Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Right. Exactly as I said.

You fucking can't. And anyone with half a brain can see that too.

So all you have is sound effects that make you feel smart, but when challenged to explain yourself you come up with NOTHING.

I don't know how I ever had as much respect for you as I once did.

You're pathetic. Might as well get it over-with and change your title to Exiled for Life.

cowflop is beyond pathetic.



Come on then, explain what's so fucking whooosh about it.

You fucking can't, because you know I'm right. Some jackass giving his magic number pulled out of his slimy asshole is entirely different than armies of pollsters calling people and aggregating their data of voting preferences.

What do you think polls are, idiot? They are the opinions of random people.


There. I used my allotment of caps lock for the millennium.

God, you're fucking stupid and borderline illiterate.
Come on then, explain what's so fucking whooosh about it.

You fucking can't, because you know I'm right. Some jackass giving his magic number pulled out of his slimy asshole is entirely different than armies of pollsters calling people and aggregating their data of voting preferences.

What do you think polls are, idiot? They are the opinions of random people.


There. I used my allotment of caps lock for the millennium.

God, you're fucking stupid and borderline illiterate.

I'm not the one who wrote that the opinions of a bunch of random people are better than the opinions of a bunch of random people.
That would be you, fishface.
Silver is in the soros pack. He endorses Obama, he went to college in Chicago.

He is risking nothing if he blows this. He is helping his friend Obama.
I was wondering, after Silver's dead on call of states in 2008, how'd he do in 2010? Awaiting enlightenment from his proponents.
Fuck Nate Silver. He don't know shit.
Explains why they are acting a little nuttier...

This is what happens when you nominate a horrible candidate and base your entire campaign on lies.
I'm sure this has been posted
These dumbfaucks glammedonto to Silver because he is giving them what they want, thats all it is.

Never mind his methods, they need to hear Bammy is going to win.

Tuesday they will come in here screaming somebody cheated and we will all just laugh in their faces....
Because you are tragically stupid.

I say Mitt IS going to win. He does not need PA to do that. It would be nice. It's still possible. It's just not terribly likely. But then again, so what?

There is no contradiction if he doesn't NEED PA in order to win.

Damn, you're fucking stupid.

I don't think Mitt's going to win NY or California, either. Yet -- wait for it fuckchop -- I STILL say he IS going to win.

Get an adult to help you out, ya hapless idiot.

again... your absolute certainty is funny... and if you had the nuts to show back up here on Wednesday if Mitt loses, it would be great sport to rub your nose in it... but it would get old quickly, I think... kind of like how pelting a retarded kid with snowballs does.

It would be wrong to show up here if the Election is accurately called and I am on the losing side.

Thankfully, that won't happen.

Why not join the bet?

If Obama get re-elected, I'm gone. But if Mitt gets elected, you go.

Deal, you sack of hot air?

Nah. I didn't think so.

I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.
again... your absolute certainty is funny... and if you had the nuts to show back up here on Wednesday if Mitt loses, it would be great sport to rub your nose in it... but it would get old quickly, I think... kind of like how pelting a retarded kid with snowballs does.

It would be wrong to show up here if the Election is accurately called and I am on the losing side.

Thankfully, that won't happen.

Why not join the bet?

If Obama get re-elected, I'm gone. But if Mitt gets elected, you go.

Deal, you sack of hot air?

Nah. I didn't think so.

I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....
It would be wrong to show up here if the Election is accurately called and I am on the losing side.

Thankfully, that won't happen.

Why not join the bet?

If Obama get re-elected, I'm gone. But if Mitt gets elected, you go.

Deal, you sack of hot air?

Nah. I didn't think so.

I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....

Liability believes otherwise.
I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....

Liability believes otherwise.

as does 90% of the Lefty's on this board:)
I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....

Liability believes otherwise.

Confidence is not a synonym for certainty.

I believe that Mitt will win strongly enough to place a wager on the outcome. You don't. That's fine.

But don't try to speak for me. You suck badly enough trying to speak for you.
It would be wrong to show up here if the Election is accurately called and I am on the losing side.

Thankfully, that won't happen.

Why not join the bet?

If Obama get re-elected, I'm gone. But if Mitt gets elected, you go.

Deal, you sack of hot air?

Nah. I didn't think so.

I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....

Maybe not. But there are very good reasons to doubt the strength of the case for those claiming that the incumbent "is" going to win re-election or that the "probabilities" strongly favor that outcome.
I'm not the one claiming certainty. you are. Is that too difficult for you to grasp? I have no problem with people who strongly believe that Romney will win... or that strongly HOPE that Romney wins... I have exactly those same beliefs and hopes for Obama. What I find amusing is your obnoxiousness and insults as you proclaim your absolute certainty about the outcome. That's funny to me. And I find it illuminating that you will be here to say "I told you so" and rub a Romney victory in the faces of all the Obama supporters - most of whom are nowhere near as obnoxious and insulting as YOU are and most of whom do not express the unrealistic degree of certainty that you do - but yet, if your certainty proves to be in error, you will run away and hide like a nutless girlieman rather than allow your foolishness to be rubbed in your face by the folks who you have so routinely abused here. That's really fucking pathetic.

The sad thing is that there is NOTHING to suggest certainty for either side....

Maybe not. But there are very good reasons to doubt the strength of the case for those claiming that the incumbent "is" going to win re-election or that the "probabilities" strongly favor that outcome.

I absolutely agree, screaming anything is certain at this point is just silly....but its just better to laugh at them, it infuriates them.
Natey Boy is starting to walk back his prediction now...

From Twitter:
We have Obama as ~80% likely to win Electoral College if popular vote is a tie. 98% if it's O+1. 30% if it's R+1.

So, if the popular vote isn't tied or on the plus side for 0bama, Natey says Barry has a 30% or less chance of winning the EC...

FYI, Barry won't win the popular vote....

As I predicted, Nate is refining his prediction to try and save face...

Too late... The libs are gonna be pissed at him anyway...
Natey Boy is starting to walk back his prediction now...

From Twitter:
We have Obama as ~80% likely to win Electoral College if popular vote is a tie. 98% if it's O+1. 30% if it's R+1.

So, if the popular vote isn't tied or on the plus side for 0bama, Natey says Barry has a 30% or less chance of winning the EC...

FYI, Barry won't win the popular vote....

As I predicted, Nate is refining his prediction to try and save face...

Too late... The libs are gonna be pissed at him anyway...

I'll bookmark this post for you.
Natey Boy is starting to walk back his prediction now...

From Twitter:

So, if the popular vote isn't tied or on the plus side for 0bama, Natey says Barry has a 30% or less chance of winning the EC...

FYI, Barry won't win the popular vote....

As I predicted, Nate is refining his prediction to try and save face...

Too late... The libs are gonna be pissed at him anyway...

I'll bookmark this post for you.

Ditto, fuckstain...:thup:
A little something to think about in regards to this subject it's a two person race so no matter if it's Nate Sliver, Rasmussen, Gallup, FOX, CNN, myself or anyone else on this board we all have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

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