Name a time when freedom to choose was not such a good thing for you


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
I went through this thing some time ago, thedetails not being very important but I asked in prayer what God wanted me to do about ----- and some things came to mind, so I kept asking, trying to get specifics so I didn't mess up, as I so often do

Well, I didn't get many specifics but I followed what I felt I was supposed to do, all the while feeling.. No, this doesnt seem right somehow.. so maybe I'm on the wrong track.. etc.

Long story short, i was doing this and that.. trying to listen to Him.. not sure I was, etc.. etc.. and then this event happened that I had no control over. I had no choice but to do-------- (long story)

So I did that one thing that I had no choice but to do

and then one day I woke up and realized.. Wow.. something actually turned out well without me planning on it or even getting any specifics from God!

so yeh.. if that one thing had not happened, that thing I had absolutely NO choice about.. I would have missed out.

So yeh.. all these people who act like freedom to choose is some kind of GOD.. to the point u should be able to murder your own child legally...
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I forgot to say:

I did NOT want or plan on doing that task I was forced by circumstances to do

So even doing what you feel led to, or want to do.. do may not always be so great.

In other words People should not worship FREEDOM and CHOICE
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Freedom is a good thing.

Choice is a good thing, especially at the grocery story (sigh... we miss the days of well stocked shelves in the early Trump years)

But worshipping them over other values is disastrous.

The Roe v Wade thing is a prime example.

The baby murderers got people to accept abortion as something less than murder.. because of CHOICE.. It is just SO un-American not to have freedom of choice! And so Choice led to 63 million (and counting) murders
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When I was young, I thought i was free to disagree w/ the Catholic Church on certain serious sins, which I did not see as serious back then.. In fact there was this one sin I did not think was a sin at all..

I found out the hard way.. (the hard-headed way).. My experiences SHOWED me in no uncertain terms that the teachings of the Church (the real Catholic Church) are trustworthy. If i had only listened... I was not the only person to suffer this ignorance of mine and its consequences either..

I wish I had not been so damn "free"

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