Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?
So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?

Trump wasn't President until January 20th.
So was it just a simple oversight that no one told the President Elect? Or something more.

The investigation was on a need to know basis, and Trump didn't need to know at the time.

How would that be when Yates was so concerned about Flynn? To me this is like 8 on the richter scale heading for 15 and the President needed to know.

"Yates, who was then the deputy attorney general, considered Flynn’s comments during an intercepted phone call with Kislyak last December “highly significant” and “potentially illegal.”

DOJ warned Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail: reports

This is going to blow up big time. Why would you keep the President in the dark about his National Security Advisor?

Somebody's got some splain to do.
So was it just a simple oversight that no one told the President Elect? Or something more.

The investigation was on a need to know basis, and Trump didn't need to know at the time.

How would that be when Yates was so concerned about Flynn? To me this is like 8 on the richter scale heading for 15 and the President needed to know.

"Yates, who was then the deputy attorney general, considered Flynn’s comments during an intercepted phone call with Kislyak last December “highly significant” and “potentially illegal.”

DOJ warned Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail: reports

This is going to blow up big time. Why would you keep the President in the dark about his National Security Advisor?

Somebody's got some splain to do.

They did warn Trump... and Trump fired her. Again, Trump wasn't President until January 20th.
So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?

Trump wasn't President until January 20th.

Pfffft. Don't split hairs. Why would Trump not be told that his National Security Advisor was being investigated? Or that the AG's office felt he was committing illegal acts?

Trying to set Trump up?
So was it just a simple oversight that no one told the President Elect? Or something more.

The investigation was on a need to know basis, and Trump didn't need to know at the time.

How would that be when Yates was so concerned about Flynn? To me this is like 8 on the richter scale heading for 15 and the President needed to know.

"Yates, who was then the deputy attorney general, considered Flynn’s comments during an intercepted phone call with Kislyak last December “highly significant” and “potentially illegal.”

DOJ warned Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail: reports

This is going to blow up big time. Why would you keep the President in the dark about his National Security Advisor?

Somebody's got some splain to do.

They did warn Trump... and Trump fired her. Again, Trump wasn't President until January 20th.

Yates was fired for her very public refusal to follow the orders of the President. And Trump was still President elect in this time period. And getting briefings.

But not about this?
So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?

Trump wasn't President until January 20th.

Pfffft. Don't split hairs. Why would Trump not be told that his National Security Advisor was being investigated? Or that the AG's office felt he was committing illegal acts?

Trying to set Trump up?
. They have been doing that since day one and before.
So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?
. Because they are trying to undermine this presidency at all cost, and this president had best realize this quickly.
Trump Hires only the Best People

What did Trump know and when did he know it ....FlynnGate

“What is missing from the story so far is the president of the United States. When did he know and when did he know it,” Gergen said, invoking former Sen Howard Baker’s comment that opened the gates for Nixon’s resignation in the face of impeachment.

“If they had a report to the legal counsel, the general counsel would have presumably reported to the president, why is Flynn still there?” Gergen continued. “It’s unimaginable that the White House general counsel would sit on it, not tell anybody else in the White House. In every White House I’ve ever been in, this would go to the president like that,” he said as he snapped his fingers.

“This is very serious stuff. If you’re told that your national security adviser is potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians, that is extremely serious,” he concluded.

‘What did he know and when did he know it’: David Gergen asks when Trump knew about Flynn blackmail risk
Is he gone yet ?
Unfortunately yes. Now the adminstration needs to check to make sure if the sanctions were legal based upon the reasoning Obama gave for implementing the sanctions.
President Obama's reasoning was the same as countries of the European Union (EU), Non-EU European countries (Norway and Ukraine), Canada, Australia, Japan and New Zealand. Why would sanctions be unlawful?
A problem was that Donald Trump was criticizing Americans such as all the Republicans who were campaigning for the post of president, Senator John McCain and all POWs while he dodged military service, American institutions such as the free press and TV (except Faux News), the handicapped, the intelligence agencies, as well as the European Union, Mexico, and Japan ... but not a word against Putin whom he admires. He said at one stage that he might lift sanctions on Russia in return for nuclear armaments being reduced by them. So, if Flynn was chatting to the Russian ambassador, it was not difficult to imagine the topic of sanctions coming up.
So the phone call being intercepted on December 29th, Flynn under investigation and no one told the President.

Only told his White House counsel like a month later. Why? Why would you keep the President and the Vice President in the dark about this?

Trump wasn't President until January 20th.

Pfffft. Don't split hairs. Why would Trump not be told that his National Security Advisor was being investigated? Or that the AG's office felt he was committing illegal acts?

Trying to set Trump up?

THEY TOLD TRUMP. Why do you keep saying they didn't?

Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say

In fact there was only one person that didn't want to tell Trump about the investigation, Comey (Who you are free to start hating again), and it was because they didn't want him and his knowledge of it to impede the investigation.

"Yates, Clapper and Brennan argued for briefing the incoming administration so the new president could decide how to deal with the matter. The officials discussed options, including telling Pence, the incoming White House counsel, the incoming chief of staff or Trump himself.

FBI Director James B. Comey initially opposed notification, citing concerns that it could complicate the agency’s investigation."

....and as far as your question as to why Flynn was caught on tape, like I said, the intelligence community regularly monitors the Russians phone calls.

"Intelligence analysts began to search for clues that could help explain Putin’s move. The search turned up Kislyak’s communications, which the FBI routinely monitors, and the phone call in question with Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general with years of intelligence experience."

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