Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

May as well give Flynn's job to Barron Von Trump. We're screwed anyway.
. Just for some clarity on how dam crazy these liberals are, and then y'all can carry on.. I was watching Judge Jeanine, and she had a liberal shill on the show tonight, and she (the judge) was asking her about why was it that the left was attacking Ivanka Trump like they are so much ? The crazy liberal said this next, "look at what she (Ivanka) wore when she walked out on that stage, and then you find later that it was something she had forsake in her clothing line" ? The judge said well she didn't walk out and say "oh and by the way, you can buy this dress on line" immediately after she spoke. The woman wore a beautiful dress that she designed, and the left goes crazy ?? This crazy leftist then reffered to the dress Michelle Obama wore, and she told how it was just a plain black dress that her family didn't make any money off of afterwards. This is just for some perspective as to what the nation is dealing with in these leftist. They have got to be embarrased on issues like this. Carry on.

Ain't paybacks a bitch.
. Can't defend it so you chalk it up as payback eh ? Duly noted.

What I have found on this site is an inability of the ultra -left to engage in any honest debate. They scurry away at the first sign of light that gets shown on them. I am more than willing to discuss and debate and even cede points should they be able to prove me wrong.....but they refuse to do so. They obviously have no faith in their ability to make salient points. Their game is simply lame flames that are easily waved a way like a pesky fly at an Obama news conference. They use three "Ds", dodge and deflect.

What I also find hilarious is how incredulous that they will act when they are slapped down. They believe that they are totally justified in hating but yet they are dumbfounded by the fact that those they attack don't embrace them after their lame attempts at chastising them for not being a fellow's the damnedest thing I have ever seen. Leftards be like "I am totally justified in despising you ......but why do you "hate" on me"? These purse swinging, limp-wristed sacks of shit that suffer from arrested development and a sense of entitlement NEVER fail to amuse me.

One of the best features of the internet is that where else could you delve into the mindset of a leftard/pseudo liberal and still be spared of having to share the same air space with them?
Flynn is an American patriot.

The exact opposite of Pelosi who hates America. ...... :cool:

Oh she doesn't hate America. Why would she. She's gotten rich because of America and her time in Congress. Womans another waste of oxygen.
For someone who claims to be 70 years sure have a foul mouth.

Well, a low-life like you should know that, you can take the kid out of Brooklyn, but you can't take Brooklyn out of the kid regardless of age.............LOL
. All leftist are fowel mouthed. You all think it's cool.
Perhaps you're right,,,,but we also know how to spell foul
BTW Nat I was born in Bed Sty Brooklyn,,,,spent my first 20 years there

No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia
BTW Nat I was born in Bed Sty Brooklyn,,,,spent my first 20 years there

.....and I, in Bensonhurst (although foreign born, LEGALLY moved to NYC in my early years.......The stress on "legally" is for all the right wing nitwits out there....LOL)
Russia didn't hack anything....Hitlery's private server was so unprotected that even a novice hacker could get into it. T

You are completely clueless and you prove it with your every post.

1. Russian hacking of DNC server and Podesta's private emails is a high confidence finding by the American intelligence community and foremost cyber-security experts. Even Trump has admitted that they did hack.

2. There has been ZERO evidence of anyone hacking emails from Hillary's server. Guccifer (NOT A NOVICE HACKER) got to the server, but was unable to actually get any emails.
BTW Nat I was born in Bed Sty Brooklyn,,,,spent my first 20 years there

......however, my friend, long ago relocated from the eclectic environment from Brooklyn (which I sometime miss.)
I've been on LI for 40 years now and btw I've been here since 2013 under another eddie name Messed up my puter forgot my password and they let me back here under a different ID......also I know dale from another board for 16 or so years and he is a friend ,,although we can't see eye to eye , politically speaking
For someone who claims to be 70 years sure have a foul mouth.

Well, a low-life like you should know that, you can take the kid out of Brooklyn, but you can't take Brooklyn out of the kid regardless of age.............LOL
. All leftist are fowel mouthed. You all think it's cool.
Perhaps you're right,,,,but we also know how to spell foul
. LOL... I know right... Never was that great at spelling, and then you got this predictive text thing going on that makes it even worse.. Glad you got the meaning regardless.
Nancy Pelosi....the left wing gift to the GOP.

try coming up with responses that are sane.mmmkay?

your boy is dangerous.... and flynn needs to be out. normal people should agree on that.

Never said anything about Flynn.

What I said, in effect, is that your messaging sucks.

Letting Nancy run the show (can't agree with Bush on anything) is not going to help the dems.

Got that ?
What is this leftist hatred of Russia ? If the left hates Russia, then maybe we should embrace Russia because the left sure hates the conservatives just as much. The left seems to be falling upon it's own sword, so let's just all sit back and watch it destroy itself now.
what is the reason the conservatives here all of a sudden love Putin? What makes Putin lovable to you? What makes him trust worthy? what makes him so revered by you?

Who finds him trustworthy and loveable?

Is it really unreasonable to assume he isn't a freaking moron and not want to fight him if avoidable?

Or should we just blindly march into nuclear war with not attempts at working together?
NO ONE wants to march in to a nuclear war! Where do you even get this crud from? Who is telling you this for you to even make that kind of comment? this has nothing to do with WAR, let alone nuclear war.

Why are you okay with this buttering up to an extremely UNTRUSTWORTHY, murderous thug, and actually think Putin is being friendly for anything that would be good for the USA or our allies? Why do you trust him now? Why? What has he done to make you trust him not to hurt us and our allies? Being buddy buddy with Iran? Being Buddy buddy with Syria? How about the rest of the EU? How about Israel? How about meddling in our election? How about Putin doing the same in our allies elections? All honky dory with you? HAIL TRUMP AT ALL pretty sickening imo.

I'm sorry, but you have lost your mind!
'Buttering up.'

Diplomacy is not a matter of buttering up or even trusting. The fact that we are speaking with Russia is a good thing. It is interesting that you want to claim that you do not want war and then in the same breath talk about how to attack Russia in other ways. You understand where constant escalation leads us, right?

Back when the 'reset button' was FP the left was falling all over themselves declaring the right idiots for treating Russia as an adversary and not trying to 'butter up' to them. As soon as someone on the right goes in that direction it is sacrilege.

Anyone with an objective outlook can see that our FP with Russia has been an utter disaster of epic proportions. I can only hope that something improves.

In who's eyes has our FP with Russia been a disaster???
Is that a serious question? Have you not been paying attention to the degrading of Russian relations over the last decade?

Did you not know that they attacked and annexed territory of an ally? Did you not know that we went into the ME with a mission that the Russians directly opposed and we have since acquiesced to what Russia wanted there? Have you not seen that the US influence in the ME has waned significantly to be replaced with Russian relations? Perhaps you missed all the military maneuvers that the Russians have been doing to challenge our power in the area.

Nope, I don't think you have missed any if that - just that you do not see anything that Obama has done as any kind of failure at all. I cant believe I have to even point out that how Russian relations have gone off the deep end.

This may even prove to be a worse failure than Bush and that is a high bar.
What is there to gain for the USA with a lovey dubby relationship with Russia?
Trade. Peace. Mutual benefit.

Why am I bothering when you are asking such asinine questions.
Do you actually believe we are EQUAL to them or thy are equal to us? Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......we could grind them to a pulp in a war, and we could evaporate their Nation before a blink of an eye.

we have 10 times the military....and some....
This is true with any nation on the planet. I fail to see how that has any relation whatsoever to the horrible failure we have seen with Russia.
We won't go to war with Russia, EVER.....because THEY won't go to war against us, they know better....EXCEPT under Trump, he is licking Putin's boots, acting like Putin is some sort of EQUAL to the President of the US..... for goodness sake!

While degrading our allies in Mexico, Germany, Australia, England .....

It's mind blowing!
What is mind blowing is that you seem to think that we should be hostile to Russia for no reason other than we have bigger guns.
The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???
Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:
What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?
Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?

Here we go again with retarded denying of polling. no dumbass, it was not the same Gallup didn't poll presidential race.

No country that I know of wants to get out of EU to join Russia.

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