Napolitano's Dirty Little Secret(s)


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Turns out wee Andy (5'7") has a problem with the President. He claims Trump is "guilty of obstruction" for thinking about firing absurd proposition for a child, much less a former judge. Anybody thinking he and Shepherd Smith don't make Fox "fair and balanced" has never watched the two trash Trump daily. It seems Andy and Shep have something else in common....they're both queer. So why the attack on Trump from a former admirer? Turns out Napolitano begged Trump to pardon a buddy of his....oh, and put him on the Supreme Court! Trump told him no and since then the midget homo has been arguing Trump is a criminal. Forget the gruff voice and Soprano's hairstyle....Andy is a fraud and Fox should give the conflicted little turd the bum's rush.


Trump: Fox's Napolitano asked me to pardon his friend, put him on Supreme Court
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No wonder I don't like those two. I always change the channel when they are on.

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