Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

Probably were wearing MAGA caps. If you see some guy wearing a vagina hat, a nose ring, purple hair, and panty hose, doesn't take a scientist to figure out it's an idiot democrat.
I don’t know, I like the way it played out in my head better, it was funnier:


Yep. You have to be on the protected classes gravy-train to get these special "rights".

You mean having suffered discrimination in the past... yes, that would put you in the special classes.

The baker not making the cake is freedom. The florist’s decision isn’t freedom?

Explain that one please.
The baker knew the couple and would sell them anything off the shelf. But would not bake them the specific cake they wanted. He got sued, but we are seeing liberal run businesses refusing service to conservatives. You're a hypocrite.
… but we are seeing liberal run businesses refusing service to conservatives.
How is that not freedom?

You’re saying that a business should be FORCED, against their will, to do business with people they choose not to do business with?
You said no earlier. Now I’m unsure of your stance. Please clarify.

Are you fine with the florist refusing to do business with Republicans? Yes or no.
Personally, I could care less what this florist does, really don't care what Bud Lite has done either. Do I care if the florist loses money or that Bud Lite sales are down 30% (so far)....absolutely not.
How are they able to do that? What is the flower shop doing that is illegal or against business law?
I think that would fall under equal protection laws, so it would be illegal, however it wouldn’t stop suppliers from selling to withhold supplies from the flower shop based on politics. I myself would love to know if a business owner was racist, smokers, that way I could avoid doing business with them. I know of a shop in town that has very political in their shop and I quit going to them as I am their about buying product, not discussing politics, I agreed with some points but it isn’t the time or place to discuss, IMHO.
Personally, I could care less…
Couldn‘t care less. When you say you could care less, it indicates that less care is possible than the amount you currently care. This is the exact opposite of what you are trying to convey.

You couldn’t care less, “thinker”.

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