Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

Good Googly Chris Wallace should be fired from Fox. That man is poisonous.
Look, idiot....listen to the audio on the youtube link I sent you and THEN come back and try to refute what I said or STFU.

There couldn't have been a communist Russia nor could it have maintained itself all of those years without the help of the west and the Deep State. When the time was right, they collapsed it and then raped, pillaged and plundered the country when the ruble was intentionally crashed. You don't know diddly squat.

You say I don't know diddly squat but you make Russia and the U.S.'s "friendship during and after WWII to be something special... and it wasn't. History and FACTS prove that. You going to blame CNN and fake news on the Cold War starting in 1947? :laugh:

Got any videos of Joseph McCarthy wearing Red and praising Russia?

Look, you idiot....the USSR was built up on purpose to be an alleged threat but communism isn't a Russian invention, it was put there on purpose. the Goal of the banking oligarchs is to create a communist, technocratic One world government with the elites running it. That was the whole purpose behind the attempt to start the League of Nations and when that didn't work, they waited until after WWII and started the United Nations. Listen to the link I gave you. Major Jordan was there and he took meticulous notes.

Lol... of course this alternate history theory of your's is true! Because you conspiracy theorist who are in the extreme minority are the one's that know more than everyone else... because everyone else in the majority are just sheep! Jesus do you understand that fucking stance is old and tired? Facts... come with FACTS. The Rothschilds were at one of their weakest points right after WWII. Germany stole a lot of things from them... them and other powerful, rich, elite Jewish families were more worried about other things after WWII than the crap you are implying. Seriously you need to get some new game, that old Conspiracy theory argument you all use is old.

You've become the Goth kids who all dress alike as a show of solidarity for all the kids trying to be different.

So, basically what you are saying is that those that research and read books, listen to lectures from accredited researchers like Antony Sutton or Dr.John Coleman are "weird" while the ones that are indoctrinated by the school system that is intentionally dumbing down it's population are the ones in the "know"?????? Correct????

No, I'm saying that the ones that repeatedly say that because they are in the minority on the stance on a subject, that they are the "informed ones" and the majority are just sheep that only believe what they are supposed to believe from the powers that be. It's a fucking stupid logical stance to take, but it is the well that conspiracy nuts go to for EVERY discussion.

For every guy you just named I can name 50 that say they are wrong. You see the difference between my argument and your's? Your's is theories loosely based on possibilities and assumptions. Mine is based on FACTS and history. You have a right to your opinion based on what you have listened to... but you do not have the right to call the rest of us idiots and tell us you are right and we are wrong because of that.

Fact: U.S. and Russia were allies during WWII.
Fact: The U.S. helped supply Russia during WWII when they started to get their asses kicked by Germany.
Fact: Russia kept secrets from the U.S. after WWII like taking Hitler's bones.
Fact: Russia pillaged Germany after the end of WWII.
Fact: WWII officially ended in 1945.
Fact: McCarthyism started in 1947.
Fact: The Cold War started in 1947.

You say that the rich oligarchs worked to create tension between the U.S. and Russia in order to work towards their goal of a One World Government, but fact is some of the richest, most powerful families in Europe were still trying to recover and put their shit back together, let alone worry about trying to take over the world.

So when someone in this thread tries to tell me that Russia and the U.S. were all buddy-buddy... that's B.S., They were just working together because of a common enemy. Hell, Russia was probably pissed because of the fact the U.S. was able to talk Germany's top scientist like Werner Von Braun into coming to the U.S. to help them... which was the largest part of the Cold War and the creation of missiles and rockets that would eventually win the U.S. the race to the moon.

Dude, I don't even know where to start in order to explain how fucking wrong you are but it would be a total waste of time anyway. I have done the research and you haven't. You can't explain all the aid and technology was purposely give to the casn't even acknowledge that the global elites funded the Bolshevik don't know or understand any of this. This is like talking to a mere child about adult things that are above your ability to comprehend.,
You say I don't know diddly squat but you make Russia and the U.S.'s "friendship during and after WWII to be something special... and it wasn't. History and FACTS prove that. You going to blame CNN and fake news on the Cold War starting in 1947? :laugh:

Got any videos of Joseph McCarthy wearing Red and praising Russia?

Look, you idiot....the USSR was built up on purpose to be an alleged threat but communism isn't a Russian invention, it was put there on purpose. the Goal of the banking oligarchs is to create a communist, technocratic One world government with the elites running it. That was the whole purpose behind the attempt to start the League of Nations and when that didn't work, they waited until after WWII and started the United Nations. Listen to the link I gave you. Major Jordan was there and he took meticulous notes.

Lol... of course this alternate history theory of your's is true! Because you conspiracy theorist who are in the extreme minority are the one's that know more than everyone else... because everyone else in the majority are just sheep! Jesus do you understand that fucking stance is old and tired? Facts... come with FACTS. The Rothschilds were at one of their weakest points right after WWII. Germany stole a lot of things from them... them and other powerful, rich, elite Jewish families were more worried about other things after WWII than the crap you are implying. Seriously you need to get some new game, that old Conspiracy theory argument you all use is old.

You've become the Goth kids who all dress alike as a show of solidarity for all the kids trying to be different.

So, basically what you are saying is that those that research and read books, listen to lectures from accredited researchers like Antony Sutton or Dr.John Coleman are "weird" while the ones that are indoctrinated by the school system that is intentionally dumbing down it's population are the ones in the "know"?????? Correct????

No, I'm saying that the ones that repeatedly say that because they are in the minority on the stance on a subject, that they are the "informed ones" and the majority are just sheep that only believe what they are supposed to believe from the powers that be. It's a fucking stupid logical stance to take, but it is the well that conspiracy nuts go to for EVERY discussion.

For every guy you just named I can name 50 that say they are wrong. You see the difference between my argument and your's? Your's is theories loosely based on possibilities and assumptions. Mine is based on FACTS and history. You have a right to your opinion based on what you have listened to... but you do not have the right to call the rest of us idiots and tell us you are right and we are wrong because of that.

Fact: U.S. and Russia were allies during WWII.
Fact: The U.S. helped supply Russia during WWII when they started to get their asses kicked by Germany.
Fact: Russia kept secrets from the U.S. after WWII like taking Hitler's bones.
Fact: Russia pillaged Germany after the end of WWII.
Fact: WWII officially ended in 1945.
Fact: McCarthyism started in 1947.
Fact: The Cold War started in 1947.

You say that the rich oligarchs worked to create tension between the U.S. and Russia in order to work towards their goal of a One World Government, but fact is some of the richest, most powerful families in Europe were still trying to recover and put their shit back together, let alone worry about trying to take over the world.

So when someone in this thread tries to tell me that Russia and the U.S. were all buddy-buddy... that's B.S., They were just working together because of a common enemy. Hell, Russia was probably pissed because of the fact the U.S. was able to talk Germany's top scientist like Werner Von Braun into coming to the U.S. to help them... which was the largest part of the Cold War and the creation of missiles and rockets that would eventually win the U.S. the race to the moon.

Dude, I don't even know where to start in order to explain how fucking wrong you are but it would be a total waste of time anyway. I have done the research and you haven't. You can't explain all the aid and technology was purposely give to the casn't even acknowledge that the global elites funded the Bolshevik don't know or understand any of this. This is like talking to a mere child about adult things that are above your ability to comprehend.,

Sure it is boss. And this type of attitude is why people don't take any knowledge you pass along seriously. If you are going to be a conspiracy nut and you want people to listen to you, being a dickhead thinking you are Stephen Hawking and everyone else is Mama June isn't going to get you anywhere. The day you realize that, is the day you might get somewhere.
There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???
Look, you idiot....the USSR was built up on purpose to be an alleged threat but communism isn't a Russian invention, it was put there on purpose. the Goal of the banking oligarchs is to create a communist, technocratic One world government with the elites running it. That was the whole purpose behind the attempt to start the League of Nations and when that didn't work, they waited until after WWII and started the United Nations. Listen to the link I gave you. Major Jordan was there and he took meticulous notes.

Lol... of course this alternate history theory of your's is true! Because you conspiracy theorist who are in the extreme minority are the one's that know more than everyone else... because everyone else in the majority are just sheep! Jesus do you understand that fucking stance is old and tired? Facts... come with FACTS. The Rothschilds were at one of their weakest points right after WWII. Germany stole a lot of things from them... them and other powerful, rich, elite Jewish families were more worried about other things after WWII than the crap you are implying. Seriously you need to get some new game, that old Conspiracy theory argument you all use is old.

You've become the Goth kids who all dress alike as a show of solidarity for all the kids trying to be different.

So, basically what you are saying is that those that research and read books, listen to lectures from accredited researchers like Antony Sutton or Dr.John Coleman are "weird" while the ones that are indoctrinated by the school system that is intentionally dumbing down it's population are the ones in the "know"?????? Correct????

No, I'm saying that the ones that repeatedly say that because they are in the minority on the stance on a subject, that they are the "informed ones" and the majority are just sheep that only believe what they are supposed to believe from the powers that be. It's a fucking stupid logical stance to take, but it is the well that conspiracy nuts go to for EVERY discussion.

For every guy you just named I can name 50 that say they are wrong. You see the difference between my argument and your's? Your's is theories loosely based on possibilities and assumptions. Mine is based on FACTS and history. You have a right to your opinion based on what you have listened to... but you do not have the right to call the rest of us idiots and tell us you are right and we are wrong because of that.

Fact: U.S. and Russia were allies during WWII.
Fact: The U.S. helped supply Russia during WWII when they started to get their asses kicked by Germany.
Fact: Russia kept secrets from the U.S. after WWII like taking Hitler's bones.
Fact: Russia pillaged Germany after the end of WWII.
Fact: WWII officially ended in 1945.
Fact: McCarthyism started in 1947.
Fact: The Cold War started in 1947.

You say that the rich oligarchs worked to create tension between the U.S. and Russia in order to work towards their goal of a One World Government, but fact is some of the richest, most powerful families in Europe were still trying to recover and put their shit back together, let alone worry about trying to take over the world.

So when someone in this thread tries to tell me that Russia and the U.S. were all buddy-buddy... that's B.S., They were just working together because of a common enemy. Hell, Russia was probably pissed because of the fact the U.S. was able to talk Germany's top scientist like Werner Von Braun into coming to the U.S. to help them... which was the largest part of the Cold War and the creation of missiles and rockets that would eventually win the U.S. the race to the moon.

Dude, I don't even know where to start in order to explain how fucking wrong you are but it would be a total waste of time anyway. I have done the research and you haven't. You can't explain all the aid and technology was purposely give to the casn't even acknowledge that the global elites funded the Bolshevik don't know or understand any of this. This is like talking to a mere child about adult things that are above your ability to comprehend.,

Sure it is boss. And this type of attitude is why people don't take any knowledge you pass along seriously. If you are going to be a conspiracy nut and you want people to listen to you, being a dickhead thinking you are Stephen Hawking and everyone else is Mama June isn't going to get you anywhere. The day you realize that, is the day you might get somewhere.

Dude, you are going to have to find your own way and wake up as to what is really going on. There were very knowledgeable people that did their best to try and wake me up ten years ago but I was steadfast in my belief system. I was the biggest neocon, pro Bush shill that there was...and I doubt that I can ever take enough showers to wash that stench off of me when I had my "Come to Jesus" epiphany. The realization hit me like an uppercut that everything I believed in was wrong and it knocked me on the proverbial canvas...... so that is where my journey began. I will not be fooled again. I question everything, I don't trust the mainstream media at all and I attack every issue from as many angles as possible. The vetting process can be exhausting. I have a huge following not only here but on other blog sites and we share information. Political ideology isn't even in the equation. Truth is what we seek through due diligence and a desire to understand. I am done casting pearls before swine...those that have any intellectual curiosity may not agree with me, but they do read what I post with an open mind and question what I write and I welcome that. The sheeple that blindly follow the propaganda spewed to them by the people that have placed their trust in? Well, they are being lied to and because the Smith-Mundt Act no longer applies? The government can legally lie and create false narratives in order to push any agenda they want.

Those with eyes wide open are my peers even if we don't agree on everything...those that are asleep and fling cyber insults don't mean diddly squat....get it now???
There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?
There is a reason this country took the house away from Obama after two years and have given it to the GOP for the last six (and next two).

Yes, and the same that it will flip once again in a couple years. Government isn't working because of the two parties fighting with each other and every couple of years of things not working people want change... thinking it will change how well government works. And just like any other cycle, it doesn't change a damn thing... and in a couple of years people will vote for the other party... and so on and so on. Nothing will EVER change until they either get rid of the two party system, or the two parties final decide to work together.

The Senate should of flipped last year, it won't in 2018 the democrats have way to many seats up for grabs
After the repubs performance lately, the Democrats will take control of Congress.

That's what we were all told in 2015, that 2016 would be the year the Dems would win the Senate, the Presidency.
There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.
Sounds like Flynn's days may be numbered.

Mike Flynn’s Position as National Security Adviser Grows Tenuous in White House

Administration weighs whether to retain the security adviser after disclosure of contact with Russia officials.

WSJ: Mike Flynn On The Brink
Sounds like Flynn's days may be numbered.

Mike Flynn’s Position as National Security Adviser Grows Tenuous in White House

Administration weighs whether to retain the security adviser after disclosure of contact with Russia officials.

WSJ: Mike Flynn On The Brink

Lol - yea, and Romney was seriously considered.

This is just another Trumpian dog and pony show - his is Putin's bitch and Flynn isn't going anywhere.
There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.
They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.
The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?


No it didn't lose it's sovereigty you fuking dumbass. Ruskies don't suddenly have a right to a piece of Ukraine just because it has internal uprising. That's not how it works.

P.S. Your Soros obsessions are fucking creepy as hell. Does anything in the world happen without his command???

The E.U/ Soros faction didn't have a right to over throw the duly elected government of did it? Because that is exactly what they did and everything I predicted would happen? It happened right on cue. I know more than you....infinitely more. You obviously have no clue about the NGOs that Soros funds....that much is blatantly clear. Leftards bitch about "outside interference" in elections while totally ignoring the Soros factor.....the end justifies the means....right?

Is there a single word that you uttered in you nutty Sorros theories that justified Russia's land grab?

The answer is no.

What justified the E.U land grab of Ukraine? The Crimean people voted to be annexed by Russia while the people of the Ukraine didn't get the option of being toppled by the E.U nor did they have the option of refusing mandates of the IMF that is attempting to make the rules on what they can or cannot do with their resources....this is what the IMF has always done. Why would Russia be fine with a foreign intervention of a country that has been a buffer between them and the E.U and NATO that would place NATO troops on the Russian border? Would you be fine with China annexing Mexico so Chinese troops would have access to OUR border? You live in a bubble, little man.

Russia deployed its forces in Ukraine and annexed a part of it, popular or not this a blatant violation of international laws that Russia was apropriately slammed for with sanctions.

It's was the proper response then and further sanctions are apropriate now that Russsia got caught hacking American political institutions and fucking with our elections.

But the E.U sponsored overthrow of the Ukraine was not a blatant violation of international law????? Crimea voted to cast their lot with Russia.....thus depriving the globalists access to the peninsula....why do you think that the people of Crimea should acquiesce and submit to a puppet leader installed by the Soros funded coup??????

Russia didn't hack anything....Hitlery's private server was so unprotected that even a novice hacker could get into it. The Wikileaks revelations came from inside the DNC...the blaming of Russia is merely a distraction to pull attention away from the contents of all those e-mails and they are extremely incriminating and yet no leftard is willing to address those contents....why is that?
Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down

WASHINGTON — These are chaotic and anxious days inside the National Security Council, the traditional center of management for a president’s dealings with an uncertain world.

Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump’s Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr. Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump’s top advisers are considering an “insider threat” program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks.

The national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, has hunkered down since investigators began looking into what, exactly, he told the Russian ambassador to the United States about the lifting of sanctions imposed in the last days of the Obama administration, and whether he misled Vice President Mike Pence about those conversations. His survival in the job may hang in the balance.

Much More: Report: Turmoil In Trump’s ‘Dysfunctional’ National Security Council

Holy shit, what a clusterfuck. Another Trump disaster in the making.
Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down

WASHINGTON — These are chaotic and anxious days inside the National Security Council, the traditional center of management for a president’s dealings with an uncertain world.

Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump’s Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr. Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump’s top advisers are considering an “insider threat” program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks.

The national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, has hunkered down since investigators began looking into what, exactly, he told the Russian ambassador to the United States about the lifting of sanctions imposed in the last days of the Obama administration, and whether he misled Vice President Mike Pence about those conversations. His survival in the job may hang in the balance.

Much More: Report: Turmoil In Trump’s ‘Dysfunctional’ National Security Council

Holy shit, what a clusterfuck. Another Trump disaster in the making.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! The New York Times????? The mouthpiece of the CFR and the Rockefeller Foundation??????
You need a source that is unbiased.........I would only use the NYT to line a birdcage.......
May as well give Flynn's job to Barron Von Trump. We're screwed anyway.
. Just for some clarity on how dam crazy these liberals are, and then y'all can carry on.. I was watching Judge Jeanine, and she had a liberal shill on the show tonight, and she (the judge) was asking her about why was it that the left was attacking Ivanka Trump like they are so much ? The crazy liberal said this next, "look at what she (Ivanka) wore when she walked out on that stage, and then you find later that it was something she had forsake in her clothing line" ? The judge said well she didn't walk out and say "oh and by the way, you can buy this dress on line" immediately after she spoke. The woman wore a beautiful dress that she designed, and the left goes crazy ?? This crazy leftist then reffered to the dress Michelle Obama wore, and she told how it was just a plain black dress that her family didn't make any money off of afterwards. This is just for some perspective as to what the nation is dealing with in these leftist. They have got to be embarrased on issues like this. Carry on.
May as well give Flynn's job to Barron Von Trump. We're screwed anyway.
. Just for some clarity on how dam crazy these liberals are, and then y'all can carry on.. I was watching Judge Jeanine, and she had a liberal shill on the show tonight, and she (the judge) was asking her about why was it that the left was attacking Ivanka Trump like they are so much ? The crazy liberal said this next, "look at what she (Ivanka) wore when she walked out on that stage, and then you find later that it was something she had forsake in her clothing line" ? The judge said well she didn't walk out and say "oh and by the way, you can buy this dress on line" immediately after she spoke. The woman wore a beautiful dress that she designed, and the left goes crazy ?? This crazy leftist then reffered to the dress Michelle Obama wore, and she told how it was just a plain black dress that her family didn't make any money off of afterwards. This is just for some perspective as to what the nation is dealing with in these leftist. They have got to be embarrased on issues like this. Carry on.

Ain't paybacks a bitch.
May as well give Flynn's job to Barron Von Trump. We're screwed anyway.
. Just for some clarity on how dam crazy these liberals are, and then y'all can carry on.. I was watching Judge Jeanine, and she had a liberal shill on the show tonight, and she (the judge) was asking her about why was it that the left was attacking Ivanka Trump like they are so much ? The crazy liberal said this next, "look at what she (Ivanka) wore when she walked out on that stage, and then you find later that it was something she had forsake in her clothing line" ? The judge said well she didn't walk out and say "oh and by the way, you can buy this dress on line" immediately after she spoke. The woman wore a beautiful dress that she designed, and the left goes crazy ?? This crazy leftist then reffered to the dress Michelle Obama wore, and she told how it was just a plain black dress that her family didn't make any money off of afterwards. This is just for some perspective as to what the nation is dealing with in these leftist. They have got to be embarrased on issues like this. Carry on.

Ain't paybacks a bitch.
. Can't defend it so you chalk it up as payback eh ? Duly noted.

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