National Public Radio has become Nearly Wall-to-Wall anti-Israeli Propaganda

Yawn, ho-hum. "I don't know why Palestinians are upset we took 90% of their land and consigned them to a densely populated slum that we bomb indiscriminately!"

Of course peace deals based on validating the THEFT of Palestine are rejected.

It would like if I took over your house, got a court to agree with me, and then "generously" offered to let you live in my unheated garage.
Nope. You have avoided the links Bibi Netanyahu supported Hamas because Hamas was opposed to a 2 state solution and so is he.

This stupidity and slaughter may go on another 50 years. What stupid people. They are disgusting.

Ahhh so Israel is responsible for Hamas yeah? Iran has nothing to do with it?

Please supply those links you say I’m avoiding. I want to see.
Yawn, ho-hum. "I don't know why Palestinians are upset we took 90% of their land and consigned them to a densely populated slum that we bomb indiscriminately!"

Of course peace deals based on validating the THEFT of Palestine are rejected.

It would like if I took over your house, got a court to agree with me, and then "generously" offered to let you live in my unheated garage.

Do you live in 1917? Do you live in 1948? Do you live in 1967 ? Or do you live in the here and now.

You sound exactly like Hamas. Are you Hamas?

In the right here and now Israel exists as a country. That is not going to change without a massive war that will kill ten times the Palestinians as you have seen now.

Is that what you want? Is that why you and Hamas bitch about the past?

Please realize that a peace deal is the only option that makes sense. So where are all the Arab countries helping with that? Or can’t they get past their Islamic predudices? I thought they cared about the Palestinian people.

How many more dead ones do you want until your satisfied. Yea when I saw you and some others here sound like Hamas I mean it.
You threw your critical thinking right out the window…. Or , your filled with hate.
One or the other.
Do you live in 1917? Do you live in 1948? Do you live in 1967 ? Or do you live in the here and now.

You sound exactly like Hamas. Are you Hamas?

In the right here and now Israel exists as a country. That is not going to change without a massive war that will kill ten times the Palestinians as you have seen now.
Actually, it's far more likely that Israel will end the way South Africa ended apartheid.

Please realize that a peace deal is the only option that makes sense. So where are all the Arab countries helping with that? Or can’t they get past their Islamic predudices? I thought they cared about the Palestinian people.

I agree, a peace deal would be best. But how do you make a just peace with people who've already screwed you and will screw you again given the opportunity?

How many more dead ones do you want until your satisfied. Yea when I saw you and some others here sound like Hamas I mean it.
You threw your critical thinking right out the window…. Or , your filled with hate.
One or the other.

Me? I'm always happy when religious stupidity get pimp-slapped. The Zionists chose to seize Palestinian land, they really don't have much sympathy from me now that they are finding themselves as international pariahs.
Actually, it's far more likely that Israel will end the way South Africa ended apartheid.

I agree, a peace deal would be best. But how do you make a just peace with people who've already screwed you and will screw you again given the opportunity?

Me? I'm always happy when religious stupidity get pimp-slapped. The Zionists chose to seize Palestinian land, they really don't have much sympathy from me now that they are finding themselves as international pariahs.

I agree, a peace deal would be best. But how do you make a just peace with people who've already screwed you and will screw you again given the opportunity?

How you ask? if they were really concerned about suffering Palestinians , they would accept a cease fire and stop firing rockets. Stop doing what they did on OCT 7th. You make a peace deal for the benefit of your people, but YOU know thats not what Hamas is all about. They dont love their own people. What they do to them is not an act of love.

Now you claim that it makes you happy when Religious fundamentalists get bitch slapped, but you do realize, Hamas considers their people Martyrs for Allah? So you see, they continue to be the problem and the barrier to peace. Gaza was not the mess it is now when it was first given to The Palestinians. It was in much better working order, but hamas ran it down and diverted funds.

You say Zionists stole Palestinian lands but the Islamic fundamentalists are also stealing from them, while the leaders in Dubai and Qatar have billions of dollars in misapropriated funds. That would never change even if Palestinians had all control of Israel. The common people would still be forced to live in squalor. Its how their leadership roles. You should know this by now.

If HAmas and Hezbolla want to continue without making peace then it will end in war for them.
How you ask? if they were really concerned about suffering Palestinians , they would accept a cease fire and stop firing rockets. Stop doing what they did on OCT 7th. You make a peace deal for the benefit of your people, but YOU know thats not what Hamas is all about. They dont love their own people. What they do to them is not an act of love.

Yes, because giving in to an occupier always has good results. Just ask the Native Americans, or the Jews who went along with the Nazis until they got tossed into the ovens.

Now you claim that it makes you happy when Religious fundamentalists get bitch slapped, but you do realize, Hamas considers their people Martyrs for Allah? So you see, they continue to be the problem and the barrier to peace. Gaza was not the mess it is now when it was first given to The Palestinians. It was in much better working order, but hamas ran it down and diverted funds.

Actually, Gaza was poor when the Zionists realized that it wasn't worth the expense of occupying.

You say Zionists stole Palestinian lands but the Islamic fundamentalists are also stealing from them, while the leaders in Dubai and Qatar have billions of dollars in misapropriated funds. That would never change even if Palestinians had all control of Israel. The common people would still be forced to live in squalor. Its how their leadership roles. You should know this by now.

Uh, let's get real, Palestine would be poor because they are a third world country with few resources. Israel is propped up by BILLIONS of dollars in Western Aid because the Jews have their hands so deep in our congress they are up to the elbow.
Actually, it's far more likely that Israel will end the way South Africa ended apartheid.

I agree, a peace deal would be best. But how do you make a just peace with people who've already screwed you and will screw you again given the opportunity?

Me? I'm always happy when religious stupidity get pimp-slapped. The Zionists chose to seize Palestinian land, they really don't have much sympathy from me now that they are finding themselves as international pariahs.

Me? I'm always happy when religious stupidity get pimp-slapped. The Zionists chose to seize Palestinian land, they really don't have much sympathy from me now that they are finding themselves as international pariahs.

Theres also the fact that, Jews have always been unjustly, International Pariahs as you say. Do you you know that they were hated by Europeans going back to the black plague , where they were blamed for the disease?. Because of th eJews RELIGIOUS habit of washing themselves daily for prayer, they enede up NOT contracting the disease, and then it lead the other non- Jews to blame them as something like witches. Jews in many parts of Europe were not allowed to own Farm land because of predjudice, so they primarily had to stick to being merchants.. dealing with money to make a living... which would further isolate them from other Europeans.... no wonder they would dream of wanting to leave Europe, and for some of them wanting to have their ancstral home land.

And whiloe you're talking about JEWS Screwing over the Palestinians...... did you know that whenever Hamas strikes Israelis, and then anticipate air strikes in return.... they will then hurridly rush their poor civilians into all those bomb shelters they have made for them using international aid money?? yeah.. did you know how much Hamas cares about their poor people? those tears are REAL!!!

OH but wait. There are no bomb shelters. And as a matter of fact Hamas refuses to open access to the labrinth of safe tunnels reserved for Hamas fighters. The people are left to did in air strikes as the gun batteries are set up near schools and other places where civilians are. Meanwhile as YOU know... the few leaders at the top of HAMAS are living like Kings with billions of dollars in some other country. Of course those guys dont want to make peace, and they are happy to have people just like YOU supporting them also. And you claim Israel has screwed the Palestinian people over.
Theres also the fact that, Jews have always been unjustly, International Pariahs as you say. Do you you know that they were hated by Europeans going back to the black plague , where they were blamed for the disease?. Because of th eJews RELIGIOUS habit of washing themselves daily for prayer, they enede up NOT contracting the disease, and then it lead the other non- Jews to blame them as something like witches. Jews in many parts of Europe were not allowed to own Farm land because of predjudice, so they primarily had to stick to being merchants.. dealing with money to make a living... which would further isolate them from other Europeans.... no wonder they would dream of wanting to leave Europe, and for some of them wanting to have their ancstral home land.

Actually, the Jews were hated by the Europeans for a whole host of reasons, starting with that they killed Jesus, according to the Bible. They were also hated because they were money lenders who abused their position with obscene interest rates (as Christians couldn't loan money, as Usury was considered a sin.)

As long as we are on the subject, many of the Jews who lived in the Middle east before the creation of the Apartheid Zionist Entity fled there from Spain, because they were happy to be part of the Muslim occupation that was screwing the Catholic majority in Spain. No big surprise that they found themselves on the business end of the Inquisition afterwards.

OH but wait. There are no bomb shelters. And as a matter of fact Hamas refuses to open access to the labrinth of safe tunnels reserved for Hamas fighters. The people are left to did in air strikes as the gun batteries are set up near schools and other places where civilians are. Meanwhile as YOU know... the few leaders at the top of HAMAS are living like Kings with billions of dollars in some other country. Of course those guys dont want to make peace, and they are happy to have people just like YOU supporting them also. And you claim Israel has screwed the Palestinian people over.

A bomb shelter doesn't do any good if the building it's under gets buried.

So if the Zionist scum know the Hamas Leadership is in other countries... why are they bombing civilians in Gaza?

I mean, other than they are assholes.
Ahhh so Israel is responsible for Hamas yeah? Iran has nothing to do with it?

Please supply those links you say I’m avoiding. I want to see.

At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3

That the Jewish state was secured in 1948 by the expulsion of the Palestinians should have come as no surprise. Expulsion as Zionism's logical imperative was clearly seen by Herzl as early as June 12, 1895. At the time he was still formulating his ideas about Zionism and confided to his diary: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population [Palestinians] across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."4 Even if this was perhaps the fanciful imagining of a rather romantic personality, as some sympathizers of Herzl contend, its essential imperative was inescapable. This was recognized by most early Zionists, as evidenced by the fact that the theme of expulsion consistently ran through Zionist thought from the very beginning.5

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people. In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6 This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

David Ben-Gurion, the man who along with Herzl and Chaim Weizmann was one of the progenitors of Israel, explicitly acknowledged the linkage between Zionism and expulsion: "Zionism is a transfer of the Jews. Regarding the transfer of the Arabs this is much easier than any other transfer."8 Or, as Israeli scholar Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi put it: "While the basic problem confronting Diaspora Jews was to survive as a minority, the basic problem of Zionism in Palestine was to dispossess the natives and become a majority."9

Much attention has been paid to how the early Zionists secured land in Palestine, but relatively little study has focused on the equally essential effort by Zionists to delegitimize and replace the Palestinian majority.10 Without Jewish control, the Zionists concluded they would be no better off than in Europe, where Zionism arose specifically as a way to escape antisemitism, pogroms, the ghetto and minority status.

As former defense minister Ariel Sharon, a leading spokesman of Zionism's right wing, has commented: "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build a democracy but to build a Jewish state."11 A similar view was recently expressed by Labor leader and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "I don't believe that for 2,000 years Jews dreamed and prayed about the return to Zion to create a binational state."12 Though the terms are softer, the meaning is the same.

Thus from the very beginning of Zionism's dream of creating a Jewish state, there were two complementary and equally imperative objectives: gain land and replace the majority population, either by denying them their rights, out-populating them or displacing them by one method or another. Despite soothing promises by Herzl and other Zionists that Jews and Palestinians would live happily side by side, there was, indeed, no other way to create Zionism's envisioned Jewish state in Palestine.

The early Zionists pursued several strategies to achieve their goal. One was Jewish immigration. In their early enthusiasm, many Zionists and their supporters genuinely believed that large-scale Jewish immigration would soon solve the "Palestinian problem" by giving Jews a majority. Another rested on the belief that enough Palestinian farmers and labors, denied work, would accomplish the same thing by migrating out of Palestine.

A third strategy, less well-known because it was conducted largely in the corridors of power in Constantinople, Berlin, London and Washington, was to gain the sponsorship of a world power, thereby affording legitimacy to Jewish claims as a counterbalance to the rights of the Palestinian majority.

The Zionists pursued all of these strategies simultaneously with lesser and greater success. But in the end it was only forced expulsion that secured their state.

I'm afraid there is no other side of the argument.

You simply can't go into another country, brutally murders more than a thousand of its civilian woman and children, take a few hundred more hostage, threaten those with death and expect no retaliation.

Palestinians initiated the conflict and they are orchestrating the response.

Israel just has to do what they need to do and then end it.

Actually, the Jews were hated by the Europeans for a whole host of reasons, starting with that they killed Jesus, according to the Bible. They were also hated because they were money lenders who abused their position with obscene interest rates (as Christians couldn't loan money, as Usury was considered a sin.)

As long as we are on the subject, many of the Jews who lived in the Middle east before the creation of the Apartheid Zionist Entity fled there from Spain, because they were happy to be part of the Muslim occupation that was screwing the Catholic majority in Spain. No big surprise that they found themselves on the business end of the Inquisition afterwards.

A bomb shelter doesn't do any good if the building it's under gets buried.

So if the Zionist scum know the Hamas Leadership is in other countries... why are they bombing civilians in Gaza?

I mean, other than they are assholes.

Spain wasn't Catholic at the time. They were German pagans called Visigoths.
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At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3

That the Jewish state was secured in 1948 by the expulsion of the Palestinians should have come as no surprise. Expulsion as Zionism's logical imperative was clearly seen by Herzl as early as June 12, 1895. At the time he was still formulating his ideas about Zionism and confided to his diary: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population [Palestinians] across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."4 Even if this was perhaps the fanciful imagining of a rather romantic personality, as some sympathizers of Herzl contend, its essential imperative was inescapable. This was recognized by most early Zionists, as evidenced by the fact that the theme of expulsion consistently ran through Zionist thought from the very beginning.5

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people. In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6 This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

David Ben-Gurion, the man who along with Herzl and Chaim Weizmann was one of the progenitors of Israel, explicitly acknowledged the linkage between Zionism and expulsion: "Zionism is a transfer of the Jews. Regarding the transfer of the Arabs this is much easier than any other transfer."8 Or, as Israeli scholar Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi put it: "While the basic problem confronting Diaspora Jews was to survive as a minority, the basic problem of Zionism in Palestine was to dispossess the natives and become a majority."9

Much attention has been paid to how the early Zionists secured land in Palestine, but relatively little study has focused on the equally essential effort by Zionists to delegitimize and replace the Palestinian majority.10 Without Jewish control, the Zionists concluded they would be no better off than in Europe, where Zionism arose specifically as a way to escape antisemitism, pogroms, the ghetto and minority status.

As former defense minister Ariel Sharon, a leading spokesman of Zionism's right wing, has commented: "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build a democracy but to build a Jewish state."11 A similar view was recently expressed by Labor leader and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "I don't believe that for 2,000 years Jews dreamed and prayed about the return to Zion to create a binational state."12 Though the terms are softer, the meaning is the same.

Thus from the very beginning of Zionism's dream of creating a Jewish state, there were two complementary and equally imperative objectives: gain land and replace the majority population, either by denying them their rights, out-populating them or displacing them by one method or another. Despite soothing promises by Herzl and other Zionists that Jews and Palestinians would live happily side by side, there was, indeed, no other way to create Zionism's envisioned Jewish state in Palestine.

The early Zionists pursued several strategies to achieve their goal. One was Jewish immigration. In their early enthusiasm, many Zionists and their supporters genuinely believed that large-scale Jewish immigration would soon solve the "Palestinian problem" by giving Jews a majority. Another rested on the belief that enough Palestinian farmers and labors, denied work, would accomplish the same thing by migrating out of Palestine. A third strategy, less well-known because it was conducted largely in the corridors of power in Constantinople, Berlin, London and Washington, was to gain the sponsorship of a world power, thereby affording legitimacy to Jewish claims as a counterbalance to the rights of the Palestinian majority.

The Zionists pursued all of these strategies simultaneously with lesser and greater success. But in the end it was only forced expulsion that secured their state.

Spain wasn't Catholic at the time. They were German pagans called Visigoths.
By the time the Visigoths got to Spain, they converted to Christianity (well, Arian Christianity anyway) and spoke Latin.
Yes, because giving in to an occupier always has good results. Just ask the Native Americans, or the Jews who went along with the Nazis until they got tossed into the ovens.

Actually, Gaza was poor when the Zionists realized that it wasn't worth the expense of occupying.

Uh, let's get real, Palestine would be poor because they are a third world country with few resources. Israel is propped up by BILLIONS of dollars in Western Aid because the Jews have their hands so deep in our congress they are up to the elbow.

Yes, because giving in to an occupier always has good results. Just ask the Native Americans, or the Jews who went along with the Nazis until they got tossed into the ovens.

Israelis are not the same as Nazis or even American settlers. The reality of Israel is that they were attacked by Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria, and are still surrounded by enemies today. They are also a very tiny country and vulnerable, so that comparison really doesnt work. There is no Palestinian genocide. Their population has actually increased 10 fold throughout the world since 1948.

So your saying a massive war will end well? but making peace with the Israelis wont? Mind you, you know most of those slaughtered Jews at the dance party and who lived in those attacked kibutzes were probably more Liberal Jews, the type who want to make peace and concessions with Palestinians, but you can bet this attack by hamas has changed many of their minds now.
Israelis are not the same as Nazis or even American settlers. The reality of Israel is that they were attacked by Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria, and are still surrounded by enemies today. They are also a very tiny country and vulnerable, so that comparison really doesnt work. There is no Palestinian genocide. Their population has actually increased 10 fold throughout the world since 1948.

And if you go back to the time the Native Americans were being genocided out of existence, we portrayed them as savages who were out to murder us all. Heck, it was still pretty popular to portray them that way in movies all the way up until the 1950's.

So your saying a massive war will end well? but making peace with the Israelis wont? Mind you, you know most of those slaughtered Jews at the dance party and who lived in those attacked kibutzes were probably more Liberal Jews, the type who want to make peace and concessions with Palestinians, but you can bet this attack by hamas has changed many of their minds now.

Oh, please, all the Zionists want to screw the Palestinians at every opportunity. That's what happens when you think that you are God's Chosen people and screwing the gentiles is okay in his eyes.
Actually, the Jews were hated by the Europeans for a whole host of reasons, starting with that they killed Jesus, according to the Bible. They were also hated because they were money lenders who abused their position with obscene interest rates (as Christians couldn't loan money, as Usury was considered a sin.)

As long as we are on the subject, many of the Jews who lived in the Middle east before the creation of the Apartheid Zionist Entity fled there from Spain, because they were happy to be part of the Muslim occupation that was screwing the Catholic majority in Spain. No big surprise that they found themselves on the business end of the Inquisition afterwards.

A bomb shelter doesn't do any good if the building it's under gets buried.

So if the Zionist scum know the Hamas Leadership is in other countries... why are they bombing civilians in Gaza?

I mean, other than they are assholes.

Actually Money lenders were needed in Europe at the time, and with the approval of european royalty it was designated to the Jews. Abuses by Jewish money lenders happened of course but like everything else
STereotypes do not apply to everyone. Do you also believe all blacks here in the U.S. are shoplifters and
criminals and violent? Th esame applies to the way Jews have been villified by the actions of SOME.

Just like in the West Bank and gaza, children are taught stories of how Jews drink the blood of Palestinian children, when in reality Israelis have been divided with many opinions on how to deal with Palestinians.
The one fact that remains is their need for security which they cannot avoid unless you just expect them to let themselves be killed.

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