Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

What protected class has no immutable traits?
Religion, veteran status, gender... it depends on which list we're looking at (some states have added more). but, again I ask: Why does it matter? Do you approve of discrimination based on mutable traits? Also, what about all the immutable traits that aren't covered by protected classes?

There's not much sense to it. Just seems like arbitrary identity politics.
Isn't this some kind of discrimination?
Idiots. Any one who turns away business due to some politican cause is be cause they are stupid. I would take the money I saved not buying their over priced weeds and buy a gun. If they have anything it should be a gun buy back. I have a few guns that will never fire again. Could sell them and buy me another gun.
Actually, there's nothing in TN's public accommodation law that prevents political discrimination. I can totally throw you out of my store for wearing a MAGA hat or a Swastika Armband (Pretty much the same thing as far as I'm concerned.)

TN's version of PA laws, posted above, doesn't have protections for sexual orientation or identity. CO and OR do, which is why certain Homophobic Bakers have gotten to pay big old fines.
Pretty much the same thing. Yuk Yuk Yuk. You think of that all by yourself?
They execute themselves typically so that’s no deterrent. Nor does it brig back the 3 dead children whose blood is on GOP money.
GOP money? It isnt the Republicans in office that have the DOJ allowing mentally ill people to obtain weapons. Might want to see why Merrick Garland's ATF&E is passing their background checks, because no NRA member has gone into a school and shot up children and teachers...Only Marxists who hate this country do that.
Duh, it's the lib double standard, it's their calling card, like with the tranny who shot up the school, are they going to refuse to serve transgender, nope
Do you think political affiliation should be a protected class?
That‘s almost as retarded as you are. The team giving out guns like candy isn’t my team.. whatever team that is.
Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the U.S. Government Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
Indirectly, the United States government played a role in the massacre by supplying some of the firearms used by the cartel murderers. Three of the high caliber weapons fired that night in Villas de Salvarcar were linked to a gun tracing operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), according to a Mexican army document obtained exclusively by Univision News.
So a few eggs had to be broken so the Marxists like you can howl against the tool, not the people using those tools. The ends justify the means in the Marxists way.
that's helpful to customers. I certainly don't want to give business to a feakin leftist. All businesses that feel that strongly should be required to state their political leanings on the front door.
Great solution. And I would like to know their political leanings too before I shop with them. The sign could say something like, " This Flower Shop WELCOMES all Flower Children only". :up:
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How was the baker punished if he won his case?
Do you know how much money it takes to fight these bastards in court? The state has unlimited funds so they don't have any problem. A small family business can be ruined easily. Dirty bastards.
Do you know how much money it takes to fight these bastards in court? The state has unlimited funds so they don't have any problem. A small family business can be ruined easily. Dirty bastards.
Anyone can sue anyone. You guys can do the same.

Just don’t expect to win the case.
Religion, veteran status, gender... it depends on which list we're looking at (some states have added more). but, again I ask: Why does it matter? Do you approve of discrimination based on mutable traits? Also, what about all the immutable traits that aren't covered by protected classes?

There's not much sense to it. Just seems like arbitrary identity politics.

Religion is a constitutional protection. Veterans rights are earned as a perk for joining.

One can’t claim veterans status by merely saying one is.

But nice try. Yes, only immutable traits should garner protected status
Oh good, I’m glad you found the similarity here.

If the Christian baker can deny service then so can the florist.

This is what you wanted, right? Now you’re pouting when it happens to you?
You appear to be wrong. Republicans support the right of the florist to refuse Republican business

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