name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

Good? He gave us all 20/20 hindsight to realize lessons learned. Don't elect a community organizer to be the subject of a diversity experiment. Its terribly ineffective not to mention cost prohibitive

I would never elect someone who was a community organizer more than a brain surgeon or optometrist.

I would elect a US Senator though
Nothing to show for it?? Yet more idiocy from the moron who claimed MLK was a Republican. Idiot, they got a black man elected president. Something not possible 50 years ago.
Dumb ass ^ thinks a bastard with a white mother and an absent muslim father from Kenya is an African American.
He looks black to me ...

NOT BLACK !! far from it, to me he is the color of a turd.., muslime mulatto illegal alien lying son-of-a-bitch type turd. :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Good? He gave us all 20/20 hindsight to realize lessons learned. Don't elect a community organizer to be the subject of a diversity experiment. Its terribly ineffective not to mention cost prohibitive

I would never elect someone who was a community organizer more than a brain surgeon or optometrist.

I would elect a US Senator though

How about an ex Secretary of State? :badgrin:

Good? He gave us all 20/20 hindsight to realize lessons learned. Don't elect a community organizer to be the subject of a diversity experiment. Its terribly ineffective not to mention cost prohibitive

I would never elect someone who was a community organizer more than a brain surgeon or optometrist.

I would elect a US Senator though

How about an ex Secretary of State? :badgrin:

Works for me

Hillary, Kerry, Colin Powell or Condi Rice would make good presidents
Ten years and 5000 dead

Bush never told us anything about having to stay forever to keep the peace. I seem to remember something about treating us as liberators
What part of war on that which we are scared of confused you? If we left the ME why are we still fighting in the ME? What part of Obama not changing a single thing wrt. Bush's war on fear plans is confusing you?
Ten years and 5000 dead

Bush never told us anything about having to stay forever to keep the peace. I seem to remember something about treating us as liberators
What part of war on that which we are scared of confused you? If we left the ME why are we still fighting in the ME? What part of Obama not changing a single thing wrt. Bush's war on fear plans is confusing you?
Which part are you scared of?
Which part is a threat to the US?
What part of "we never should have been there in the first place " can't you understand?
Ten years and 5000 dead

Bush never told us anything about having to stay forever to keep the peace. I seem to remember something about treating us as liberators
What part of war on that which we are scared of confused you? If we left the ME why are we still fighting in the ME? What part of Obama not changing a single thing wrt. Bush's war on fear plans is confusing you?
Which part are you scared of?
Which part is a threat to the US?
What part of "we never should have been there in the first place " can't you understand?
I'm not in favor of the war on fear. Never was. Never will be. I wasn't for it when Bush started it. And I'm not in favor of it now that Obama is in charge of it. Don't assume that because I'm a libertarian conservative that I'm a war hawk like Bush and Obama.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.
blow me
Not if your life depended on it.
It was not a request, moron.
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.
blow me
Not if your life depended on it.
It was not a request, moron.
It still ain't happening, gay freak.
Let's see anybody try to refute what I said in Post # 325 (and that was just a warm-up)

WTF? I'm still waiting for you to answer post #283
I answered it with Post # 325. I'm waiting for Obama to get AMERICANS back to work. Post # 283 is unemployment #s coming from illegal aliens and work visa foreigners getting jobs.

Every time Democrats yammer about "jobs" having been created, every American should ask >> "FOR WHOM ?"
What are you smoking? Post #283 was me asking you why Obama, and not Bush, is responsible for failing to build the double fence a mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act?

What's your answer to that?
Before 2009, Bush was responsible. Since then, Obama is responsible, because he's been president of the US since 2009.
So do you admit that the major part of America's unemployment is due to Obama's open border policies ?
Bullshit. Obama is not responsible for the jobs lost at the beginning of his first term. He walked into a sink hole in the job market caused by the Great Recession, not by his policies.
Are you deaf ? I already conceded that. And then went on to talk about the next 5 years. If you don't concede that millions of American are unemployed, because of Obama's lax immigration open borders policies, then YOU are the one who is talking "Bullshit" around here.
Let's see anybody try to refute what I said in Post # 325 (and that was just a warm-up)

WTF? I'm still waiting for you to answer post #283
I answered it with Post # 325. I'm waiting for Obama to get AMERICANS back to work. Post # 283 is unemployment #s coming from illegal aliens and work visa foreigners getting jobs.

Every time Democrats yammer about "jobs" having been created, every American should ask >> "FOR WHOM ?"
What are you smoking? Post #283 was me asking you why Obama, and not Bush, is responsible for failing to build the double fence a mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act?

What's your answer to that
how does it feel knowing the leftist in office that you voted for is a failure ? how does it feel knowing that all your socialist policies are a failure ? how does it feel when scum from your own party running for office are afraid to admit that they voted for the worst potus in history ? the left can whine and scream like spoiled children [because that's what they are ] but their policies and leaders are failing !!! nothing they have done has helped this country .

Unemployment down 24%.
Record high Dow.
Record high S&P500.
Record long streak of private sector job growth.
Ended the war in Iraq.
Got us out of the Great Recession and prevented the predicted double dip recession.

If you wanna see what failure really looks like -- look at the last president ...

Unemployment was up 85%.
Stock market lost a third of it's valuation.
Lost jobs in the private sector (only president to do that since Hoover).
Got us into an 8 year war with Iraq over WMD which weren't there.
Destroyed our economy and led us into the Great Recession.

1. AMERICAN unemployment is not down one iota.

2. Private sector job growth is job growth for foreigners, not Americans. Many of these are on work visas. Most are illegal aliens (10 million of whom are employed)

3. Ending the war in Iraq is the massive blunder that created the vacuum which allowed ISIS to move in and created the war we're now in, which Obama is reluctant to fight, because it would be an open admission that he screwed up by not insisting on keeping the troops in Iraq, as we now see they obviously needed to be there.

4. Now he's getting ready to make the same huge mistake in Afghanistan, except that will be even worse.
Prove private sector jobs went to illegal aliens.

And why do you refuse to answer? Why do you hold Obama responsible for not fulfilling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and not Bush??
Are trying to say private sector jobs have not gone to illegal aliens ? HA HA HA HA!!
EARTH TO FAUN: It's well known that there are 8-10 million illegal aliens working in the US.
On farms, In high tech companies. In construction, In hotels, In landscaping. etc. These are all the DOMESTIC OUTSOURCING jobs being filled by cheap foreign labor, which can only be done inside the US. You don't know how this works ?

As for Bush and the Secure Fence Act, I thought I already answered that. No problem. I'll answer it again. Where did you get the idea that I don't hold Bush responsible for fulfillng the Secure Fence Act ? Of course I hold him responsible for it, and everything else he defaulted on when it came to immigration, which he was absolutely terrible on.

As fro me refusing to answer, refusing to answer what ? I don't know what you're talking about.
ROFLMAO You're either a complete retard, a resident of a looneybin , or you're simply a dingbat Zombie leftist who only cares about the Progressive religion, damn the facts.. I mean come on.. Obama saved the country????
You can't refute a word. Noted
Let's see anybody try to refute what I said in Post # 325 (and that was just a warm-up)

WTF? I'm still waiting for you to answer post #283
I answered it with Post # 325. I'm waiting for Obama to get AMERICANS back to work. Post # 283 is unemployment #s coming from illegal aliens and work visa foreigners getting jobs.

Every time Democrats yammer about "jobs" having been created, every American should ask >> "FOR WHOM ?"
What are you smoking? Post #283 was me asking you why Obama, and not Bush, is responsible for failing to build the double fence a mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act?

What's your answer to that?
What ever gave you the idea that Bush was not responsible for failing to build the double fence as mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act? Of course he was. ALthough he was only in power for 1 year after the act was passed. Obama has been there 6 years now, and still no attempt to build it + scores of offenses allowing illegal invaders to come in.
In Bush's case, regardless of the 2006 act, he should have had that fence built long before the 2006 act was even thought of. He should have had it built in 2001. Clinton should have had it built. George H. Bush should have had it built. Same with Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc
(1) Build the fence.
(2) Enforce tougher employment laws on business.
(3) Immigration reform law.

All at once, not piecemeal, or either side will renege.
(1) Build the fence.
(2) Enforce tougher employment laws on business.
(3) Immigration reform law.

All at once, not piecemeal, or either side will renege.
1) fence is dumb
2) democrats and republicans both won't enforce the employment laws on the books, what's the point of more laws if we are not going to hold the enforcers accountable for doing their job?
3) reform? WTF do we need more immigration laws for? Name one additional immigration law we need? The problem isn't the laws, the problem is government corruption.
(1) Build the fence.
(2) Enforce tougher employment laws on business.
(3) Immigration reform law.

All at once, not piecemeal, or either side will renege.
Probably that is what would solve it, as US corporations have no qualms employing illegals, and they never get caught - and if the illegals complain of bad working conditions (and being paid below the minimum wage) they get sacked and deported. With no ability to find work illegals wouldn't come.
I could say a lot of bad, but I'll say investing in Solar energy. I believe within the next 10 years it will take off and become a respectable portion of our energy needs.
(1) Build the fence.
(2) Enforce tougher employment laws on business.
(3) Immigration reform law.

All at once, not piecemeal, or either side will renege.
Probably that is what would solve it, as US corporations have no qualms employing illegals, and they never get caught - and if the illegals complain of bad working conditions (and being paid below the minimum wage) they get sacked and deported. With no ability to find work illegals wouldn't come.
SOME illegals will not come. Others will come to be lifelong welfare recipients, never intending to do a single day of work. Millions of them have already, and they constitute more welfare receipt than native-born Americans do.
It's an old story (BIRTH TOURISM) ** A young, Mexican woman in her 8th month of pregnancy arrives, has the baby on the American side of the border. The kid is instantly declared an American citizen, and the whole family helps themselves to a lifetime of benefits, at US taxpayer expense. All because of a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.
In addition to the anchor baby racket, some illegals purchase false documentation (an industry in itself), and use it to get welfare wherever and however they can.

** Birth Tourism Baby Calls United States a Foreign Country Center for Immigration Studies
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