Naming the Capitol Cop Who Killed Unarmed Jan. 6 Rioter Ashli Babbitt

What I want to know is ...why is that criminal who murdered Ashli Babbitt, walking among the living?

He should have been shot the same way he shot Ashli ...he is scum!
That bitch got shot for trying to breach the capitol. She wasn't murdered. This guy deserves a medal for shooting her stupid ass.

He's not wrong

He who killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt is a cold blooded criminal. Nothing more nothing less.
What I want to know is ...why is that criminal who murdered Ashli Babbitt, walking among the living?

He should have been shot the same way he shot Ashli ...he is scum!
That bitch got shot for trying to breach the capitol. She wasn't murdered. This guy deserves a medal for shooting her stupid ass.

He's not wrong

He who killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt is a cold blooded criminal. Nothing more nothing less.
Nope. He is a hero that should get a medal. That dumb bitch got exactly what she deserved. She was a fucking traitor.
I think the shooter is well known. Otherwise this would be identity hiding overkill
I saw no justification for her being shot and it makes no sense. This one woman was the lone threat? That said most complaining have argued for years to just do what law enforcement tells you to do and no one gets hurt.

They still do but all the same, why does it not apply here?

she was security detail while she was in the AF & knew the 2nd she trespassed she was committing a crime. she also knew that when she was front & center of a mob trying to force their way into the house chambers where the inside security were the only barrier between a bloodthirsty crowd & the members of congress they were defending & protecting. she rolled the dice & lost. it was her own fault.

All the same the officer that shot was not at risk. I do not support killing someone in that scenario.

they were busting thru the door.
True, but did you hear that cop yell out "First person through gets shot!" No. He said nothing before firing. The filmer was standing close to where he was standing and had the audio on the whole time. I heard nothing from that cop...nada....what I did hear was another person from behind the doors say, "I see a gun!". That would have been enough for me to not attempt to continue to get through the doors. She chose to continue but I have no proof she heard what was audible on tape when the person (sounded like another in her group) saying I see a gun. My point? Even in the heat of the moment, hearts racing, adrenaline pumping, focusing on protecting the sealed area, that cop should have at least shouted out "I plan to shoot!" or similar heads up but he chose to stay mute. Maybe if this does go to court, as it sounds, he'll provide testimony about why he just chose to shoot without verbal warning when he had the time to do so.

We have no idea what kind of warning he gave. He was out of sight of the camera at first.

he warned them not to enter. who do the insurrectionists think were on the other side of that busted door?

ignorance is not a defense.

Nobody else was a risk?
They were ALL a threat, collectively. Have you watched any of the video of what was going on that day?
Pennsylvania man assaulted police officer, stole another's bodycam during Capitol riot, prosecutors say

Sure, but only one was shot.
I agree 100% NVM about thinking a cop might think that "if a person can see me addressing them and telling them to cease whatever behavior they're engaged in with my firearm in my hand, and for whatever reason they think they don't have to pay attention to what I'm saying to them, that behavior in and of itself is worrisome MINUS THIs NEXT PART: and can cause them to get shot". That last part seems subjective not absolute.
The last part is subjective and not absolute because no situation is identical, including the protection officer's training, prior experience, knowledge, etc. and what else is going on around him.

But what is absolute is that a person is ONLY supposed to use lethal force to counter a threat and the amount of force has to be commensurate with the threat and this applies to civilians as well as law enforcement officers.

Many individuals have been complaining that Ashli herself was not a threat and that she was unarmed. She was the head of a mob attempting to breach the last barrier between the mob and our representatives. Had they breached that last barrier then the only thing between the mob and our representatives would have been the armed protections officers (I don't know if they were LEOS, secret service, etc.) who were vastly outnumbered. Therefore the best strategy was to prevent/discourage them from coming through that window where they had just broken out the glass which demonstrated their intentions to use it to gain entry to the chambers by climbing through it). They this to be their plan when they hoisted Ashli up so that she could climb through.

There was more than one officer on the other side of that window and in that area with their weapons all trained on that window, all presumably prepared to shoot if the mob began coming through. And I'm saying all of this to simply make the point that I don't know anyone who would ignore law enforcement officers, with guns, pointing specifically at them and then expect not to be shot if they ignored their commands.

The mob was the threat primarily because they would have quickly overcome the officers and the best chance that they had to prevent that scenario from playing out was preventing anyone from making it through the window. That's what happened, Ashli tried and was shot and after that no one else tried, so they effectively neutralized the threat.
Questions that would come to the mind of a juror and relevant to your remarks:
1. Was there evidence that Ashli Babbitt was considered to be the “leader “ of this particular group of protesters? I haven’t read up enough to know if there is evidence or otherwise.

2. Did the amount of force used commensurate with Babbitt’s attempt to climb through the broken glass on one of the doors?

3. Why did the other capitol police decide to not shoot when they saw Babbitt attempting to climb through the window?

4. Did A. Babbitt hear any officer, particularly of importance would have been the officer who pulled the trigger, give a verbal warning? As I stated earlier, this should weigh in heavily about the legal outcome particularly if none was given.
I agree with your opinion about the cop who shot Ashley likely figured that if he took one out (perhaps he planned to only injure her, but that would be evidence he was a very poor shot and had no business firing in the first place as well as being the first to do so) would send a message to all others and stop their attempts from breaking through the doors.

Had Babbitt not died but only grazed, the USCP wouldn’t have to carry on its traditional role of being separate and secretive and come out publicly with its AG report about January 6th. (I had no clue USCP played by a different set of rules- no reports required about personnels’ public complaints kept secret, and no reports by USCP’s AG required for public disclosure…. ever!? If the reason for their nondisclosure of incidents is the officers’ safety, I’m not buying it. If the reason for their non-disclosure is that it would somehow reveal the US Capitol’s layout better for potential infiltration there are maps available online to view the whole layout -tunnels and all.

So my area of a focus boils down to two things: first, did this cop give a verbal warning-at this point I don’t think he did nor did any of the other cops near him yell out, “First one through the door gets shot!!” That matters greatly. Second, why are capital police allowed to be above the law and have their own separate laws without any legal requirement for disclosure, partial disclosure, or even a glossed-over public version? I can only imagine there must’ve been various coverups to save face in CP’s history…. sorry, I’m just a normal human who suspects when things are intentionally kept below the surface, there’s usually a purpose for it and I’d like to know the purpose.

Philandro Castile gets blown away for trying to do what he was being told. Not a peep.

Here we have someone that was shot breaking into the Capital and there seems to be a lot of questions.
Castille---high on drugs with kids in the car driving around reaching for a gun? That castille?

seems you got a problem with pathological lying. cough up an unbiased credible link proving that or just stfu.
What do you want to argue here playtime--------------I don't lie asshole.. I am brutally honest which is far more fun.

Playtime, why are posting a disagree sign when the facts are just posted? What is wrong with you? Show some class---you are wrong (well I know I have corrected you before on this so actually you are playing games).......admit you are wrong and stop posting bs about this awful stupid druggy reaching for a gun.

^^^ perfect example of a certifiable whackadoodle qanon chick that can't back up her nonsense; so she tries ad nauseum to rinse & repeat but nobody outside her methane filled CONspiracy bubble will accept anything she says because she has proven multiple times just how insane she really is ^^^
What I want to know is ...why is that criminal who murdered Ashli Babbitt, walking among the living?

He should have been shot the same way he shot Ashli ...he is scum!
That bitch got shot for trying to breach the capitol. She wasn't murdered. This guy deserves a medal for shooting her stupid ass.

He's not wrong

He who killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt is a cold blooded criminal. Nothing more nothing less.

she who joined insurrectionists that attempted a coup, & was killed in the traitorous act - was a domestic terrorist.

nothing more, nothing less.
Posts a homophobic POS

Nothing the least bit wrong with being “homophobic”. All that that slur truly means is that one recognizes and calls out a sick, immoral, degenerate sexual; perversion for what it truly is.

It is those who condemn “homophobia”, and who defend and support the aforementioned sick perversion, who have something to be ashamed of.

But being thus ashamed would require one to have a conscience—a sense of right and wrong—which your kind lack.

It's sort of a moral/ethical counterpart to the Dunning-Kruger effect—you wallow in madness, perversion, and outright evil, and somehow think that this gives you some sort of moral superiority over normal, decent folks.
There's a difference between justice and revenge. You guys really want to kill this mystery hero.
If he's such a big fucking hero, pun a medal on him in public.

I dare you.
Is he a Hero?
He was just doing his job

Just beyond the windows was some congressmembers.
The insurgenists broke the window creating vision and a path.
Insurgenists shouted gun. There’s a gun.

Insurgenists Ashli decided to enter the area to gain access to the congress members.

She was rightfully Shot because trump told her to “Stop the Steal”

This death is on POS trump.
There's a difference between justice and revenge. You guys really want to kill this mystery hero.
If he's such a big fucking hero, pun a medal on him in public.

I dare you.
Is he a Hero?
He was just doing his job

Just beyond the windows was some congressmembers.
The insurgenists broke the window creating vision and a path.
Insurgenists shouted gun. There’s a gun.

Insurgenists Ashli decided to enter the area to gain access to the congress members.

She was rightfully Shot because trump told her to “Stop the Steal”

This death is on POS trump.
There was no gun on anyone anywhere, but in the hands of the cold-blooded killer cop.

Figures that a knuckle dragging fascist fuck like you would give him a pass.
There's a difference between justice and revenge. You guys really want to kill this mystery hero.
If he's such a big fucking hero, pun a medal on him in public.

I dare you.
Is he a Hero?
He was just doing his job

Just beyond the windows was some congressmembers.
The insurgenists broke the window creating vision and a path.
Insurgenists shouted gun. There’s a gun.

Insurgenists Ashli decided to enter the area to gain access to the congress members.

She was rightfully Shot because trump told her to “Stop the Steal”

This death is on POS trump.
There was no gun on anyone anywhere, but in the hands of the cold-blooded killer cop.

Figures that a knuckle dragging fascist fuck like you would give him a pass.

They has multiple weapons.
Are you denying they had weapons.

You idiots are the ones that defend guns by saying stupid shit like “hammers kill more people than guns”

A weapon is deadly.
There's a difference between justice and revenge. You guys really want to kill this mystery hero.
If he's such a big fucking hero, pun a medal on him in public.

I dare you.
Is he a Hero?
He was just doing his job

Just beyond the windows was some congressmembers.
The insurgenists broke the window creating vision and a path.
Insurgenists shouted gun. There’s a gun.

Insurgenists Ashli decided to enter the area to gain access to the congress members.

She was rightfully Shot because trump told her to “Stop the Steal”

This death is on POS trump.
There was no gun on anyone anywhere, but in the hands of the cold-blooded killer cop.

Figures that a knuckle dragging fascist fuck like you would give him a pass.

firearms were confiscated... along with a multitude of other weapons. research it. google is yer friend....

fake news is not. & security had no idea is anybody busting thru the house chambers doors were armed or had a bomb.
There's a difference between justice and revenge. You guys really want to kill this mystery hero.
If he's such a big fucking hero, pun a medal on him in public.

I dare you.
Is he a Hero?
He was just doing his job

Just beyond the windows was some congressmembers.
The insurgenists broke the window creating vision and a path.
Insurgenists shouted gun. There’s a gun.

Insurgenists Ashli decided to enter the area to gain access to the congress members.

She was rightfully Shot because trump told her to “Stop the Steal”

This death is on POS trump.
There was no gun on anyone anywhere, but in the hands of the cold-blooded killer cop.

Figures that a knuckle dragging fascist fuck like you would give him a pass.

firearms were confiscated... along with a multitude of other weapons. research it. google is yer friend....

fake news is not. & security had no idea is anybody busting thru the house chambers doors were armed or had a bomb.

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