name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

He looks black to me ...


But is in fact no more black than;

“Hi, I’m Chris Rock with a special message for white people,” Rock said. “In times like these, you need a white president you can trust. And that white president’s name is Barack Obama. Let’s take a look at the facts — for the first two years of his life, Barack Obama was known as ‘Barry,’ which is the third-whitest name on earth, right after Cody and Jeff. And these are the white people who raised Barry — Madelyn and Stanley Dunham. They are so white they have to wear sunglasses because they are hurting each other’s eyes.”

Rock alluded to Obama’s time as community organizer and some of the president’s hobbies.

“After college, Barry went into black neighborhoods in Chicago to try to organize people,” Rock continued. “How white is that? Black people don’t go into black communities. We don’t have to. We’re already there. Look at him — playing golf, body surfing, wearing mom jeans, dancing with Ellen. Barack Obama supports gay marriage. Most black men don’t even support straight marriage. President Obama has a dog. But is it a pit bull? Is it a Rottweiler? No. it’s a Portuguese water dog. And he named him Bo, after one of the Dukes of Hazard. And let’s not forget, Barack Obama is whiter than Snooki, the tanning mom and Tara Reid.”

“Even Mitt Romney is blacker than Obama,” Rock continued. “This is Obama’s family. And these are the Romneys. Look at that — kids, cousins, aunts, uncles. Mitt Romney’s family has more people in it than a Tyler Perry movie.”

“If you want a white president, I got a polo wearing, Hawaii-living, home beer-brewing, league bowling guy for you — Barry Obama, he’s juuuuuuuust white,” Rock added.
Wow, I didn't realize you took a comedian's routine so seriously. Does this mean you really do believe Russia can be seen from Sarah Palin's house?

Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.” Tina Fey did. Tina is a democrat.

Palin said "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.” And Palin was correct. Russia is actually visible from Little Diomede, an Alaskan island.

You democrats are soooooo stupid.
Nah ... what's truly stupid is that you couldn't tell I was referencing comedianne Tina Fey in the same way you were referencing comedian Chris Rock. Well, hell; if nothing else, you do reaffirm that Conservatives are knee-jerk reactionaries with shit for brains. Thanks.
Yeah, I suppose when I said, "I didn't realize you took a comedian's routine so seriously. Does this mean you really do believe Russia can be seen from Sarah Palin's house?" That I gave you far too much credit to put 2+2 together to figure out I too was talking about a comedian. You're right, I should have naturally assumed that you're a brain-dead knee-jerk reactionary rightard who couldn't figure that out without help and that you would leap at the opportunity to point out the comedic line I quoted came from the comedianne I quoted it from.

Given that probably 95% of all democrats would attribute that statement to Palin... not Tina... you have to excuse me for missing the punch line :) But yes in retrospect that's funny too. And yes I meant to call him white as a joke... he's no more white american than he is african american. The guy is at best a mixed breed bred by marxist trash :)

Here's a list of some BAD things Obama has done.

1. He failed to build the Mexican border double fence, mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act.

2. He gave amnesty to illegal alien kids.

3. He stopped arresting illegal aliens.

4. He blocked the building of more immigration courts and jails.

5. He failed to go after illegal aliens and illegal employers.

6. He failed to strengthen ICE and CBP.

7. He allowed thousands of Central American and other illegal aliens to walk free inside the US border, instead of arresting and imprisoning them (and later deporting them).

8. He maintained a White House with Muslim Brotherhood members in it.

9. He failed to close Muslim mosques all across America.

10. He reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood;

11. He funded Hamas;

12. He continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

13. He dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

14. He hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

15. He issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he was part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

16. He announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

17. He excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

18. He pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president, having just been elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

19. He failed to abolish race-based affirmative action discrimination against Whites.

20. He failed to help enact anti-queer laws (like Prop 8 and the Briggs Initiative)

21. He is refusing to enact a ban on travel from Ebola countries.

This is just a PARTIAL LIST.
You're upset because Obama is not a racist bigot like you. Too bad.
Consveratism is actually the mental disorder. It thinks what we have is marxism. :cuckoo:
Liberal/Marxist/Democrats have zero imagination, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, why else would Faun steal lines from me/conservatives.

Marxism, what principle of Marxism is there is no Private Property, excessive tax is Marxism, my money is my Private Property, who takes more of my money, who costs me more of my money, Liberal Democrat Policies.

Who's Policy is costing Americans the largest amount of money or tax in history, Obama's. More Private Property, more labor, more of my work is being taken to pay for Liberal Ideology.

Liberal Democrats are Marxist, they are activists, no real job. They work for Government, again not a real job for so many or just a job they do poorly. They are Lawyers who operate within the endless Laws other Lawyers write. They are Judges. I mean, what jobs do they do? Its all Government or in the Courts filing endless lawsuits.

Half the population of the United States is literally part of the government, within itself, the government is pure Socialism.

Guaranteed Life Long Employment, meaning that private citizens must work long hard hours to pay for their privilege position in Society.

Socialism is Marxism, in Marxism there are no rich people, the Democrats must attack the rich and take their money (unless they donate to the democrats).

Democrats are Marxist, in Marxism there are no poor people, Democrats give poor people free state of the art, Smart Phones. Democrats give poor people thousands of dollars a year, EIC, Earned Income Credit.

Anything I do in life, I must first pay the Liberal Democrat Bureaucrat. Except for sex of course, but now we must work to give money to Sissy Sally so she can have sex how she wants, with no responsibility.

Marxism even dictates the kind of jobs people can have, like the USA can have what Obama dictates, Green Energy jobs. But stuff like steel or building the components and technology for nuclear power goes to Russia and China.

Democrats are Marxist, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism.

When you dictate that I work so you can live fat, dictating law to me, that is Marxism.

Oh, and Marxist need an enemy, evil to fight. Hate the rich, Hate the white, Hate the Heterosexuals. Save the poor, Save the blacks, Save the Homosexuals.

The proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie,

The democrat would lead a revolution against the conservative.
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
Consveratism is actually the mental disorder. It thinks what we have is marxism. :cuckoo:
Liberal/Marxist/Democrats have zero imagination, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, why else would Faun steal lines from me/conservatives.

Marxism, what principle of Marxism is there is no Private Property, excessive tax is Marxism, my money is my Private Property, who takes more of my money, who costs me more of my money, Liberal Democrat Policies.

Who's Policy is costing Americans the largest amount of money or tax in history, Obama's. More Private Property, more labor, more of my work is being taken to pay for Liberal Ideology.

Liberal Democrats are Marxist, they are activists, no real job. They work for Government, again not a real job for so many or just a job they do poorly. They are Lawyers who operate within the endless Laws other Lawyers write. They are Judges. I mean, what jobs do they do? Its all Government or in the Courts filing endless lawsuits.

Half the population of the United States is literally part of the government, within itself, the government is pure Socialism.

Guaranteed Life Long Employment, meaning that private citizens must work long hard hours to pay for their privilege position in Society.

Socialism is Marxism, in Marxism there are no rich people, the Democrats must attack the rich and take their money (unless they donate to the democrats).

Democrats are Marxist, in Marxism there are no poor people, Democrats give poor people free state of the art, Smart Phones. Democrats give poor people thousands of dollars a year, EIC, Earned Income Credit.

Anything I do in life, I must first pay the Liberal Democrat Bureaucrat. Except for sex of course, but now we must work to give money to Sissy Sally so she can have sex how she wants, with no responsibility.

Marxism even dictates the kind of jobs people can have, like the USA can have what Obama dictates, Green Energy jobs. But stuff like steel or building the components and technology for nuclear power goes to Russia and China.

Democrats are Marxist, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism.

When you dictate that I work so you can live fat, dictating law to me, that is Marxism.

Oh, and Marxist need an enemy, evil to fight. Hate the rich, Hate the white, Hate the Heterosexuals. Save the poor, Save the blacks, Save the Homosexuals.

The proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie,

The democrat would lead a revolution against the conservative.
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes [naturally] to Conservatives.
Last edited:
Consveratism is actually the mental disorder. It thinks what we have is marxism. :cuckoo:
Liberal/Marxist/Democrats have zero imagination, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, why else would Faun steal lines from me/conservatives.

Marxism, what principle of Marxism is there is no Private Property, excessive tax is Marxism, my money is my Private Property, who takes more of my money, who costs me more of my money, Liberal Democrat Policies.

Who's Policy is costing Americans the largest amount of money or tax in history, Obama's. More Private Property, more labor, more of my work is being taken to pay for Liberal Ideology.

Liberal Democrats are Marxist, they are activists, no real job. They work for Government, again not a real job for so many or just a job they do poorly. They are Lawyers who operate within the endless Laws other Lawyers write. They are Judges. I mean, what jobs do they do? Its all Government or in the Courts filing endless lawsuits.

Half the population of the United States is literally part of the government, within itself, the government is pure Socialism.

Guaranteed Life Long Employment, meaning that private citizens must work long hard hours to pay for their privilege position in Society.

Socialism is Marxism, in Marxism there are no rich people, the Democrats must attack the rich and take their money (unless they donate to the democrats).

Democrats are Marxist, in Marxism there are no poor people, Democrats give poor people free state of the art, Smart Phones. Democrats give poor people thousands of dollars a year, EIC, Earned Income Credit.

Anything I do in life, I must first pay the Liberal Democrat Bureaucrat. Except for sex of course, but now we must work to give money to Sissy Sally so she can have sex how she wants, with no responsibility.

Marxism even dictates the kind of jobs people can have, like the USA can have what Obama dictates, Green Energy jobs. But stuff like steel or building the components and technology for nuclear power goes to Russia and China.

Democrats are Marxist, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism.

When you dictate that I work so you can live fat, dictating law to me, that is Marxism.

Oh, and Marxist need an enemy, evil to fight. Hate the rich, Hate the white, Hate the Heterosexuals. Save the poor, Save the blacks, Save the Homosexuals.

The proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie,

The democrat would lead a revolution against the conservative.
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
Consveratism is actually the mental disorder. It thinks what we have is marxism. :cuckoo:
Liberal/Marxist/Democrats have zero imagination, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, why else would Faun steal lines from me/conservatives.

Marxism, what principle of Marxism is there is no Private Property, excessive tax is Marxism, my money is my Private Property, who takes more of my money, who costs me more of my money, Liberal Democrat Policies.

Who's Policy is costing Americans the largest amount of money or tax in history, Obama's. More Private Property, more labor, more of my work is being taken to pay for Liberal Ideology.

Liberal Democrats are Marxist, they are activists, no real job. They work for Government, again not a real job for so many or just a job they do poorly. They are Lawyers who operate within the endless Laws other Lawyers write. They are Judges. I mean, what jobs do they do? Its all Government or in the Courts filing endless lawsuits.

Half the population of the United States is literally part of the government, within itself, the government is pure Socialism.

Guaranteed Life Long Employment, meaning that private citizens must work long hard hours to pay for their privilege position in Society.

Socialism is Marxism, in Marxism there are no rich people, the Democrats must attack the rich and take their money (unless they donate to the democrats).

Democrats are Marxist, in Marxism there are no poor people, Democrats give poor people free state of the art, Smart Phones. Democrats give poor people thousands of dollars a year, EIC, Earned Income Credit.

Anything I do in life, I must first pay the Liberal Democrat Bureaucrat. Except for sex of course, but now we must work to give money to Sissy Sally so she can have sex how she wants, with no responsibility.

Marxism even dictates the kind of jobs people can have, like the USA can have what Obama dictates, Green Energy jobs. But stuff like steel or building the components and technology for nuclear power goes to Russia and China.

Democrats are Marxist, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism.

When you dictate that I work so you can live fat, dictating law to me, that is Marxism.

Oh, and Marxist need an enemy, evil to fight. Hate the rich, Hate the white, Hate the Heterosexuals. Save the poor, Save the blacks, Save the Homosexuals.

The proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie,

The democrat would lead a revolution against the conservative.
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.
Liberal/Marxist/Democrats have zero imagination, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, why else would Faun steal lines from me/conservatives.

Marxism, what principle of Marxism is there is no Private Property, excessive tax is Marxism, my money is my Private Property, who takes more of my money, who costs me more of my money, Liberal Democrat Policies.

Who's Policy is costing Americans the largest amount of money or tax in history, Obama's. More Private Property, more labor, more of my work is being taken to pay for Liberal Ideology.

Liberal Democrats are Marxist, they are activists, no real job. They work for Government, again not a real job for so many or just a job they do poorly. They are Lawyers who operate within the endless Laws other Lawyers write. They are Judges. I mean, what jobs do they do? Its all Government or in the Courts filing endless lawsuits.

Half the population of the United States is literally part of the government, within itself, the government is pure Socialism.

Guaranteed Life Long Employment, meaning that private citizens must work long hard hours to pay for their privilege position in Society.

Socialism is Marxism, in Marxism there are no rich people, the Democrats must attack the rich and take their money (unless they donate to the democrats).

Democrats are Marxist, in Marxism there are no poor people, Democrats give poor people free state of the art, Smart Phones. Democrats give poor people thousands of dollars a year, EIC, Earned Income Credit.

Anything I do in life, I must first pay the Liberal Democrat Bureaucrat. Except for sex of course, but now we must work to give money to Sissy Sally so she can have sex how she wants, with no responsibility.

Marxism even dictates the kind of jobs people can have, like the USA can have what Obama dictates, Green Energy jobs. But stuff like steel or building the components and technology for nuclear power goes to Russia and China.

Democrats are Marxist, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism.

When you dictate that I work so you can live fat, dictating law to me, that is Marxism.

Oh, and Marxist need an enemy, evil to fight. Hate the rich, Hate the white, Hate the Heterosexuals. Save the poor, Save the blacks, Save the Homosexuals.

The proletariat would lead a revolution against the bourgeoisie,

The democrat would lead a revolution against the conservative.
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.
blow me
Thanks for proving me right! :mm:

What you describe as marxism is not what we have here. Oh, and I didn't steal that line from you or Conservatives. I stole it from the one Conservative who started it, Michael Savage. And that's only because it so aptly applies to rightwing loons.
well, as long as you are saying you did not steal from conservatives but stole from conservatives, I can see you really do not know what you are saying, a bit mixed up you are,
And yet, I never said I stole it from "Conservatives." Lying comes to Conservatives.
"I stole it from the one Conservative who started it,"

Faun, you make it to easy to call you a complete moron. I almost think you baited me into saying that, I mean, your post is pretty stupid.

This is what we fight, lunatics.
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.
blow me
Not if your life depended on it.
The Narcissist N Chief helped create the last 30 second ads for this election cycle .. his ego made him do it.. LOL
He has helped create a new generation of conservatives, just like Carter.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 60 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, and got Gaddafi.

Obama has done a very good job.
5 years of Obama.....
Americans net worth increased $26 trillion dollars
Dow increased from 6,400 to 16,000
Unemployment dropped from 10% to 5.9%
GDP went from -5.4% to +4.1%
Deficit GDP went from 9.8% to 3.3%
Consumer confidence went from 37% to 78%
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 60 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, and got Gaddafi.

Obama has done a very good job.
ROFLMAO You're either a complete retard, a resident of a looneybin , or you're simply a dingbat Zombie leftist who only cares about the Progressive religion, damn the facts.. I mean come on.. Obama saved the country????
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 60 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, and got Gaddafi.

Obama has done a very good job.
ROFLMAO You're either a complete retard, a resident of a looneybin , or you're simply a dingbat Zombie leftist who only cares about the Progressive religion, damn the facts.. I mean come on.. Obama saved the country????
You can't refute a word. Noted
I see ... so you blame me because you're dumb enough to think "one Conservative" is the same as "Conservatives." :eusa_doh: Regardless of how dumb you are, I never said what you ascribed to me, no matter how strongly you feel the urge to shirk personal responsibility.

Faun, I realize you have a reputation to preserve, demonstrating your complete lack of integrity is very important to you. Kudos on a brilliant showcasing of an ethical void that would make Clinton jealous.

However, I would caution you that torturing logic the way you did above, might be considered an international war crime.

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