name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
Actually - I can dismiss it as LIES after reading just a couple. Here's a prime example:
"Oversaw the creation of more jobs in 2010 alone than Bush did in eight years."

Oh yeah - then why does he have a higher unemployment rate than GWB ever had? The libs love to crow that Obama "created 4 million jobs" but that's easy to do when you've lost 6 million jobs. He has a NET LOSS of jobs as president but the libs twist the facts (as they always do) and only talk about the jobs "created". If you have a net loss - you didn't "create" anything.

Thanks for playing LN - but this list is pure, unadulterated bullshit. The fact that the left has to consider a NET LOSS of jobs under Obama among his "accomplishments" kind of says it all.
There is no net loss. There's a net gain (so far) of 5,131,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Oh yeah - then why does he have a higher unemployment rate than GWB ever had?
He doesn't. Current unemployment rate is 5.8%. Bush had a higher employment rate than that in 2002, most of 2003, and much of 2009.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Gotta love retards that use statistics that show how bad the country is doing as proof of how dumb they are. ROFL It's like having ferrets as pets.
Leave it to a rightard to think 5.8% unemployment shows how bad the country is doing.

At this point in Reagan's presidency, unemployment was 7%. According to your idiocy, the country was doing far worse in 1986 than it is today. :eusa_doh:
Your the idiot that thinks 8million people leaving the work force is a good thing.
6 million of them are seniors who retired. I suppose you're stupid enough to think retirement is bad? :dunno:
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

Speaking of terrorists, uh he killed ObL. Something his predecessor didn't. Maybe because the Bush and bin Laden family were such great friends. Think about that maybe when Jeb comes up next time in conversation.
Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Exactly. There is little difference between the two asshole statists. Glad we agree.
Actually - I can dismiss it as LIES after reading just a couple. Here's a prime example:
"Oversaw the creation of more jobs in 2010 alone than Bush did in eight years."

Oh yeah - then why does he have a higher unemployment rate than GWB ever had? The libs love to crow that Obama "created 4 million jobs" but that's easy to do when you've lost 6 million jobs. He has a NET LOSS of jobs as president but the libs twist the facts (as they always do) and only talk about the jobs "created". If you have a net loss - you didn't "create" anything.

Thanks for playing LN - but this list is pure, unadulterated bullshit. The fact that the left has to consider a NET LOSS of jobs under Obama among his "accomplishments" kind of says it all.
There is no net loss. There's a net gain (so far) of 5,131,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Oh yeah - then why does he have a higher unemployment rate than GWB ever had?
He doesn't. Current unemployment rate is 5.8%. Bush had a higher employment rate than that in 2002, most of 2003, and much of 2009.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Gotta love retards that use statistics that show how bad the country is doing as proof of how dumb they are. ROFL It's like having ferrets as pets.
Leave it to a rightard to think 5.8% unemployment shows how bad the country is doing.

At this point in Reagan's presidency, unemployment was 7%. According to your idiocy, the country was doing far worse in 1986 than it is today. :eusa_doh:
Your the idiot that thinks 8million people leaving the work force is a good thing.
6 million of them are seniors who retired. I suppose you're stupid enough to think retirement is bad? :dunno:

No i'm talking about the 8million jobs that left our shores not the 6million retirees over that time period that left their jobs. Let's assume you are talking about 3 years, 6million leave the workforce over 3 years to retirement 6million enter the workforce after graduating school. That's usually how it works. FYI about 4million kids enter high school each year. So say only half the kids who go to school go to work after... that means the number of people retiring is the same as those entering the workforce. However, this does not count for immigration. That said, the immigrants have taken the 3million jobs that the US generated over Obama's reign of terror. So what's going on here? Easy the new jobs suck and don't pay well so the illegal immigrants and legal migrants are taking them. The good jobs are being taken by the best of our graduates, and the rest of our kids are still living at home unable to find more than part time jobs.
Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Correct. Bush was a moderate socialist, not much better than Obama.
Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Exactly. There is little difference between the two asshole statists. Glad we agree.
How many times did you vote for Bush?
Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Correct. Bush was a moderate socialist, not much better than Obama.
There's one good thing he did.

Obama's resume:

- Doubled the national debt
- Expanded fed gov power
- Spies on all Americans
- Enriched Wall Street
- Bailed out the TBF banks
- Enriched his cronies
- Intervened in several nations militarily
- Lied repeatedly about his signature big gov health program
- Promoted racial divisions

Apparently libs, progs, and Ds find this admirable.
Swap out "healthcare program" with "Iraq war" and it sounds like you're talking about George Bush.
Exactly. There is little difference between the two asshole statists. Glad we agree.
How many times did you vote for Bush?

Not one time.

I have never voted for a stinking big government progressive.
He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In other words, he got to shit on America twice.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.

What about your opinion? What is that worth?
Nothing. All dems are EVIL PEOPLE.

BOILING oil runs through their cast iron hearts and poisonous fumes emit from their rotting, viel brains. They hate America and want it to DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!
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