Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Your post is a muddle of contradictions.

where do I contradict myself? I find it odd that Mitt is spending valuable time in PA - a state that Liability thinks he is "unlikely" to win.... I also find it odd that someone would express absolute certainty about a race that is this close.

Nothing odd about it, unless you're a 'tard.
Mitt is pretty certain about some states and is looking to pick off others. With Obama's anti-coal, anti heavy industry bias PA is perfect for Mitt. Mitt has been surging in states previously called for Obama. PA might be the next one. But he will force Obama to spend resources there and might win the state. If he does, who cares about Ohio. It is win-win for Mitt. But I think it indicates optimism in his camp about his chances, that he would spend time and money on a marginal state like PA. If he were less certain he would be shoring up his base.

You never said where I contradicted myself.... and if Mitt DOES win PA, and IA and WI and MI, you might be right. My larger point is that I find absolute certainty in this discussion to be idiotic. My personal prediction is that Obama's EC firewall WILL hold, but I wouldn't bet my house on it... I'd bet $1000, just because I am a gambling man and I think it is a good bet, but not a sure bet.
Your post is a muddle of contradictions.

where do I contradict myself? I find it odd that Mitt is spending valuable time in PA - a state that Liability thinks he is "unlikely" to win.... I also find it odd that someone would express absolute certainty about a race that is this close.
Because you are tragically stupid.

I say Mitt IS going to win. He does not need PA to do that. It would be nice. It's still possible. It's just not terribly likely. But then again, so what?

There is no contradiction if he doesn't NEED PA in order to win.

Damn, you're fucking stupid.

I don't think Mitt's going to win NY or California, either. Yet -- wait for it fuckchop -- I STILL say he IS going to win.

Get an adult to help you out, ya hapless idiot.

again... your absolute certainty is funny... and if you had the nuts to show back up here on Wednesday if Mitt loses, it would be great sport to rub your nose in it... but it would get old quickly, I think... kind of like how pelting a retarded kid with snowballs does.
where do I contradict myself? I find it odd that Mitt is spending valuable time in PA - a state that Liability thinks he is "unlikely" to win.... I also find it odd that someone would express absolute certainty about a race that is this close.
Because you are tragically stupid.

I say Mitt IS going to win. He does not need PA to do that. It would be nice. It's still possible. It's just not terribly likely. But then again, so what?

There is no contradiction if he doesn't NEED PA in order to win.

Damn, you're fucking stupid.

I don't think Mitt's going to win NY or California, either. Yet -- wait for it fuckchop -- I STILL say he IS going to win.

Get an adult to help you out, ya hapless idiot.

again... your absolute certainty is funny... and if you had the nuts to show back up here on Wednesday if Mitt loses, it would be great sport to rub your nose in it... but it would get old quickly, I think... kind of like how pelting a retarded kid with snowballs does.

It would be wrong to show up here if the Election is accurately called and I am on the losing side.

Thankfully, that won't happen.

Why not join the bet?

If Obama get re-elected, I'm gone. But if Mitt gets elected, you go.

Deal, you sack of hot air?

Nah. I didn't think so.
Ronda Rhodium has Mitts' chance of election at 72.295%

Who the fuck is Ronda Rhodium?

This guy on the corner says Obama is a lock.

However, the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop notes that there is a 93% chance that Mitt will win.
This guy on the corner says Obama is a lock.

However, the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop notes that there is a 93% chance that Mitt will win.

Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.
This guy on the corner says Obama is a lock.

However, the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop notes that there is a 93% chance that Mitt will win.

Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Nothing "good" about it when Nate is doing his hack work relying on fucked up polls, you idiot.
The Saturday before the election produced a predictably large volume of polling in battleground states — but also some predictable-seeming results, with most of the polls coming close to the average of other polls.

Because President Obama leads in the polling average in most of the swing states, this means that most of the polls there on Saturday showed him ahead as well. Among the 21 polls in battleground states on Saturday, 16 had Mr. Obama ahead as compared with just two leads for Mr. Romney; three other battleground state polls had the race tied.

Nov. 3: Romney's Reason to Play for Pennsylvania -

With regard to the National polls:

On Sunday, Mr. Obama led by an average of about one percentage point among seven national surveys. That is not much of an edge, but better than had generally been the case for him just after the Denver debate.

If the national polls show a tie on average, then Mr. Romney will be more of an underdog than you might think, since that is when Mr. Obama’s Electoral College advantages will tend to give him their greatest benefit. In the FiveThirtyEight simulation on Saturday, Mr. Obama won the Electoral College about 80 percent of the time when the national popular vote was tied.

Nov. 3: Romney's Reason to Play for Pennsylvania -
This guy on the corner says Obama is a lock.

However, the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop notes that there is a 93% chance that Mitt will win.

Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Do you actually understand what you just wrote? LOL!

Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.

This guy on the corner says Obama is a lock.

However, the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop notes that there is a 93% chance that Mitt will win.

Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Nothing "good" about it when Nate is doing his hack work relying on fucked up polls, you idiot.

Oh. I'm sorry they're not "skewed" in your favor.

It's going to be rough for your taking it hard in the ass come election day. All those fucked up polls will have really fucked your ass raw.

But there won't be a bit of pity in the building here for you.
Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Do you actually understand what you just wrote? LOL!

Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.


Wow. You just don't get it. No wonder you're an Obama supporter.
Do you actually understand what you just wrote? LOL!

Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.


Wow. You just don't get it. No wonder you're an Obama supporter.

What don't I get, Rabbi?

Please, fucking ENLIGHTEN me.
Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Nothing "good" about it when Nate is doing his hack work relying on fucked up polls, you idiot.

Oh. I'm sorry they're not "skewed" in your favor.

It's going to be rough for your taking it hard in the ass come election day. All those fucked up polls will have really fucked your ass raw.

You ARE sorry. But you are also fucking moronic. I didn't ask you to be skewed in my favor, you dickwad.

I will enjoy watching stupid pussy motherfuckers like you squirm when the results come in and your Obamessiah goes down to inglorious electoral defeat.

Now, get back to eating the corn out of my shit, you useless clump of dumb.
Good thing it's polls that are taken into account, not the opinions of random people.

Do you actually understand what you just wrote? LOL!

Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.



Do you actually understand what you just wrote? LOL!

Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.




Come on then, explain what's so fucking whooosh about it.

You fucking can't, because you know I'm right. Some jackass giving his magic number pulled out of his slimy asshole is entirely different than armies of pollsters calling people and aggregating their data of voting preferences.
Right. Exactly as I said.

You fucking can't. And anyone with half a brain can see that too.

So all you have is sound effects that make you feel smart, but when challenged to explain yourself you come up with NOTHING.

I don't know how I ever had as much respect for you as I once did.

You're pathetic. Might as well get it over-with and change your title to Exiled for Life.
Yes, I do... you fucking idiot. Polls on who people are likely to vote for, thousands of them, is entirely different than some schmuck on the street corner or behind the cash register saying who they think will win.




Come on then, explain what's so fucking whooosh about it.

You fucking can't, because you know I'm right. Some jackass giving his magic number pulled out of his slimy asshole is entirely different than armies of pollsters calling people and aggregating their data of voting preferences.

What do you think polls are, idiot? They are the opinions of random people.

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