Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.
We identify as a nation because that's what makes us Americans.

Isn't it ironic that we as Americans are held together by a 226 year old piece of paper and a 200 year old swatch of cloth?

Our greatest association with humanity in fact lies with our nationality.
We identify as a nation because that's what makes us Americans.

Isn't it ironic that we as Americans are held together by a 226 year old piece of paper and a 200 year old swatch of cloth?

Our greatest association with humanity in fact lies with our nationality.

Let us be one with the Zimbabweans........not.
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.
It's very nice to see someone finally making sense and agreeing with me, while at the same time it's frustrating to see it from the side I don't really identify with, that being Rachael Meadow (and liberals) in your avatar, I always think of myself as a conservative, not to be confused with RINO's on MSM.
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

Borders have been necessary throughout most of history if only to keep the Barbarians out of progressive societies and penned up in their own. For all their faults western democracies have acted as social and cultural experiments to find and perfect new, more equitable ways to solve ancient problems. And other countries have added knowledge along the way, if only in mainly negative examples to be avoided. Now globalization is in the process of knitting these countries together. Economies and legal systems are slowly merging with common interests and against common enemies. Even America, the main bastion of jingoistic nationalism in the "enlighted" West elected a President who shows subtle signs of seeing the inevitable future. Conservatives obviously will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light. Many Liberals are still intoxicated by the lurid romance of "American Exceptialism". The great majority of citizens still can't, or won't, read the writing on the wall. The natural endpoint of globalization and interdependence is demonstrated perfectly by the European Union. The road will be rough, the path ahead unlit. But it leads downhill. Not in the pejorative sense though, in the sense that it is as inexorable as gravity. How many generations until civilizing evolution reaches the tipping point? At least several but it will happen. I'll go out on a limb and predict 150yrs +/-. Unfortunately I won't be around to bask in the light but I can be secure in the knowledge that future generations will benefit from the abolition of borders which served mankind so well for so long but are now an anchor to further progress.
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

Borders have been necessary throughout most of history if only to keep the Barbarians out of progressive societies and penned up in their own. For all their faults western democracies have acted as social and cultural experiments to find and perfect new, more equitable ways to solve ancient problems. And other countries have added knowledge along the way, if only in mainly negative examples to be avoided. Now globalization is in the process of knitting these countries together. Economies and legal systems are slowly merging with common interests and against common enemies. Even America, the main bastion of jingoistic nationalism in the "enlighted" West elected a President who shows subtle signs of seeing the inevitable future. Conservatives obviously will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light. Many Liberals are still intoxicated by the lurid romance of "American Exceptialism". The great majority of citizens still can't, or won't, read the writing on the wall. The natural endpoint of globalization and interdependence is demonstrated perfectly by the European Union. The road will be rough, the path ahead unlit. But it leads downhill. Not in the pejorative sense though, in the sense that it is as inexorable as gravity. How many generations until civilizing evolution reaches the tipping point? At least several but it will happen. I'll go out on a limb and predict 150yrs +/-. Unfortunately I won't be around to bask in the light but I can be secure in the knowledge that future generations will benefit from the abolition of borders which served mankind so well for so long but are now an anchor to further progress.

Why don't you trot this bullshit up to Canada and tell them they should merge with the U.S. and Mexico. Let's see how that one goes over.

The last I checked, Quebec is still looking at trying to form it's own country.
"Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient."


There are some really scary Loons out there. The quoted statement from earlier in this thread by a shallow babbler is one of many instances of frail judgment and knavery that can be found on this board every day...and you just have to wonder where the Loons come from...what their background is...and if the delusions of such unfortunate zealots can be treated.
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

Borders have been necessary throughout most of history if only to keep the Barbarians out of progressive societies and penned up in their own. For all their faults western democracies have acted as social and cultural experiments to find and perfect new, more equitable ways to solve ancient problems. And other countries have added knowledge along the way, if only in mainly negative examples to be avoided. Now globalization is in the process of knitting these countries together. Economies and legal systems are slowly merging with common interests and against common enemies. Even America, the main bastion of jingoistic nationalism in the "enlighted" West elected a President who shows subtle signs of seeing the inevitable future. Conservatives obviously will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light. Many Liberals are still intoxicated by the lurid romance of "American Exceptialism". The great majority of citizens still can't, or won't, read the writing on the wall. The natural endpoint of globalization and interdependence is demonstrated perfectly by the European Union. The road will be rough, the path ahead unlit. But it leads downhill. Not in the pejorative sense though, in the sense that it is as inexorable as gravity. How many generations until civilizing evolution reaches the tipping point? At least several but it will happen. I'll go out on a limb and predict 150yrs +/-. Unfortunately I won't be around to bask in the light but I can be secure in the knowledge that future generations will benefit from the abolition of borders which served mankind so well for so long but are now an anchor to further progress.

Why don't you trot this bullshit up to Canada and tell them they should merge with the U.S. and Mexico. Let's see how that one goes over.

The last I checked, Quebec is still looking at trying to form it's own country.

There are always glitches aong the way.
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

All nations and lines on global maps should be erased. Until we think of ourselves as one species and one planet and not mutliple species and ~200 nations things will only get worse. Every war in history had a buildup and rallying of nationalistic pride beforehand. 'We're special, God is on our side, but they're the enemy and godless!' Gets repeated every time. On the smaller scale, every war is akin to lobbing grenades and shooting bullets at one another inside a submarine deep below the sea. Eventually, your hull's gonna get breached and you're all gonna die when the ocean rushes in with such force it's like a powerful implosion.

Maybe we should wipe ourselves out. Not like we're anything worth saving. We're less noble than other primates (who don't destroy their own habitats) but with nuclear weapons. Seems the only real pride we have lies in how we constantly innovate more efficient ways of killing ourselves.
Borders have been necessary throughout most of history if only to keep the Barbarians out of progressive societies and penned up in their own. For all their faults western democracies have acted as social and cultural experiments to find and perfect new, more equitable ways to solve ancient problems. And other countries have added knowledge along the way, if only in mainly negative examples to be avoided. Now globalization is in the process of knitting these countries together. Economies and legal systems are slowly merging with common interests and against common enemies. Even America, the main bastion of jingoistic nationalism in the "enlighted" West elected a President who shows subtle signs of seeing the inevitable future. Conservatives obviously will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light. Many Liberals are still intoxicated by the lurid romance of "American Exceptialism". The great majority of citizens still can't, or won't, read the writing on the wall. The natural endpoint of globalization and interdependence is demonstrated perfectly by the European Union. The road will be rough, the path ahead unlit. But it leads downhill. Not in the pejorative sense though, in the sense that it is as inexorable as gravity. How many generations until civilizing evolution reaches the tipping point? At least several but it will happen. I'll go out on a limb and predict 150yrs +/-. Unfortunately I won't be around to bask in the light but I can be secure in the knowledge that future generations will benefit from the abolition of borders which served mankind so well for so long but are now an anchor to further progress.

Why don't you trot this bullshit up to Canada and tell them they should merge with the U.S. and Mexico. Let's see how that one goes over.

The last I checked, Quebec is still looking at trying to form it's own country.

There are always glitches aong the way.

While you are sitting out there on your limb consider the fact that we've seen more countries formed than dissolved in the last couple of decades.

People form countries to preserve and emphasize certain common denominators.

Or do you really think Isreal and Jordan will merge someday ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
A one world govt does not end well. Good grief. Are some of y'all really this stupid?

To support this statement "A one world govt does not end well"? My conjectures have evolved from studying history for fifty yrs.(mostly informaly, after a few basic courses in college). Your statement is no more that a belief, based on what?
A one world govt does not end well. Good grief. Are some of y'all really this stupid?

To support this statement "A one world govt does not end well"? My conjectures have evolved from studying history for fifty yrs.(mostly informaly, after a few basic courses in college). Your statement is no more that a belief, based on what?

Its based on actual empires, (ancient babylon, persia, greece and rome) that have conquered and tried to blend ethnicities, religions, and so on but have always failed. You should really try to comprehend the magnitude of these failures and what they encompassed on their way to annihilation. Now, throw 7 billion people under this wonderful one world govt and interpolate.
in getting beyond the emotion involved in this thread, Simon Anholt gives a thought provoking TED talk on some of these very issues here - LINK: "Which country does the most good for the world?"

Anholt has been an "Image" or "branding" consultant to countries all over the world and has put a lot of informed thought into the very ideas being discussed here. And he has developed an Index which measures a countries contribution to the world, it's "Goodness" quotient. Surprised me a bit who landed the #1 spot.
A one world govt does not end well. Good grief. Are some of y'all really this stupid?

Prove it.

Its based on actual empires, (ancient babylon, persia, greece and rome) that have conquered and tried to blend ethnicities, religions, and so on but have always failed. You should really try to comprehend the magnitude of these failures and what they encompassed on their way to annihilation. Now, throw 7 billion people under this wonderful one world govt and interpolate.

This proves nothing. "hurr durr sum dudes did sum stuff but nt rly cuz dey failed" is not proof. There has never been any single, all-powerful global government. That is why we're in the mess we're in today, and why we don't have a Moon colony.
A one world govt does not end well. Good grief. Are some of y'all really this stupid?

Prove it.

Its based on actual empires, (ancient babylon, persia, greece and rome) that have conquered and tried to blend ethnicities, religions, and so on but have always failed. You should really try to comprehend the magnitude of these failures and what they encompassed on their way to annihilation. Now, throw 7 billion people under this wonderful one world govt and interpolate.

This proves nothing. "hurr durr sum dudes did sum stuff but nt rly cuz dey failed" is not proof. There has never been any single, all-powerful global government. That is why we're in the mess we're in today, and why we don't have a Moon colony.

Actually, yes. Every one of the aforementioned empires attained that goal....and failed.

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