
Hillary's gone underground, Barry Hussein is nowhere to be found, the former A.G. is in the hot seat and the Clinton foundation is falling apart. Now democrats are eating their own and Pelosi is dazed and confused.


Pelosi appears dazed... stops speaking, stares at audience...

"As Nancy Pelosi struggles to beat back an insurgency by her House Democratic colleagues over a string of election losses, there are new questions over her health after she suffered multiple brain freezes during a recent appearance in New York City.

During a Sunday event at the 92nd Street Y, Pelosi would awkwardly stop mid-sentence repeatedly, stare at the audience, and then continue speaking."

"Speaking about her father, Pelosi said, “He was part of a group called the Berkson Group and they did rallies and pageants and parades and um, and when he stood up on the floor of Congress, ‘I stand here as a representative of the—” she said before halting and staring at the audience. ... Then she resumed, “members of the Jewish army.”

A short time later, she froze as she was talking about the Republican healthcare overhaul bill. “Home care— some, you know, people are at home but they still get care from, uh— from Medicaid,” she said, after momentarily staring at the audience and seemingly groping for words."

Alzheimer's just like Clinton has.
didnt Nancy have a tramatic accident as a child around 1863, when she lost control of her trycicle and ran into a tree head on?
It was 1862.

A sledding accident on Federal Hill, in Baltimore.
did abe lincoln visit her at the hospital?
He couldn't make it.

Something about the Emancipation proclamation.
or as maxine waters calls it,,,,,"The Constipation Rectal Inflammation Decrappatation"


Pelosi appears dazed... stops speaking, stares at audience...

"As Nancy Pelosi struggles to beat back an insurgency by her House Democratic colleagues over a string of election losses, there are new questions over her health after she suffered multiple brain freezes during a recent appearance in New York City.

During a Sunday event at the 92nd Street Y, Pelosi would awkwardly stop mid-sentence repeatedly, stare at the audience, and then continue speaking."

"Speaking about her father, Pelosi said, “He was part of a group called the Berkson Group and they did rallies and pageants and parades and um, and when he stood up on the floor of Congress, ‘I stand here as a representative of the—” she said before halting and staring at the audience. ... Then she resumed, “members of the Jewish army.”

A short time later, she froze as she was talking about the Republican healthcare overhaul bill. “Home care— some, you know, people are at home but they still get care from, uh— from Medicaid,” she said, after momentarily staring at the audience and seemingly groping for words."


The average age of Democrats in Congress is 76. Republicans is 49. You have to wonder if the Dems have a prunes and geritol break midday? Congress is starting to look like a memory care facility for the Dems.
Don't pick on her. She's the lock on the gop holding the House. And I think we'll need it beginning in 2021
Kind of like me begging the Dems to run Hillary for President before she declared, we do want ol' Nancy to hang around just as long as possible. It's like good insurance.

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