Nasty Beloni Unveils 95% Tax On Prescription Meds

Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines, making sure the Dems don't get elected.

The 95% tax is merely a club held over the heads of any major pharmaceutical company that refuses to play ball.

Marvelous idea.

Goddamned BRILLIANT idea.

An idea whose time has come.

It's about time that Americans pay the same prices for prescription drugs as do the Europeans, Canadians, Australians, etc.

Anybody voting AGAINST such a bill is going to have to answer to the anger of their constituencies.

For once, Nancy, you're actually serving-up something to help average Americans rather than picking their pockets.

For the sake of R&D monies the rest of the world needs to pay their fair share.
Where you been? If America consistently pays more than the rest of the world... duhhh.
It's a follow up bill on Trumps plan.

The plan in part borrows from some of Trump's drug pricing agenda, particularly on tying the cost of medicines to cheaper prices often paid in other developed countries. Some of the administration's ideas, however, have been met with skepticism from GOP lawmakers, who are closely aligned with drugmakers.

Trump even seems to still support it.

President Donald Trump hasn't taken a position on the plan, but he offered encouraging remarks on Twitter Thursday evening.

"I like Sen. [Chuck] Grassley’s drug pricing bill very much, and it’s great to see Speaker Pelosi’s bill today. Let’s get it done in a bipartisan way!" he wrote.

Pelosi's new drug plan pressures Trump on campaign pledge

The republicans do not want price controls. They are just fine with prices continuing to rise.
We had price controls once. Didn't go so well.


Price controls don't let prices rise to match demand and cause shortages. Consider when a hurricane approaches a coastal area and people want to buy plywood. Under price controls, plywood quickly sells out and many simply can't get any. Let the price rise, however, and people are more likely to buy only what they really need, and there's more for everyone.
It's a follow up bill on Trumps plan.

The plan in part borrows from some of Trump's drug pricing agenda, particularly on tying the cost of medicines to cheaper prices often paid in other developed countries. Some of the administration's ideas, however, have been met with skepticism from GOP lawmakers, who are closely aligned with drugmakers.

Trump even seems to still support it.

President Donald Trump hasn't taken a position on the plan, but he offered encouraging remarks on Twitter Thursday evening.

"I like Sen. [Chuck] Grassley’s drug pricing bill very much, and it’s great to see Speaker Pelosi’s bill today. Let’s get it done in a bipartisan way!" he wrote.

Pelosi's new drug plan pressures Trump on campaign pledge

The republicans do not want price controls. They are just fine with prices continuing to rise.
We had price controls once. Didn't go so well.


Price controls don't let prices rise to match demand and cause shortages. Consider when a hurricane approaches a coastal area and people want to buy plywood. Under price controls, plywood quickly sells out and many simply can't get any. Let the price rise, however, and people are more likely to buy only what they really need, and there's more for everyone.

Hurricanes are not pre-planned. The shortage is because the lumber store does not stock wood for needs in a hurricane at all times. That is not the case with medicine. The need is known.
Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines,
making sure the Dems don't get elected.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday released a much-anticipated plan detailing House Democrats’ ideas to change the way people get prescription drugs. At the heart of the plan is a retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines. The only way out of paying this tax is if the drug becomes subject to strict government price controls and price caps. The House is expected to vote on the plan this fall.

This “Pelosi Medicine Tax” could apply to the 250 most popular prescription drugs in the country and must apply to at least 25 of them. The tax is not on profits from the sale of the drug, but on the gross receipts from the sale. For example, if a medicine is sold for $100, a tax of $95 is owed, regardless of the cost of selling the drug.

The tax would apply to anyone who needs a prescription drug, and that’s just about everyone — seniors, veterans, women, you name it. The Pelosi Medicine Tax is not limited to just Medicare; it would apply to all sales of an affected drug, everywhere in the healthcare system.

Needless to say, such a tax would cripple access to life-saving prescription medicines and would very quickly mean government rationing and waiting lists. A tax of this size is next of kin to a Venezuelan-style socialist takeover of the bulk of the prescription drug industry. By having to turn all their money over to the government, the pharmaceutical companies would become captive corporations of the government itself — a kind of post office that dispenses pills instead of parcels.

Awaiting the President of all American's tweet on this now. :21:

Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines

The only true way to reduce prescription prices it tort reform. Take the slip and fall lawyers and billion dollar settlements out of the equation, like other countries do, and poof, lower prices.

You just don't "run out" of pills. You need more, you run off a couple million in a day or or two. Run low on the drug, you compound some more. Drug patents are good for 20 years after the drug's invention. In most cases, this time frame is halved to 10 years by the time the drug hits the marketplace.
I wonder if anyone understands that prices in other countries are less because their governments purchase the drugs at the full price and then retail them for a loss to the population?

In essence, drugs in other countries are not less expensive. They are subsidized.

For the record, price controls never work.

Price Controls - Econlib

We massively subsidize drug companies and have high, unaffordable costs.

— A new report shows taxpayers often foot the bill to help develop new drugs, but it's private companies that reap the lion's share of profits.

In one case, the federal government spent $484 million developing the cancer drug Taxol — derived from the bark of Pacific yew trees — and it was marketed under an agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb starting in 1993. The medical community called it a promising new drug in the fight against ovarian and breast cancer.

Since then, Bristol-Myers Squibb has sold $9 billion worth of Taxol worldwide, according the the General Accounting Office report released today.

Taxpayers End Up Funding Drug Companies

To note, I supported my position, you did not.

So to be clear, 26 years, $9 billion in total sales, not total profits. What was the profit for Taxol?

I don't care. The government paid to create the drug.

I know you don’t. Why would facts be important.
I wonder if anyone understands that prices in other countries are less because their governments purchase the drugs at the full price and then retail them for a loss to the population?

In essence, drugs in other countries are not less expensive. They are subsidized.

For the record, price controls never work.

Price Controls - Econlib

We massively subsidize drug companies and have high, unaffordable costs.

— A new report shows taxpayers often foot the bill to help develop new drugs, but it's private companies that reap the lion's share of profits.

In one case, the federal government spent $484 million developing the cancer drug Taxol — derived from the bark of Pacific yew trees — and it was marketed under an agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb starting in 1993. The medical community called it a promising new drug in the fight against ovarian and breast cancer.

Since then, Bristol-Myers Squibb has sold $9 billion worth of Taxol worldwide, according the the General Accounting Office report released today.

Taxpayers End Up Funding Drug Companies

To note, I supported my position, you did not.

So to be clear, 26 years, $9 billion in total sales, not total profits. What was the profit for Taxol?

I don't care. The government paid to create the drug.

I know you don’t. Why would facts be important.

So stupid. What the profits are on some random drug makes no difference. Like we are all follow drug prices?

Address the issue.
Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines,
making sure the Dems don't get elected.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday released a much-anticipated plan detailing House Democrats’ ideas to change the way people get prescription drugs. At the heart of the plan is a retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines. The only way out of paying this tax is if the drug becomes subject to strict government price controls and price caps. The House is expected to vote on the plan this fall.

This “Pelosi Medicine Tax” could apply to the 250 most popular prescription drugs in the country and must apply to at least 25 of them. The tax is not on profits from the sale of the drug, but on the gross receipts from the sale. For example, if a medicine is sold for $100, a tax of $95 is owed, regardless of the cost of selling the drug.

The tax would apply to anyone who needs a prescription drug, and that’s just about everyone — seniors, veterans, women, you name it. The Pelosi Medicine Tax is not limited to just Medicare; it would apply to all sales of an affected drug, everywhere in the healthcare system.

Needless to say, such a tax would cripple access to life-saving prescription medicines and would very quickly mean government rationing and waiting lists. A tax of this size is next of kin to a Venezuelan-style socialist takeover of the bulk of the prescription drug industry. By having to turn all their money over to the government, the pharmaceutical companies would become captive corporations of the government itself — a kind of post office that dispenses pills instead of parcels.

Awaiting the President of all American's tweet on this now. :21:

Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines

Wow did you distort what the plan is.

This is the truth:

Pelosi's plan, which she laid out at a morning news conference, would allow the government to negotiate the price of insulin and as many as 250 name-brand drugs each year for Medicare beneficiaries -- an idea that many Republicans are against but that President Donald Trump embraced during his 2016 campaign. Drug companies also would have to offer agreed-on prices to private insurers or face harsh penalties, which could give the package broader appeal with voters. The hit to noncompliant companies would be even stiffer than the penalty in a draft of her plan that circulated last week. The penalty extracted from a company unwilling to comply would be equal to 65% of the previous year's sales of the drug in question, but would gradually increase by 10 percentage points every quarter that the company refused to offer the government's price, to a maximum of 95%. Pelosi said that the House Energy and Commerce Committee would hold the first hearing on the bill Wednesday and that she hoped the committees of jurisdiction would begin drafting final legislation next month.

No company has to pay that tax if they lower their prices.

The nation used to negotiate prices for medicare. When the bush boy made that illegal prices of drugs for everyone, not just seniors, skyrocketed.

The nation has negotiated prices for drugs for the VA for decades and still does today.

Of course no republican supports this. It was republicans who made it illegal for the government to negotiate lower prices for drugs for medicare in the first place. The last thing the republicans are going to do is anything that will actually lower the price of drugs and help Americans.
Trump won't support a plan that imposes a 95% tax on prescription drugs. His policy is bringing drug prices down.

You're lying.

There is no tax on drugs proposed in that bill.

If you bothered to read the truth instead of propaganda you will know that it's a penalty to a company if they don't lower their prices.

The penalty will start out at 65% of what the profits were from that drug. It raises every quarter they don't lower prices to a maximum of 95% of what the profits of that drug was.

No consumer will pay a penny in tax.

No company will either. All they have to do is agree to a lower price on drugs.

Stop lying.
Gingrich and DeSantis: Pelosi drug plan is hazardous to your health – would hurt efforts to develop new drugs

By allowing bureaucrats to dictate drug prices, Pelosi is laying the groundwork for "Medicare-for-all" – which would have bureaucrats dictate all health care prices.

From the article:
retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines.
it would not affect new meds. You mean health ins?

If I were you I wouldn't read the propaganda lies from any far right radical extremist on this board.

This is the truth:

Pelosi unveils plan to curb drug prices

From the article:

Pelosi's plan, which she laid out at a morning news conference, would allow the government to negotiate the price of insulin and as many as 250 name-brand drugs each year for Medicare beneficiaries -- an idea that many Republicans are against but that President Donald Trump embraced during his 2016 campaign. Drug companies also would have to offer agreed-on prices to private insurers or face harsh penalties, which could give the package broader appeal with voters. The hit to noncompliant companies would be even stiffer than the penalty in a draft of her plan that circulated last week. The penalty extracted from a company unwilling to comply would be equal to 65% of the previous year's sales of the drug in question, but would gradually increase by 10 percentage points every quarter that the company refused to offer the government's price, to a maximum of 95%. Pelosi said that the House Energy and Commerce Committee would hold the first hearing on the bill Wednesday and that she hoped the committees of jurisdiction would begin drafting final legislation next month.

For the brain dead far right radical extremists on the board:

No company will ever pay that. They will lower their prices on drugs. When they know that most of the profits will go to taxes, they will choose to lower their prices.

It's the same way our nation controlled greed before reagan and greed became good.

We used to have high taxes on high wages and salaries. Not expecting to collect the tax dollars but to discourage greed. It worked well for many decades until reagan.

When those at the top aren't allowed to squeeze every penny from a company everyone benefits. Even the greedy people.

Greedy people will lower their drug prices instead of see that money go to the government in taxes so no one will pay one penny of that penalty.

Anyone who actually believes the OP without finding the truth, is making a very big mistake.
Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines,
making sure the Dems don't get elected.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday released a much-anticipated plan detailing House Democrats’ ideas to change the way people get prescription drugs. At the heart of the plan is a retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines. The only way out of paying this tax is if the drug becomes subject to strict government price controls and price caps. The House is expected to vote on the plan this fall.

This “Pelosi Medicine Tax” could apply to the 250 most popular prescription drugs in the country and must apply to at least 25 of them. The tax is not on profits from the sale of the drug, but on the gross receipts from the sale. For example, if a medicine is sold for $100, a tax of $95 is owed, regardless of the cost of selling the drug.

The tax would apply to anyone who needs a prescription drug, and that’s just about everyone — seniors, veterans, women, you name it. The Pelosi Medicine Tax is not limited to just Medicare; it would apply to all sales of an affected drug, everywhere in the healthcare system.

Needless to say, such a tax would cripple access to life-saving prescription medicines and would very quickly mean government rationing and waiting lists. A tax of this size is next of kin to a Venezuelan-style socialist takeover of the bulk of the prescription drug industry. By having to turn all their money over to the government, the pharmaceutical companies would become captive corporations of the government itself — a kind of post office that dispenses pills instead of parcels.

Awaiting the President of all American's tweet on this now. :21:

Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines

...... So let me get this straight.....

If you don't reduce your prices..... then we'll make your drugs even more un-affordable for everyone.....

Providers would say "So I either make no profit, or you make it so I sell to every other country but the US citizens?"

Didn't Romney try that in Mass-Health?

Did not the drug companies decide to leave Massachusetts completely if they were forced into price controls? No one is going to produce a product without a profit. There is no reason to do so. I personally am not going to work really hard to produce a product for anyone, if I do not profit from doing so. Any other person is no different.
The republicans do not want price controls. They are just fine with prices continuing to rise.
Price controls run companies out of business..

Politicians use prices controls to force political donations and to eliminate the competition of their donors.

The answer is more competition and more freedom, not more Fascist government with corrupt politicians scamming the system.
There is no reason to do so. I personally am not going to work really hard to produce a product for anyone, if I do not profit from doing so. Any other person is no different.

Andy, but your not a communist tard. They don't think like real Americans. They've been drinking the kool-aid. :19:
It's a follow up bill on Trumps plan.

The plan in part borrows from some of Trump's drug pricing agenda, particularly on tying the cost of medicines to cheaper prices often paid in other developed countries. Some of the administration's ideas, however, have been met with skepticism from GOP lawmakers, who are closely aligned with drugmakers.

Trump even seems to still support it.

President Donald Trump hasn't taken a position on the plan, but he offered encouraging remarks on Twitter Thursday evening.

"I like Sen. [Chuck] Grassley’s drug pricing bill very much, and it’s great to see Speaker Pelosi’s bill today. Let’s get it done in a bipartisan way!" he wrote.

Pelosi's new drug plan pressures Trump on campaign pledge

The republicans do not want price controls. They are just fine with prices continuing to rise.

READ: I refuse to aknowledge that the 95% rise in medicine is a Democrat plan, so I will say something arbitrary against Republicans...
Gingrich and DeSantis: Pelosi drug plan is hazardous to your health – would hurt efforts to develop new drugs

By allowing bureaucrats to dictate drug prices, Pelosi is laying the groundwork for "Medicare-for-all" – which would have bureaucrats dictate all health care prices.

From the article:
retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines.
it would not affect new meds. You mean health ins?

If I were you I wouldn't read the propaganda lies from any far right radical extremist on this board.

This is the truth:

Pelosi unveils plan to curb drug prices

From the article:

Pelosi's plan, which she laid out at a morning news conference, would allow the government to negotiate the price of insulin and as many as 250 name-brand drugs each year for Medicare beneficiaries -- an idea that many Republicans are against but that President Donald Trump embraced during his 2016 campaign. Drug companies also would have to offer agreed-on prices to private insurers or face harsh penalties, which could give the package broader appeal with voters. The hit to noncompliant companies would be even stiffer than the penalty in a draft of her plan that circulated last week. The penalty extracted from a company unwilling to comply would be equal to 65% of the previous year's sales of the drug in question, but would gradually increase by 10 percentage points every quarter that the company refused to offer the government's price, to a maximum of 95%. Pelosi said that the House Energy and Commerce Committee would hold the first hearing on the bill Wednesday and that she hoped the committees of jurisdiction would begin drafting final legislation next month.

For the brain dead far right radical extremists on the board:

No company will ever pay that. They will lower their prices on drugs. When they know that most of the profits will go to taxes, they will choose to lower their prices.

It's the same way our nation controlled greed before reagan and greed became good.

We used to have high taxes on high wages and salaries. Not expecting to collect the tax dollars but to discourage greed. It worked well for many decades until reagan.

When those at the top aren't allowed to squeeze every penny from a company everyone benefits. Even the greedy people.

Greedy people will lower their drug prices instead of see that money go to the government in taxes so no one will pay one penny of that penalty.

Anyone who actually believes the OP without finding the truth, is making a very big mistake.
It’s coersion.
Gingrich and DeSantis: Pelosi drug plan is hazardous to your health – would hurt efforts to develop new drugs

By allowing bureaucrats to dictate drug prices, Pelosi is laying the groundwork for "Medicare-for-all" – which would have bureaucrats dictate all health care prices.

From the article:
retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines.
it would not affect new meds. You mean health ins?

If I were you I wouldn't read the propaganda lies from any far right radical extremist on this board.

This is the truth:

Pelosi unveils plan to curb drug prices

From the article:

Pelosi's plan, which she laid out at a morning news conference, would allow the government to negotiate the price of insulin and as many as 250 name-brand drugs each year for Medicare beneficiaries -- an idea that many Republicans are against but that President Donald Trump embraced during his 2016 campaign. Drug companies also would have to offer agreed-on prices to private insurers or face harsh penalties, which could give the package broader appeal with voters. The hit to noncompliant companies would be even stiffer than the penalty in a draft of her plan that circulated last week. The penalty extracted from a company unwilling to comply would be equal to 65% of the previous year's sales of the drug in question, but would gradually increase by 10 percentage points every quarter that the company refused to offer the government's price, to a maximum of 95%. Pelosi said that the House Energy and Commerce Committee would hold the first hearing on the bill Wednesday and that she hoped the committees of jurisdiction would begin drafting final legislation next month.

For the brain dead far right radical extremists on the board:

No company will ever pay that. They will lower their prices on drugs. When they know that most of the profits will go to taxes, they will choose to lower their prices.

It's the same way our nation controlled greed before reagan and greed became good.

We used to have high taxes on high wages and salaries. Not expecting to collect the tax dollars but to discourage greed. It worked well for many decades until reagan.

When those at the top aren't allowed to squeeze every penny from a company everyone benefits. Even the greedy people.

Greedy people will lower their drug prices instead of see that money go to the government in taxes so no one will pay one penny of that penalty.

Anyone who actually believes the OP without finding the truth, is making a very big mistake.
It’s coersion.

She is taking a page from tramp's playbook, which he continuously uses.

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