Nathan Phillips led protest at Catholic mass

high numbers and plenty of practice so guys know how to be more complementary.

we really should blame the women for being able to talk and "listen to snakes" but not make appointments for full body massage with happy ending to be Happier.
What were they there for , pro abortion?? The young boys were there to protest abortion , like they know about being pregnant. They know more about how to make a female pregnant .
No, dullard, they were at that place at that time to catch their bus ride home.

they were not at that time protesting.

Jeebus, wake the hell up, find your meds or sumpin'.
Catholic boys (and girls) seem to be requiring some fetchin' up about U.S. history. Phillips says in the video "I heard them say 'Build that wall, build that wall!' This is Indigenous land." Yes, Phillips is correct.
No, Phillips was in fact lying about the chants and about being a Vietnam war veteran.
So, it spreads. Heresay!

To the point where the rabid right see Phillips as a threat, and our POTUS invites the boys to the WH.....

Looks to me like a decrepit 'ol man w/drum's brought chistofascism into the court of public opinion, fueled by our evangelist 'n chief

Bad move......i would have thrown a few $$$'s in the 'ol man's drum case ,and called it a day

The leftist provacateur was not panhandling, ass hole.

The kids were just standing there; how does that amount to Christofascism?

Why are you such a gutless lying sack of shyte?

No, the boys were not just standing here, watch the video again.

Yes, they were in fact standing at that place waiting for their bus. They started doing school cheers out of boredom, so what?
The difference is, the church isn't there to murder babies. The whole purpose of an abortion clinic is to kill children.

Correction; they are also there to make profits with the tissues from those murdered babies as well.

Gossling was a typical late term abortionist.
For studies of the U.S. 6th Cavalry and their hiring of Western Apaches, previously mentioned in this thread, see Basso, KH, Western Apache Witchcraft.
We have already shown the Clinton mafia connection to professional abortionists here at USMB.
On the Infowars video, Phillips says that they threw beer cans. If Phillips is an alcoholic, we'll have to remind the Peanut Gallery that unlike their caucasoid daddies and mommies, the Native American genome is compromised in processing alcohol, a weapon-tool of the Colonizer, and that there are certain gene pathways defining this compromise. Thei MAGA hats now become symbolic penus-shields, which they should justifiably wear backwards so as to cover the most vulnerable backside of the neck, especially in History class.
No, you libs are the only penises around here that is relevant at all.
wow....libs....lefties......righties.....clinton...pocahauntas......fake news..........NA bashing....anyone bashing.....

Looks like 'ol Nate Phillips hit the trifecta....

All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.

The Marines also played an important role in the Vietnam War at battles such as Da Nang, Huế, and Khe Sanh. The Marines operated in the northern I Corps regions of South Vietnam and fought both a constant guerilla war against the Viet Cong and an off and on conventional war against North Vietnamese Army regulars. Marines also conducted the less well-known Combined Action Program that implemented unconventional techniques for counterinsurgency warfare. The Marine presence was withdrawn in 1971, but returned briefly in 1975 to evacuate Saigon and attempt to rescue the crew of the Mayagüez. 13,091 Marines were killed and 88,594 wounded during the war.[68] As a footnote, the Marines in Vietnam suffered more casualties than both WWI and WWII combined, and 57 were awarded the Medal of Honor.

History of the United States Marine Corps - Wikipedia
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.

Was that was he was?

All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.

He never left the US
All that fake veteran has done is exposed the Hate-America-first agenda of the Corporate owned media and made fools of people like you and other libtards.
So now he is a fake vet?
He is not a Vietnam war veteran as he claims to be.

Phillips served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1972 to 1976. He has described himself as a Vietnam era veteran,[8][9] and was quoted "You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. (from his bio)

Marine recon units were there till the mid 70's and the war ended in 1975.
He was a repairman. When did the repairmen leave.

Was that was he was?

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Of course jews hate all the indigenous people, don't they?

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