Nancy looks nervous and upset. Mike looks strong and confident

Somewhere along the line Pelosi got the impression that she is POTUS. The leftarded media called this a "Trump meltdown." :lol:

Somewhere along the line, Trump got the idea that he does not work for the people, but that the people were subject to his rule.
Somewhere along the line you got the idea that what your media tells you to think is the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth. In the following CBS News poll I found most surprising that 30% of Dems approved of Trump's SOTU address. It seems the 2020 red tsunami is getting an early start:


You have to be fucking kidding me! "Speech watchers" approved of the speech? That's like saying that a pool of NAZIs agree that they hate Jews!
Really? CBS News polled a bunch of Nazis to get those results? That's what I meant when I said you're ruled by
what your media tells you
to believe. Do you have anything other than the voices in your toilet bowl to support you claim that CBS is Nazi media?

CBS News - Media Bias/Fact Check

CBS News Media Bias Rating

I forgot that I have to dumb it down for a Trumpette. What I am saying is that few people who were not Trump supporters even watched the speech, which makes the poll statistics about as reliable as saying that 9 out of 10 smokers agree that they like tobacco.
So you are saying that only Nazis watched the SOTU address? And you think you can dumb down?
pigpence looked like his usual child-zombie, low-IQ self. Since he had to stand up most of the time, he didn't get to play with his weenie under the desk. The guy's a joke. He couldn't look strong in a kindergarten class.
And what do you have against Pence? Compare him to Nadler or Schiff. Now that's a funny image!

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