Nathan Phillips led protest at Catholic mass

So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.

Was that was he was?

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Of course jews hate all the indigenous people, don't they?

Not as far as I know.

You're not a Jew, and you seem to hate everyone.
Here you go, Penelope.

Get yourself one of these, and wear it with pride.

Yup, progressive hero Nathan “Shitting Bull” Phillips led his group of professional protesters to disrupt a Catholic mass in DC.

Washington D.C., Jan 22, 2019 / 03:58 pm (CNA).- While chanting and playing ceremonial drums, a group of Native American rights activists reportedly led by Nathan Phillips attempted Jan. 19 to enter Washington, D.C.’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during a Saturday evening Mass.

The group of 20 demonstrators was stopped by shrine security as it tried to enter the church during its 5:15 pm Vigil Mass, according to a shrine security guard on duty during the Mass.

“It was really upsetting,” the guard told CNA.

Nathan Phillips rally attempted to disrupt Mass at DC’s National Shrine

Regressives sure know how to pick ‘em!
Good for him....I'd protest pedophile priests too.

Actually the Catholic schools scolded the boys and made them feel as though it was their fault for being politically active.

Meanwhile, across the nation 1rst graders are dragged into the streets by public schools to protest guns.

Sounds about right.
kid did good , feck that toothless 'indian vet' , who the heck does he think he is trying to intimidate a young boy growing into a young man Penny .

I'd say he's quite the successful agent provocateur having intimidated the entire nation

maybe another 1/2 dz threads here might convince some of that.....

All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.

So now he is a fake vet?
------------------------------------- don't know if he is FAKE or what , simply appears to be a jerkworthy and toothless indian if he is even 'indian' as thats also been brought into question . ---------------------------- And to you lefties , hey , respect for those that deserve respect is fine but you guys really ought to start selecting those that you worship in a better way.
On the Infowars video, Phillips says that they threw beer cans. If Phillips is an alcoholic, we'll have to remind the Peanut Gallery that unlike their caucasoid daddies and mommies, the Native American genome is compromised in processing alcohol, a weapon-tool of the Colonizer, and that there are certain gene pathways defining this compromise. Thei MAGA hats now become symbolic penus-shields, which they should justifiably wear backwards so as to cover the most vulnerable backside of the neck, especially in History class.
----------------------------------- just a quick comment but i think that you are correct if you are saying that 'indians' can't handle 'alcohol' and i think that that is true Badger .
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.
--------------------------------------------- yeah , thats what i heard , he was a 'reefer' or refridgerator repairman in some military kitchen .
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9]and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.
--------------------------------------------- yeah , thats what i heard , he was a 'reefer' or refridgerator repairman in some military kitchen .

His DD-214 was recently obtained. It shows:

-He enlisted in the Marine Reserves from 72-76
-His posts were in Lincoln, NE and El Toro, CA -- never overseas.
-He was discharged in 76 with a rank of private (no promotions)
-He did several stints in confinement for repeatedly going AWOL
-His job was ReferMech (Refrigerator Mechanic)
Oh, and a 2008 “Indian Country Today” article about a sacred pipe ceremony Phillips held at Arlington National Ceremony includes the following quote from Phillips about "coming back to the U.S." after his Vietnam service:

"People called me a baby killer and a hippie girl spit on me.'”

So, there's that...
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the catholic boys were protesting as well.

No they were not protesting anything.

They were simply waiting for their bus, nitwit.

What were they there for , pro abortion?? The young boys were there to protest abortion , like they know about being pregnant. They know more about how to make a female pregnant .

Hey dumbass, males are allowed to have opinions on abortion. You know, we are humans with brains and understand that killing innocent life is wrong. Having a vagina isn’t a requirement to understand that.

Here is your hero trying to disrupt those evil colonial Catholics:

Actually the Catholic schools scolded the boys and made them feel as though it was their fault for being politically active.

Meanwhile, across the nation 1rst graders are dragged into the streets by public schools to protest guns.

And dragged to the streets so naked deviant sex perverts can dry hump in front of them “in pride!”
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9]and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.
--------------------------------------------- yeah , thats what i heard , he was a 'reefer' or refridgerator repairman in some military kitchen .

His DD-214 was recently obtained. It shows:

-He enlisted in the Marine Reserves from 72-76
-His posts were in Lincoln, NE and El Toro, CA -- never overseas.
-He was discharged in 76 with a rank of private (no promotions)
-He did several stints in confinement for repeatedly going AWOL
-His job was ReferMech (Refrigerator Mechanic)

An AWOL reservist refrig mechanic! What a guy!
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.

He would have had to serve as a 16 year old for that to be true.

According to multiple news accounts, the activist is 64 years old, which means he would have been 18 years old in 1973, the last year any U.S. combat units were stationed in Vietnam.

Mr. Phillips also claims to be a Marine veteran, although the last Marine combat units left Vietnam in 1971.​

Multiple media sources have recognized the man for lying about his Vietnam war veteran status.

Washington Post Issues Key Correction: Native Elder Nathan Phillips Did Not Serve in Vietnam

Washington Post Issues Key Correction: Native Elder Nathan Phillips Did Not Serve in Vietnam

As information was coming out about Native American elder Nathan Phillips, it was initially reported he was a Vietnam War veteran. The assumed fact was widely citied by people that were coming to his defense after encountering Nick Sandmann and other high school students....

In a correction to their initial story published on Sunday, the Washington Post said that while he had served in the Marine Corps, he did not deploy to Vietnam:

Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.​
wow....libs....lefties......righties.....clinton...pocahauntas......fake news..........NA bashing....anyone bashing.....

Looks like 'ol Nate Phillips hit the trifecta....

For a troll maybe.

You gonna offer to give him a blow job now too like your other degenerate libtards do?

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