etc., and so on!!!!!

You had better listen to the other side and their complaining, or as you call it bitching. The whining from the right is deafening. Screaming and bitching about taxes to remain in this country and maintain freedoms and life style. Then all they piss and moan about is being discriminated against because they are white or christian.
The infinite power of change keeps the world alive.

And if you need a candidate to make you feel "patriotic" that should raise a question about your own patriotism.

Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.

After listening to many democrats bitch about America for years during the Bush years it is probably understandable that a lot of people think their country sucks. Make America Great is just a slogan to tap into that feeling. I think if you don't want candidates to run on these kind of slogans then don't spend an entire generation of ripping into America every chance you get.

Again, after listening to the rhetoric that America sucks by democrats for years and years it is hard to feel good about your country anymore. It is just a fact. Constantly bitching about something causes people to view it as a negative thing. I gave up on trying to defend America from the onslaught of criticism that democrats seem to heap on it because I just accepted the fact that these people hate America. That is fine to me because you are free to hate anything you want in this country including the country itself. I'm not going to waste my time with that argument anymore because it was pretty pointless because the left is determined to hate America at every turn.
That is how the right and teabaggers work, telling lies.
That has never been stated. If that is what you feel. Live with it.

You will never get the progressiveness of this country. It is to continue to make the country a place that everyone can be treated equal and not worry about super rich and super powerful to rule.

I really don't enjoy living in this country anymore. The attitude of rule from above seems to have became the norm in this society. We are constantly told what to think and what to do by those above us in some form or the other. The fact I spend a great deal of my life dealing with what the government wants me to do is another factor leading to the lack of enthusiasm about living in this country. I can go on and on and on about it but it seems quite pointless to do anymore since so many people want to be told what to do and expect others to do the same. America was great a very long time ago but not now and I don't think it will be in the near future unless something drastic is done.

Which country would you move to where you would be better off?

There are countries better than the US but "Super Democrat" who is really a CON won't answer. If he were to answer it would be a country that is a corpocracy, that discriminates against gays, women, and where men are required to own assault rifles. I suspect that his true country of choice would be in the Middle East.

This is a country more intended for liberals. Liberals always talk about how much better other countries are but most conservatives like living in this country despite the oppression that they experience.

We can easily reword what you said by saying:

We won't rest until every rish person is dead.
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.

Rampant unemployment, stagnant wages, taxes that lift 30 to 35% of your wages, a porous border but yet we live in a police state because of an alleged war on terrorism. Homeless vets that can't get care but yet they are flying in thousands of unvetted muslim refugees a week and setting them up in a place to stay and providing them a stipend.. A corporate government that has grown oppressive that instead of governing from the bottom up, creates acts and statutes and codes all designed to bring in revenue. They have been skimming off the top and using our tax dollars to basically take over wall street and all the major corporations which is a complete conflict of interest. Doesn't exactly inspire me to salute the flag, no?

We are a kleptocracy for sure.
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.
Most powerful empire ever, no doubt about it.
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.

Rampant unemployment, stagnant wages, taxes that lift 30 to 35% of your wages, a porous border but yet we live in a police state because of an alleged war on terrorism. Homeless vets that can't get care but yet they are flying in thousands of unvetted muslim refugees a week and setting them up in a place to stay and providing them a stipend.. A corporate government that has grown oppressive that instead of governing from the bottom up, creates acts and statutes and codes all designed to bring in revenue. They have been skimming off the top and using our tax dollars to basically take over wall street and all the major corporations which is a complete conflict of interest. Doesn't exactly inspire me to salute the flag, no?

We are a kleptocracy for sure.

It has become a very shitty place to live........this is pre WWII Nazi Germany....we don't have the Fatherland but rather the Homeland. Better have guns and ammo because it's gonna get really bad and soon...etch it in stone.
Trump is saying that he wants to make America great again yet he offers no specifics. Trump has never named a country that he thinks is better than the US, Are there countries as good or better than the US and why are they greater?

Put on your thinking caps and do some research and present you opinion based on facts. You may want to consider things like standard of living, form of government, health of the people, average IQ of the population, economy, literacy, religion or lack there of.

After the CONS get finished insulting me I will using objective data, give my list of countries that I believe have advantages over the US. Then I will give suggestion on how America can improve.

Warning to the CONS: This will require effort, grey matter, facts, research and critical thinking, none of which are your strong points but at least try even though it may give you a headache.

Rampant unemployment, stagnant wages, taxes that lift 30 to 35% of your wages, a porous border but yet we live in a police state because of an alleged war on terrorism. Homeless vets that can't get care but yet they are flying in thousands of unvetted muslim refugees a week and setting them up in a place to stay and providing them a stipend.. A corporate government that has grown oppressive that instead of governing from the bottom up, creates acts and statutes and codes all designed to bring in revenue. They have been skimming off the top and using our tax dollars to basically take over wall street and all the major corporations which is a complete conflict of interest. Doesn't exactly inspire me to salute the flag, no?

We are a kleptocracy for sure.

It has become a very shitty place to live........this is pre WWII Nazi Germany....we don't have the Fatherland but rather the Homeland. Better have guns and ammo because it's gonna get really bad and soon...etch it in stone.

One solace is that a lot of those bastards are getting old in the tooth like the Koch Brothers. They'll be dead soon. Maybe their kids are moral.

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