Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

First off the President of the Ukraine and Hillary's buddy Pinchuk who with other left wing oligarchs donated multi millions to the Clinton Foundation.

More that the Arab Gulf States. 'mmkay?

The President and Pinchuk own virtually all the media in the Western Ukraine and in Kiev. So as the coup was going down and afterwards the lefties who wanted to join the EU controlled the message.

They still do.

To the Gallup Poll. It was taken in 2014. Guess who wasn't polled?

Oh Crimea. Eastern Ukrainians. Ethnic Russians. Gallup left out huge regions. Donetsk and Luhansk for example.

AKA skewed freaking poll that doesn't mean jack shit.
But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?

Here we go again with retarded denying of polling. no dumbass, it was not the same Gallup didn't poll presidential race.

No country that I know of wants to get out of EU to join Russia.

The EU quotas have kicked in and the agriculture sector of the Ukrainian economy is suffering greatly.

Too bad. So sad. The nazi lovers in the west under Kiev suffering will not break my heart.
No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?

Here we go again with retarded denying of polling. no dumbass, it was not the same Gallup didn't poll presidential race.

No country that I know of wants to get out of EU to join Russia.

The EU quotas have kicked in and the agriculture sector of the Ukrainian economy is suffering greatly.

Too bad. So sad. The nazi lovers in the west under Kiev suffering will not break my heart.
. Is liberalism the most evil thing on the planet ? It very well could be.
What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?

Here we go again with retarded denying of polling. no dumbass, it was not the same Gallup didn't poll presidential race.

No country that I know of wants to get out of EU to join Russia.

The EU quotas have kicked in and the agriculture sector of the Ukrainian economy is suffering greatly.

Too bad. So sad. The nazi lovers in the west under Kiev suffering will not break my heart.
. Is liberalism the most evil thing on the planet ? It very well could be.

There are no real "liberals" any more with any voice...what we have are pseudo liberals...or as I refer to them "Fabian Socialists". Liberals were about individuality and liberty. These fakes are all about the collective and individual rights must take a back seat for the "greater good". They have no clue as to how they have been used and manipulated by the very ones that they claim to be against. They are emotional cripples....anyone that has seen the youtube videos of these little SJWs knows that.....but I do agree, these commie leftists are a blight and cancer on this planet and their ideals have killed tens of millions of people over the last 100 plus years.
But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law???

No dummy, it is not. International law certainly does not prohibit sponsoring. In fact in Ukraine, Russia was by far the bigger sponsor, offering many billions more to Ukraine compared to EU deal.

The 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan is a de facto defunct[1][2] treaty between the President of UkraineViktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 December 2013 whereby it was agreed that Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds and that the cost of Russian natural gas supplied to Ukraine would be lowered to $268 per 1,000 cubic metres (the price was more than $400 at the time).

17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan - Wikipedia

What does that have to do with the E.U and George Soros intentionally causing riots and funding mercenaries to overthrow the Ukraine? Why would Crimea be obligated to stay as apart of the Ukraine when vast majority of their populace wanted no part of the E.U and their IMF cohorts that always come in and put the countries in debt?
According to YOUR logic, cups funded by outside forces = Good
Provinces that want to align with another country = Bad......

Do you even see how fucked up that is at all???

Made up bullshit.

There is a huge support for closer ties with European Union in Ukraine, especially western Ukraine:


Ukrainians Prefer European Union, U.S. to Russia

Did Soros buy that too? :rolleyes:

Are those the same pollsters that claimed Hitlery was winning the election? Does that justify the funding of the coup by E.U puppet Soros? Are you a fan of the E.U? What do you know about it? If it's so fucking great, why are countries wanting out of it? Doesn't Crimea have the right to choose which side they want to align with?

Here we go again with retarded denying of polling. no dumbass, it was not the same Gallup didn't poll presidential race.

No country that I know of wants to get out of EU to join Russia.

Countries want to get out of the E.U, no? Crimea was in between a rock and a hard place. Do they stay with the Ukraine and then have some bureaucratic entity rule them from Brussels, Belgium and dictating what they may or may not do while raping and pillaging the resources of that country via the IMF and taking over their peninsula? Or do they go with Putin ...someone that has kicked out the bankers and trying to restore Russia that was ripped apart by the communistic dictators that were thrust upon them by the global elites? Crimea made the best choice that they could because without an ally, they would have been easy pickings. Putin isn't perfect, neither is the E.U and neither is USA.INC. This corporate entity cleverly disguised as a governmental body that is actually owned by the IMF has been used to take down countries that wouldn't play ball with the bankers and their fiat currencies. I am not trying to be a jerk to are better than most lefties here but this is what I do all day, every day. I despise the neocons as much as I do the leftists.
Acting AG Sally Yates warned the Trump White House about Flynn. She deserves the Medal of Freedom!

Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say

A commie leftist warning anyone about anything is a friggin' joke that practically writes itself.....

Thank you once again for your scholarly insights. I hang on your every word.

Not without a dictionary by your side......
Flynn has resigned. Thank you Sally Yates and Nancy Pelosi!

Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Resigns

There never should have been any sanctions leveled against Russia to begin with and there isn't a single leftard here that can justify them........not a one. Trump should lift them and lift them now.

Except I just did and all you are down to is denying polling again. STFU parrot.

No, you didn't.........and why you think you did only proves that you are an idiot. You can't answer my question about the E.U and why you think it's such a great deal where countries that are in it have to give up their sovereignty. Russia did nothing against international law by allowing Crimea to join them.
Food for thought. Flynn's particular call which started this witch hunt was December 29/16. Who listened in?

Was Flynn under surveillance and Trump and Pence were not briefed about this? Obama's people would still need judicial permission to listen in to his calls. Did they get any?

This is going to get hot. And hotter still. Flynn's phone call is not why he was forced to resign. It was because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Pence and Pence went out and defended him.

AKA Flynn leaving the VP hanging out to dry. Big no no.

But it still goes back to who was listening in? Did they have the right to do so? AND who is leaking.

And whoever is doing the leaking has to be thrown out on their asses.
Food for thought. Flynn's particular call which started this witch hunt was December 29/16. Who listened in?

Was Flynn under surveillance and Trump and Pence were not briefed about this? Obama's people would still need judicial permission to listen in to his calls. Did they get any?

This is going to get hot. And hotter still. Flynn's phone call is not why he was forced to resign. It was because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Pence and Pence went out and defended him.

AKA Flynn leaving the VP hanging out to dry. Big no no.

But it still goes back to who was listening in? Did they have the right to do so? AND who is leaking.

And whoever is doing the leaking has to be thrown out on their asses.

They were monitoring Russian diplomat's calls and it happened to be with Flynn.
Food for thought. Flynn's particular call which started this witch hunt was December 29/16. Who listened in?

Was Flynn under surveillance and Trump and Pence were not briefed about this? Obama's people would still need judicial permission to listen in to his calls. Did they get any?

This is going to get hot. And hotter still. Flynn's phone call is not why he was forced to resign. It was because he didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Pence and Pence went out and defended him.

AKA Flynn leaving the VP hanging out to dry. Big no no.

But it still goes back to who was listening in? Did they have the right to do so? AND who is leaking.

And whoever is doing the leaking has to be thrown out on their asses.

They were monitoring Russian diplomat's calls and it happened to be with Flynn.

Not what I just got from the Hill. For some reason he was under investigation by the Army AND the FBI but no notice was given to the President Elect at the time.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but at that time Flynn was a private citizen. Wouldn't they need a warrant from the secret court to listen in on him?

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