Name a successful non-white majority city in the USA

Sadly, Savannah is also off the list. Their violent crime rate is only slightly above the national average but their property crime rate is staggering.

I'm really disappointed.

You mean in Georgia? Where right wingers have nearly destroyed agriculture?

A survey of Georgia farmers found more than 11,000 jobs going unfilled as workers left the state in the wake of enactment of anti-immigrant legislation. The President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council estimated the revenues lost to the state’s farmers could top $1 billion and could spiral out of control.

The state’s response was to attempt to recruit probationers for the jobs. But the president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Assn. reported most of the probationers quite after just one day, with many leaving after 30 minutes because the work was so difficult. Some two-thirds of the probationers were gone in a matter of days.

Arizona, another state that has enacted draconian anti-immigrant legislation, has seen more than 17,000 acres taken out of cultivation as farmers faced severe labor shortages.


You see it again and again. Anyplace you put Republicans in charge, everything goes to shit. They just can't help themselves employing their loony and destructive policies.

Your post is off topic but I can't help to respond anyway.

#1 - I'm talking about black run, black majority urban areas (cities) so I could see what they are doing right. Sadly, I couldn't find any. I sincerely doubt the trouble these cities had was because of "Republican destruction".

#2 - The issue you mentioned is a drive to tighten down on ILLEGAL WORKERS, not an immigration issue. Republicans are all for LEGAL immigration. Fortunately, Republicans - I'm a Libertarian so I'll say conservatives instead - Fortunately conservatives are also against worker abuse. I see no reason why our agricultural labor force should continue to live in poverty and slave-like conditions - putting up with jobs that are causing serious health problems to themselves and their families. I'm surprised that non-conservatives (liberals?) are willing to have such hateful conditions continue. If big agri-business can't step up to the plate and improve wages and working conditions, then they should be shut down.

#3 - Now when my husband was unemployed for 14 months we both (along with our daughter) would sometimes pick up day-labor jobs to make our budget stretch (fortunately we didn't have to do this often and yes we reported the income). However, we were wise enough to not remain in a day labor situation that was dangerous. And would my husband take a job like that full time to get off of unemployment? Heck no! When unemployment pays the equivalent of $8 an hour, why would he take a job that pays the equivalent of $8 a day (without benefits)? There was a time in our nations history when there was no unemployment so people did take these awful agricultural jobs. With generous social safety nets, they no longer have such motivation.

I applaud Arizona and Georgia for cracking down on illegal workers in their states. I wish the federal givernment was in support of their efforts. Slavery was supposed to have ended a long time ago. Let us finally put an end to it now.
Improve the economy. Then less people will need to turn to crime or the government.

I see this a lot... address poverty... then people won't do crime! Poverty isn't why people commit crimes, lack of moral ethics is why. We've now raised a few generations to adulthood, on this notion that poverty drives crime, and we must address the poverty issue to fix the crime problem. WRONG! We have to address the crime problem with education and values instilled in our youth at an early age, and we have to harshly punish criminal activity, so as to greatly discourage it. Poverty is always going to exist, and all it does is serves as an excuse for those who don't want to face the truth and demand we hold people accountable for their actions.

You hear people claim that black youth are stuck in abject poverty with no hope for their future, and out of frustration and hopelessness, they turn to crime. But these criminals don't appear frustrated or unhappy at all, they seem to be proud of themselves and happy as can be, to continue taking advantage of others, breaking the law, and then appealing to the sympathy of juries when they do get caught. There's no moral consequences anymore, that has been deemed politically incorrect. No one can be held accountable, we have to evaluate their background and the environment of their upbringing, as if THAT is the factor here. If only the white folk had poured trillions more into inner-cities, this wouldn't be a problem... we clearly need MORE money, MORE programs... that's going to fix this, even though crime consistently continues to rise, in spite of the money.

The thing we need, is a renaissance of ethics and morality which we've abandoned over the years. Bring back the teaching of "good citizenship" in schools, and yes... even school prayer, because it instills tolerance for the respect of others and their beliefs. Stop attacking organizations which work for the betterment of youth, like the Boy Scouts of America. Bring back corporal punishment, and start teaching youth that there is a consequence for your actions, and you are responsible for the choices you make. Start arresting punks who want to walk around in public with their pants down to their knees, for indecency. Start impounding the pimped-out rides BOOM-BOOMING at every red light, for disturbing the peace. Teach youth to 1. Respect Yourself 2. Respect Others 3. Respect Authority.

Or... we can just continue to blame the problems on poverty that will never be eliminated.
So do we all agree that we should just ship the ******* out? Hmm? Yes or no? After you guys answer that then we can move on with this discussion.

Really? Move on. That's a good idea. OK, let's do that. African Americans tend to create high crime. Because of their broken history in this country. I get that. I wish blacks would move on instead of repeating history over and over again. The definition of insanity is repeating something and expecting different results. Blacks can and SHOULD do better. Expecting people to live up to standards isn't racist. OH, "racism", that word is the last bastion of the moral coward. Racism is another one of those pejorative and accusatory words I wish we could ban.
If you want to see a majority non-white city that's successful. There's Westminster (Viet Namese) Honolulu (asian of some kind) Diamond Bar, (Majority Chinese). There are dozens of others. To get to successful non white cities, you must go asian.

What about Atlanta Katz?

Now that you bring it up Alanta is a good example. What makes Atlanta so successful when cities like Oakland are not?
Sadly, Savannah is also off the list. Their violent crime rate is only slightly above the national average but their property crime rate is staggering.

I'm really disappointed.

You mean in Georgia? Where right wingers have nearly destroyed agriculture?

A survey of Georgia farmers found more than 11,000 jobs going unfilled as workers left the state in the wake of enactment of anti-immigrant legislation. The President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council estimated the revenues lost to the state’s farmers could top $1 billion and could spiral out of control.

The state’s response was to attempt to recruit probationers for the jobs. But the president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Assn. reported most of the probationers quite after just one day, with many leaving after 30 minutes because the work was so difficult. Some two-thirds of the probationers were gone in a matter of days.

Arizona, another state that has enacted draconian anti-immigrant legislation, has seen more than 17,000 acres taken out of cultivation as farmers faced severe labor shortages.


You see it again and again. Anyplace you put Republicans in charge, everything goes to shit. They just can't help themselves employing their loony and destructive policies.

Your post is off topic but I can't help to respond anyway.

#1 - I'm talking about black run, black majority urban areas (cities) so I could see what they are doing right. Sadly, I couldn't find any. I sincerely doubt the trouble these cities had was because of "Republican destruction".

#2 - The issue you mentioned is a drive to tighten down on ILLEGAL WORKERS, not an immigration issue. Republicans are all for LEGAL immigration. Fortunately, Republicans - I'm a Libertarian so I'll say conservatives instead - Fortunately conservatives are also against worker abuse. I see no reason why our agricultural labor force should continue to live in poverty and slave-like conditions - putting up with jobs that are causing serious health problems to themselves and their families. I'm surprised that non-conservatives (liberals?) are willing to have such hateful conditions continue. If big agri-business can't step up to the plate and improve wages and working conditions, then they should be shut down.

#3 - Now when my husband was unemployed for 14 months we both (along with our daughter) would sometimes pick up day-labor jobs to make our budget stretch (fortunately we didn't have to do this often and yes we reported the income). However, we were wise enough to not remain in a day labor situation that was dangerous. And would my husband take a job like that full time to get off of unemployment? Heck no! When unemployment pays the equivalent of $8 an hour, why would he take a job that pays the equivalent of $8 a day (without benefits)? There was a time in our nations history when there was no unemployment so people did take these awful agricultural jobs. With generous social safety nets, they no longer have such motivation.

I applaud Arizona and Georgia for cracking down on illegal workers in their states. I wish the federal givernment was in support of their efforts. Slavery was supposed to have ended a long time ago. Let us finally put an end to it now.

Actually, when you look at the bigger picture, it is on topic. Blacks only make up 11 or 12% of the entire population of the United States. There are many white cities that have gone bankrupt or are close to it, especially in Red States. And why is that? From 2001 to 2008, the Chinese funded Chamber of Commerce, who gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats (we know that from the last election), helped business move millions of unskilled jobs to China. This closed down tens of thousands of factories in the United States. The black community was very hard hit. But so was the white community. But so many of those in the white community are racists. In fact, they wanted to put into office a pioneer of outsourcing who was moving one of his companies that used to be here in Illinois to China the very month of the election. And a few honest ones will admit the only reason they wanted to put such an odious man into office was because "at least he's white".

This is why this thread is a race rant and that's all it is. What about right wingers agreeing with Rick Santorum that education is for snobs? Or promoting the idea that you can get a good job without education? Or some guy made millions and was a college drop out? Fuck that stupid way of thinking. People win the lotto. The odds of a college dropout making a billion dollars is probably about the same. It happens, but it's rare.

And look at Georgia and Arizona. "Oh, we saved those people from being used. We helped them and stopped the bad farmers". Sure you did.

Only let's look at what you actually did. You dismantled a system that people had been depending on for the last hundred years and replaced it with nothing. You fucked the migrant workers because now they don't even have those low paying jobs. You fucked the farmers because they have no one to pick their crops. You fucked yourself because now the cost of food will go up and you were just complaining about how hard it's been for you.

Only now, you pretend to care about people you don't give a shit about. Because if you did, you wouldn't have just fucked them over so royally. Only now, it's beginning to sink in that you screwed yourself along with everyone else. And that's how Republican policies work, or don't work. Because they think 'studies' are girly. They don't believe in education of science. So their policies are only "imagined" and not studied in a meaningful way. Look at "twinkle down" or the "Bush tax cuts". Many companies actually used the money from the Bush tax cuts to fund their movement of jobs to China. Wow, and we didn't see that coming? Actually, many on the left did.
Improve the economy. Then less people will need to turn to crime or the government.

I see this a lot... address poverty... then people won't do crime! Poverty isn't why people commit crimes, lack of moral ethics is why. We've now raised a few generations to adulthood, on this notion that poverty drives crime, and we must address the poverty issue to fix the crime problem. WRONG! We have to address the crime problem with education and values instilled in our youth at an early age, and we have to harshly punish criminal activity, so as to greatly discourage it. Poverty is always going to exist, and all it does is serves as an excuse for those who don't want to face the truth and demand we hold people accountable for their actions.

You hear people claim that black youth are stuck in abject poverty with no hope for their future, and out of frustration and hopelessness, they turn to crime. But these criminals don't appear frustrated or unhappy at all, they seem to be proud of themselves and happy as can be, to continue taking advantage of others, breaking the law, and then appealing to the sympathy of juries when they do get caught. There's no moral consequences anymore, that has been deemed politically incorrect. No one can be held accountable, we have to evaluate their background and the environment of their upbringing, as if THAT is the factor here. If only the white folk had poured trillions more into inner-cities, this wouldn't be a problem... we clearly need MORE money, MORE programs... that's going to fix this, even though crime consistently continues to rise, in spite of the money.

The thing we need, is a renaissance of ethics and morality which we've abandoned over the years. Bring back the teaching of "good citizenship" in schools, and yes... even school prayer, because it instills tolerance for the respect of others and their beliefs. Stop attacking organizations which work for the betterment of youth, like the Boy Scouts of America. Bring back corporal punishment, and start teaching youth that there is a consequence for your actions, and you are responsible for the choices you make. Start arresting punks who want to walk around in public with their pants down to their knees, for indecency. Start impounding the pimped-out rides BOOM-BOOMING at every red light, for disturbing the peace. Teach youth to 1. Respect Yourself 2. Respect Others 3. Respect Authority.

Or... we can just continue to blame the problems on poverty that will never be eliminated.

the "poor" have more economic advantages than the middle class only few decades ago

why don't all poor people rape, rob, wild, murder if poverty was the cause of crime?
So do we all agree that we should just ship the ******* out? Hmm? Yes or no? After you guys answer that then we can move on with this discussion.

Really? Move on. That's a good idea. OK, let's do that. African Americans tend to create high crime. Because of their broken history in this country. I get that. I wish blacks would move on instead of repeating history over and over again. The definition of insanity is repeating something and expecting different results. Blacks can and SHOULD do better. Expecting people to live up to standards isn't racist. OH, "racism", that word is the last bastion of the moral coward. Racism is another one of those pejorative and accusatory words I wish we could ban.

Bravo. :clap2:
So do we all agree that we should just ship the ******* out? Hmm? Yes or no? After you guys answer that then we can move on with this discussion.

Somehow we got to get the black community to want to become party of the general society. As of right now they're a sub-population within our society that seems to want to work by their own "culture" that is totally opposite of the rest of society.

One that doesn't value father hood
One that promotes gang life
One that promotes jungle justice instead of innocent until proven guility(trayvon, La riots, etc)

One that doesn't want to work hard but blames whites for everything. I'm NOT SAYING this to all blacks either but a large PERCENTAGE.

What would you suggest?

Improve the economy. Then less people will need to turn to crime or the government. Also remember that blacks are only 2 generations removed from being 2nd class citizens. They are already steadily becoming more prominent in education and the workforce.

As for Hispanics secure the border. Simple enough.

Skin color doesn't make anyone inferior or superior. It only has an effect on small-minded people looking for something to blame.

aren't you blaming whitey throughout this thread?
I agree with some points made above ... Poverty doesn't motivate people to commit crimes, committing crimes drive people into poverty.

I've read more than one book on financial responsibility and wealth building. The principles are fairly basic: finish your education while you're young and single, if you're going to get married then stay married (since divorce is so financially devastating), stay out of debt (yes, even avoid student loans), create for yourself a financial safety net (savings, insurance, etc), live a healthy lifestyle (no smoking, excessive drinking, eat right, sleep well, etc) and if you're going to have children raise them in a home with two parents (because, the hardest job in the world is to be a single parent.)

When people commit crimes they are at risk for getting caught, arrested and prosecuted. That leads to lawyer bills, time off work, potential job loss, loss of property and a significant impact on future opportunities. Depending on the crime, your credit score might be affected, you might not be free to live wherever you want and you might not be able to work in your chosen field. Many job opportunities will be lost. Many services that we take for granted (life insurance, auto insurance) could cost more. Your social safety net is also strained.

I was startled to learn that in some black communities no one knows any person other than a visiting social worker that has a regular 9-to-5 job. Even with my own now-adult children, I've been shocked by having to drive home the concept that what makes one successful is that old waking up to the alarm clock every day, even on days when you don't feel like it, and going to work and doing your job. This is true whether or not you are an employee or a business owner. I have taken to telling my young daughter, "Eighty percent of life is just showing up". If you're not there, we miss out on so much.

I see this in my DD's school, too. As soon as state testing is done (beginning of May), kids simply stop showing up for school. They figure there is no reason. I was having lunch with my DD and was talking to some of her classmates. It was the day before a holiday was about to begin and class attendance was pretty low. I asked why. One black kid responded, "Well, we're not going to learn anything so why bother showing up?" How do you combat that kind of thinking?

That's my question. I have no fantasy that some "white chick" is going to swoop in and save the black community (there are all sorts of misconceptions housed in that very concept), but I'm not going to turn my back on the kids who clearly need help either. The school has a gifted and talented program. About 10% of the student population is in the program. In a school that is about 50% non-white, only ONE black kid is in the program (two other kids are immigrants from India). That's it. I refuse to believe that 10% of the non-white students aren't 'gifted' or 'talented' so why are they not in the program? I asked one of the teachers and she said, "We try but their parents won't let them." WHY?!?!?!? Why won't their parents let them? (In all fairness, I know one white child who isn't allowed to attend even though he clearly would benefit from the program. I also can't figure out why. My DD says because his dad can't afford it. The program isn't that expensive but it does lead me to question why there is any cost at all.)

As to the above poster who said that prayer in school and corporal punishment should return, I can't agree with that but that subject is best left to another thread. My observation is that the problems in schools now is a failed mainstreaming policy of children who have serious mental and emotional handicaps. Some kids make the classroom, not only a disrupted place, but also a very violent one. I'd like to see that change.
I can ask this question here because people would freak if I asked it anywhere else.

Can you name a successful non-white majority city in the USA? I would like to find examples of successful non-white leadership but so far have not been able to find any. Can you help?

I would define successful as financially stable and relatively low crime. A non-white majority would be a city (of any size) run by a majority of non-white government officials and has a majority of non-white residents.

Atlanta has been doing pretty well.

This is doing well??

MapATL - Atlanta Crime
Black majority: Flint 57%, New Orleans 64%, Baltimore 64%, Birmingham 73%, Newark 52%,
Baton Rouge 55%, Cleveland 53%, Memphis 63%
White majority: St Louis 77%
White plurality: Chicage 44%, Oakland 34%

I wish could give us % of stupid, violent people, regardless of race.

Black majority: Flint 57%, New Orleans 64%, Baltimore 64%, Birmingham 73%, Newark 52%,
Baton Rouge 55%, Cleveland 53%, Memphis 63%
White majority: St Louis 77%
White plurality: Chicage 44%, Oakland 34%

I wish could give us % of stupid, violent people, regardless of race.


Here stupid....

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your ability to find stuff on Wikipedia is really impressive.
I can ask this question here because people would freak if I asked it anywhere else.

Can you name a successful non-white majority city in the USA? I would like to find examples of successful non-white leadership but so far have not been able to find any. Can you help?

I would define successful as financially stable and relatively low crime. A non-white majority would be a city (of any size) run by a majority of non-white government officials and has a majority of non-white residents.

In California, the cities of Alhambra, Garden Grove and City of Industry are all predominately Asian successful communitities.
9 of the most dangerous 10 cities are majority white.

America's 10 Deadliest Cities 2012

Any correlation? Absolutely not. Just like in the OP. :cool:

Actually eleven cities were listed. I will list them in order, along with the demographics.


Flint, Michigan: As of the census[3] of 2010, The racial makeup of the city was 37.4% White, 56.6% African American.
Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Detroit, Michigan: As of the 2000 census, The racial makeup of the city was 53.27% Black or African American, 41.39% White.
Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New Orleans, Louisiana: According to the 2010 Census, The racial and ethnic makeup of the city was 60.2% African American, 33.0% White.
New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

St. Louis, Missouri: According to the 2010 United States Census The population was about 49.2% African American, 43.9% White.
St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baltimore, Maryland: At the 2010 Census 63.7% of the population was Black, 29.6% White
Baltimore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brimingham, Alabama: Based on the 2000 census The racial makeup of the city was 62.46% Black, 35.07% White.
Birmingham, Alabama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newark, New Jersey: As of the 2010 United States Census The racial makeup of the city was 26.31% (72,914) White, 52.35% (145,085) Black.
Newark, New Jersey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oakland, California: The 2010 United States Census[103] reported that the racial makeup of Oakland was 134,925 (34.5%) White (non-Hispanic White 25.9%), 109,471 (28.0%) African American.
Oakland, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baton rouge, Louisiana: As of the census[28] of 2010 the racial makeup of the city was 54.5% Black or African American, 39.4% White.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cleveland, Ohio: As of the census[3] of 2010 The racial makeup of the city was 53.3% African American, 37.3% White.

Memphis, Tennessee: According to the 2006–2008 American Community Survey, the racial composition of Memphis was Black or African American: 62.6%, White: 31.7% (Non-Hispanic Whites: 29.5%).
Memphis, Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, contrary to what TheOldSchool said, of the eleven most dangerous cities in the United States none had a majority white population. Nine had a majority black population.
Black majority: Flint 57%, New Orleans 64%, Baltimore 64%, Birmingham 73%, Newark 52%,
Baton Rouge 55%, Cleveland 53%, Memphis 63%
White majority: St Louis 77%
White plurality: Chicage 44%, Oakland 34%

I wish could give us % of stupid, violent people, regardless of race.


Love the map. Nothing like white, racist conservatives sending lots of blacks to jail and then saying "See? What bad people they are?"
Let's burn all the *******!!! Is that what you people want me to say?

How about address poverty, erase racial divisions, and treat all humans as equals???

Or no am I being a racist liberal? You fucking clowns
Most murders in any city is done by a small percentage of people - so a 95% white city can rank very badly if 5% of the others commit a bunch of killings. Poverty has to be addressed by the impoverished, as they are the only ones who can change they're situation - handouts only allow people to get comfortable in poverty. When all the races have simillar behaviour, then race won't be such a divide. People need to be treated according to their actions, and values.

You will not find a predominately minority city, that is not high in crime.
You will not find a predominately minority city, that is not high in crime.

The notion that economic deprivation necessarily leads to lawlessness is widely believed but is not supported by empirical evidence. Human history is replete with examples of impoverished people—of all racial and ethnic backgrounds—who have endured extreme poverty without descending into criminal activity. During the 1960s, for instance, the residents of San Francisco's Chinatown were among America's poorest people—with the most unemployment, the worst housing conditions, the least education, and the highest rate of tuberculosis in their city. Yet despite such hardships, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the entire state of California in 1965.[1]

Similarly, Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

"The majority of these immigrants had arrived penniless, all their worldly belongings wrapped in a bundle.... Most of [them] arrived in New York. Some made their way into other cities,... but the majority remained in New York, settling in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, [which was] a neighborhood of the poor. Sociologists, with their impressive charts showing the number of toilets (or lack of the), the number of people per room, the low per capita income, paint a dismal picture of the Lower East Side Jewish slum. But their charts do not capture its uniqueness. Though it bred tuberculosis and rheumatism, it did not breed crime and venereal disease. It did not spawn illiteracy, illegitimate children, or deserted wives. Library cards were in constant use."[2]
Poverty and Crime - Discover the Networks
I can ask this question here because people would freak if I asked it anywhere else.

Can you name a successful non-white majority city in the USA? I would like to find examples of successful non-white leadership but so far have not been able to find any. Can you help?

I would define successful as financially stable and relatively low crime. A non-white majority would be a city (of any size) run by a majority of non-white government officials and has a majority of non-white residents.

In California, the cities of Alhambra, Garden Grove and City of Industry are all predominately Asian successful communitities.

Asians are a very capable people.

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