Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

I find it amusing that everyone is all of a sudden concerned about security after poo-pooing Hillary's excursion into an unsecure mail server in her bathroom hacked by every intellegence agency on the planet..
So funny., the Trump whores continue invoking HRC for Trump's involvement with Russia.

Doesn't it seem at least a bit strange that Trump can't say anything negative at all about a murderous dictator?
Where are your critical thinking skills?
How about when the Orange One equated America with the killings of Putin ?
It didn't get past former general Barry McCaffrey who said," It was the most ANTIAMERICAN statement ever made by a commander in chief."

The deplorables: so what.
. And you hate Russia why ? One minute the left gets offended by us saying our nation is exceptional, and the next minute the left is flexing our muscles at Russia claiming our strength and exceptionalism... You can't make this crap up.. lol..... The left is out of control, and they need a rubber room office not an oval office ever again.
Recognize these guys? :rolleyes:

Oh wow you showed a picture of a Secretary of State meeting the President of a country... that sure is an oddity of events!

But why should Flynn be sitting next to Putin at a dinner party?...
Why should Huma have classified and unclassified
State Dept. emails stored on a laptop
and in the possession of her estranged husband?

Huma was with Hillary day in and day out,
the CF was receiving millions of dollars
from Middle Eastern governments and leaders,
and Bill received 1 million dollars from the
government of Qatar for his birthday.

Was Pelosi concerned about her girl?
About questionable ties and conflicts of interest?

The constant attacks, accusations, interference,
stone walling, defiance, undermining and propaganda,
only makes me wonder what they don't want exposed!

Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Ummm, my point is, if it wasn't an issue for Hillary,
then it shouldn't become an issue for Trump.

Hillary was the SoS and Huma was her right hand man.
And an accomplice in the email scandal.

If you will not acknowledge, address and discuss,
Hillary's controversial foreign ties, don't slam Trump for his!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Other then that, what's to discuss?
I don't have a problem with something
I don't see as a's just more fluff

I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.
There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....

They annexed a part of their sovereign seriously didn't know?

The Ukraine lost their sovereignty when the George Soros funded coup that led to the illegal overthrow of the duly elected government....seriously, didn't you know that?

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

If anyone should have their security clearance revoked, it's Pelosi. In fact, every Dim in Congress should have his clearance revoked.

Trump’s Email Server Found to Be National Security Risk, GOP Totally Silent
Tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton’s email “scandal?” Yeah, us too. So let’s talk about Donald Trump’s email and network security for a minute. From Uproxx:…

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

If anyone should have their security clearance revoked, it's Pelosi. In fact, every Dim in Congress should have his clearance revoked.

Trump’s Email Server Found to Be National Security Risk, GOP Totally Silent
Tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton’s email “scandal?” Yeah, us too. So let’s talk about Donald Trump’s email and network security for a minute. From Uproxx:…
. Your attempt at a gotcha moment is noted by all, and as long as you leftist keep undermining this nation and it's security, then soon there might be consequences for your actions.
Oh wow you showed a picture of a Secretary of State meeting the President of a country... that sure is an oddity of events!

But why should Flynn be sitting next to Putin at a dinner party?...
Why should Huma have classified and unclassified
State Dept. emails stored on a laptop
and in the possession of her estranged husband?

Huma was with Hillary day in and day out,
the CF was receiving millions of dollars
from Middle Eastern governments and leaders,
and Bill received 1 million dollars from the
government of Qatar for his birthday.

Was Pelosi concerned about her girl?
About questionable ties and conflicts of interest?

The constant attacks, accusations, interference,
stone walling, defiance, undermining and propaganda,
only makes me wonder what they don't want exposed!

Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Ummm, my point is, if it wasn't an issue for Hillary,
then it shouldn't become an issue for Trump.

Hillary was the SoS and Huma was her right hand man.
And an accomplice in the email scandal.

If you will not acknowledge, address and discuss,
Hillary's controversial foreign ties, don't slam Trump for his!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Other then that, what's to discuss?
I don't have a problem with something
I don't see as a's just more fluff

I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.

I'm not blaming Russia for Hillary's loss as much as I am blaming Russia for Trump's victory. You need to understand the difference.
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.

Really? The USSR couldn't have survived without help from the west. They even opened the patent offices to them and gave the plates to print fiat currency.

Do a little research on that. An excellent start is Major George Jordan's Diaries..... . or you can listen to a speech he did.

Why should Huma have classified and unclassified
State Dept. emails stored on a laptop
and in the possession of her estranged husband?

Huma was with Hillary day in and day out,
the CF was receiving millions of dollars
from Middle Eastern governments and leaders,
and Bill received 1 million dollars from the
government of Qatar for his birthday.

Was Pelosi concerned about her girl?
About questionable ties and conflicts of interest?

The constant attacks, accusations, interference,
stone walling, defiance, undermining and propaganda,
only makes me wonder what they don't want exposed!

Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Ummm, my point is, if it wasn't an issue for Hillary,
then it shouldn't become an issue for Trump.

Hillary was the SoS and Huma was her right hand man.
And an accomplice in the email scandal.

If you will not acknowledge, address and discuss,
Hillary's controversial foreign ties, don't slam Trump for his!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Other then that, what's to discuss?
I don't have a problem with something
I don't see as a's just more fluff

I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.

I'm not blaming Russia for Hillary's loss as much as I am blaming Russia for Trump's victory. You need to understand the difference.
. The two are same thing.. Good grief.
Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U

Following THAT "logic", states like Texas, NM and AZ that are "heavily populated by" Mexicans should encourage Mexico to take that land back.

Do you even understand that the Ukraine was "conquered" by the Soros/E.U faction that overthrew the elected government and then put in a E.U friendly puppet? So you are saying that it obligates Crimea to stay as a part of the Ukraine? Are you that fucking stupid?????
Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U

Following THAT "logic", states like Texas, NM and AZ that are "heavily populated by" Mexicans should encourage Mexico to take that land back.

Do you even understand that the Ukraine was "conquered" by the Soros/E.U faction that overthrew the elected government and then put in a E.U friendly puppet? So you are saying that it obligates Crimea to stay as a part of the Ukraine? Are you that fucking stupid?????
They are but try not to hold too much against them as it must be hard for them being so blind to reality at times.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

There never should have been any sanctions against Russia to begin with...there hasn't been a single leftard here that has ever been able to explain as to what Russia has done to have any sanctions leveled against them. Wanna be the first?????? Bring it on.....
we're not part of our intelligence departments They are the ones who know about the ties between dump and Putin No sanctions are payment for not revealing the golden showers etc etc trump participated in

Our intelligence agencies as well as the state department has been infiltrated by commies and they need to be weeded out and soon.
Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Hey look! Another Trump supporter that can't discuss Trump and his staff, they have to refer to people that aren't in power and have nothing to do with government.

Hillary is NOT part of the government. Huma is NOT part of the government. Flynn IS part of the national security team.
Ummm, my point is, if it wasn't an issue for Hillary,
then it shouldn't become an issue for Trump.

Hillary was the SoS and Huma was her right hand man.
And an accomplice in the email scandal.

If you will not acknowledge, address and discuss,
Hillary's controversial foreign ties, don't slam Trump for his!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Other then that, what's to discuss?
I don't have a problem with something
I don't see as a's just more fluff

I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.

I'm not blaming Russia for Hillary's loss as much as I am blaming Russia for Trump's victory. You need to understand the difference.
. The two are same thing.. Good grief.

No, no they are not, especially to someone that didn't want either Trump or Hillary as President.
Do Dems even have a plan to deal with Uncle Vlad, I mean besides whining and complaining about how he beat Hillary

Actually, YES...........As part of the sanctions, freeze the Russian oligarchs banks accounts in foreign banks.......(notice that they do not trust to keep those funds in Russia with the greedy hands of Uncle Vlad) .....then, those oligarchs will find a "way" to send your new-found lovers, Putin, exiled in some dacha or join Trump in Florida.


How are you going to freeze any Russian accounts?

Uncle Vlad is already planning to flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats in the midterms and there's nothing you can do to stop it
So you're proud a Russian dictator might continue to meddle in our elections?
You fuctards used to call people " commie lovers " for a lot less.

See, that's why Dems will lose all 25 Senate seats in 2018, Kuz Putin.

You lefties are simply the biggest fucking retards in creation
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.

Really? The USSR couldn't have survived without help from the west. They even opened the patent offices to them and gave the plates to print fiat currency.

Do a little research on that. An excellent start is Major George Jordan's Diaries..... . or you can listen to a speech he did.

What year did WWII end? 1945. When did the Cold War start? Around 1947... oh wow sounds like a great friendship. Oh and such a good relationship that Russia didn't tell the U.S. about taking Hitler's bones... and Russia pillaged Germany taking spoils of war, verses the U.S. returned the stuff they collected back to the the countries Germany took them from, including priceless art to museums.

Once again you only seem to remember what you want to believe, not the facts.
Ummm, my point is, if it wasn't an issue for Hillary,
then it shouldn't become an issue for Trump.

Hillary was the SoS and Huma was her right hand man.
And an accomplice in the email scandal.

If you will not acknowledge, address and discuss,
Hillary's controversial foreign ties, don't slam Trump for his!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Other then that, what's to discuss?
I don't have a problem with something
I don't see as a's just more fluff

I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.

I'm not blaming Russia for Hillary's loss as much as I am blaming Russia for Trump's victory. You need to understand the difference.
. The two are same thing.. Good grief.

No, no they are not, especially to someone that didn't want either Trump or Hillary as President.

Pelousy has a card that has been punched 9 times....the tenth face lift is free.
I think Hillary was guilty of pay to play...


She is no longer relevant. She isn't an active member of government anymore. So your point is invalid.
. If you think that you can keep blaming Russia and Trump for her dam loss, then she remains relevant.

I'm not blaming Russia for Hillary's loss as much as I am blaming Russia for Trump's victory. You need to understand the difference.
. The two are same thing.. Good grief.

No, no they are not, especially to someone that didn't want either Trump or Hillary as President.

Pelousy has a card that has been punched 9 times....the tenth face lift is free.

I'm not supporting Pelosi... I don't care about her, the facts are what tell me all I need to know about Flynn.
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.

Really? The USSR couldn't have survived without help from the west. They even opened the patent offices to them and gave the plates to print fiat currency.

Do a little research on that. An excellent start is Major George Jordan's Diaries..... . or you can listen to a speech he did.

What year did WWII end? 1945. When did the Cold War start? Around 1947... oh wow sounds like a great friendship. Oh and such a good relationship that Russia didn't tell the U.S. about taking Hitler's bones... and Russia pillaged Germany taking spoils of war, verses the U.S. returned the stuff they collected back to the the countries Germany took them from, including priceless art to museums.

Once again you only seem to remember what you want to believe, not the facts.

So why was FDR all kissy-face with Uncle Joe?
The CIA denied one of Flynn's appointees a security clearance... the CIA and other intelligence agencies are locking Flynn out of some of their meetings. They don't trust Flynn and they know a lot more about what is going on than we do. That's tells me something.

It's amazing that Dale is a conspiracy nut about so many things, but when it comes to things that he doesn't like, and he doesn't WANT to believe are true, he keeps his eyes and ears shut. That right there should tell you something.

You don't have the slightest clue....I look at the preponderance of evidence and attack an issue from many different angles with no preconceived outcomes. I know that the CIA has a rogue faction within it that is the most vile and disgusting entity that ever existed. They were behind the death of JFK, they brought in high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip" using the Vatcan ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds. They were behind the trauma based MK-Ultra program where children were traumatized using the most horrific tactics until their minds were fragmented and "altars" were created...alternative personalities that could be used to carry out missions...a type of "super soldier" and it still goes on to this day. The gold plated bastard inside of me wants to tell you about the things I learned that they did so you can have the same kind of nightmares that I have had...the shit this "Deep State" has done to the most innocent of us because you deserve it...but I won't. Don't tell me how the cow eats the cabbage, you lame, disgusting piece of shit. I bet if you did know that you would still nod in agreement because "gubermint knows best"....right? Get out of my face before I knock you on your ass....I know and understand more than you could ever comprehend or even wrap your mind around. I HATE knowing the things I do but I can't unlearn it. Seriously, go fuck yourself, you simpleton POS.
Very few people know that the US and Russia fought together against the NAZI's attempt to take over the whole world. Even those that know that tidbit do not know that the US instituted Lend-Lease to help allies like Russia combat Hitler and his bankers....Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941) is the program under which the United States supplied Free France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations...

No, a lot of people know that, but they also know it wasn't a friendly relationship. It was an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing... and in less than a decade we were in the Cold War.

Really? The USSR couldn't have survived without help from the west. They even opened the patent offices to them and gave the plates to print fiat currency.

Do a little research on that. An excellent start is Major George Jordan's Diaries..... . or you can listen to a speech he did.

What year did WWII end? 1945. When did the Cold War start? Around 1947... oh wow sounds like a great friendship. Oh and such a good relationship that Russia didn't tell the U.S. about taking Hitler's bones... and Russia pillaged Germany taking spoils of war, verses the U.S. returned the stuff they collected back the the countries Germany took them from, including priceless art to museums.

Once again you only seem to remember what you want to believe, not the facts.

Look, idiot....listen to the audio on the youtube link I sent you and THEN come back and try to refute what I said or STFU.

There couldn't have been a communist Russia nor could it have maintained itself all of those years without the help of the west and the Deep State. When the time was right, they collapsed it and then raped, pillaged and plundered the country when the ruble was intentionally crashed. You don't know diddly squat.

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