Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth

One of the problems here is that so long as different Races/ethnicity exist,

Literally stopped reading there. You appear to have based your post on this premise. Prove it.

To aid in keeping this thread on topic, I pre-emptively created a thread just for the discussion of this issue some weeks ago.

Prove your assertion to be correct (if you can--which I know you can't, but you should try anyway so maybe you'll learn when I destroy your feeble "arguments") so we can continue to the meat of the discussion here. Alternatively, withdraw your claim that races (whatever those are) exist.
Actually, yes. Every one of the aforementioned empires attained that goal....and failed.

When you say that "every one" of those groups you named "attained that goal," you seem to be stating that the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, etc. conquered and controlled the entire planet. Not "hurr durr thuh entire earth that dey knew of lol" but the entire planet, period. If this is the case, please provide proof of ancient Roman rulership over ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar, and Japan. If I have misinterpreted your remarks, explain in great detail what you meant by them.

The four empires encompassed the major population hubs. Outliers were of no consequence since the populations of those lands were minimal. I would continue but your comprehension level is in the novice bracket.

So are you now attempting to claim that your original point was that all four of the "empires" you named ruled the "major population hubs" simultaneously?

Just trying to clarify so I can more accurately insult you in a future post.
Prove it.

This proves nothing. "hurr durr sum dudes did sum stuff but nt rly cuz dey failed" is not proof. There has never been any single, all-powerful global government. That is why we're in the mess we're in today, and why we don't have a Moon colony.
Are you kidding. Iraq is a fine example of multiculturalism exposed for the failure that it is. And you think an entire planet can do any better?
Jesus Christ there exists mountains of stupidity in people.

Wrong. Iraq is a fine example of RELIGION being exposed for the failure that it is. The ONLY reason there is ANY violence in Iraq right now is because of religion. Remove the durka-durka "let's all pray to the big desert moon rock" factor, all will be quiet on the Middle Eastern front.

You are indeed clueless.
When you say that "every one" of those groups you named "attained that goal," you seem to be stating that the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, etc. conquered and controlled the entire planet. Not "hurr durr thuh entire earth that dey knew of lol" but the entire planet, period. If this is the case, please provide proof of ancient Roman rulership over ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar, and Japan. If I have misinterpreted your remarks, explain in great detail what you meant by them.

The four empires encompassed the major population hubs. Outliers were of no consequence since the populations of those lands were minimal. I would continue but your comprehension level is in the novice bracket.

So are you now attempting to claim that your original point was that all four of the "empires" you named ruled the "major population hubs" simultaneously?

Just trying to clarify so I can more accurately insult you in a future post.

Thanks for proving my point in reference to comprehension levels.

Prove what?.....Oh no sweet lumps. you don't get away with that shit with me.
You made the claim. You come up with the proof that supports your claim that a one world government would 'work'....
And while you're at it, in this context, define "work"...
See you in about 5 years.

Incorrect. YOU made the claim that my claim was "bullshit." Now YOU have to prove that your claim--that the idea of a one world government would work is the excrement of the male counterpart to the famous dairy cows we oppressively steal milk from--is accurate.

Go on, I'm waiting.
The four empires encompassed the major population hubs. Outliers were of no consequence since the populations of those lands were minimal. I would continue but your comprehension level is in the novice bracket.

So are you now attempting to claim that your original point was that all four of the "empires" you named ruled the "major population hubs" simultaneously?

Just trying to clarify so I can more accurately insult you in a future post.

Thanks for proving my point in reference to comprehension levels.

So are you now attempting to back away from your claim that the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires simultaneously controlled the "major population hubs"? It really seems like it when you completely and utterly fail to even address the very simple question posed to you.
So are you now attempting to claim that your original point was that all four of the "empires" you named ruled the "major population hubs" simultaneously?

Just trying to clarify so I can more accurately insult you in a future post.

Thanks for proving my point in reference to comprehension levels.

So are you now attempting to back away from your claim that the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires simultaneously controlled the "major population hubs"? It really seems like it when you completely and utterly fail to even address the very simple question posed to you.

Not at all. I'm just pointing out your comprehension deficiencies.
Prove it.

Prove what?.....Oh no sweet lumps. you don't get away with that shit with me.
You made the claim. You come up with the proof that supports your claim that a one world government would 'work'....
And while you're at it, in this context, define "work"...
See you in about 5 years.

Incorrect. YOU made the claim that my claim was "bullshit." Now YOU have to prove that your claim--that the idea of a one world government would work is the excrement of the male counterpart to the famous dairy cows we oppressively steal milk from--is accurate.

Go on, I'm waiting.
We don't prove negatives here. And don't go thinking you can play mind checkers and get away with it.
Look, you're a far left wing radical moon bat. We get it. Case closed.
Oh..What I find laughably ironic is that you claim to be an advocate of women's issues yet you would support the invitation of cultures that majority of which treat women as mere chattel.
Yeah, go on, come up with something clever.
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I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

You are an absolute babbling idiot with a narcissistic attitude because of your $400,000 college education. Fuck you. Thats right... I have three college degrees and I said FUCK YOU. have you ever worked in the real world? Oh...your a limousine liberal living on mommy and daddies $$$$. Nationalism is when the United States "nuts up" and stands our ground. Oh, I'm sorry, you hate U.S exceptionalism and want a one world communist government. That makes you a terrorist threat to the Republic. Why don't you go to North Korea, they too hate the USA.

What a profound, truly remarkable post. I am forever changed by the 24-karat rhetorical gold you have graced this thread with. Just to make sure I'm interpreting your immortal words (thanks, NSA archivists!) accurately, can you rate my summary of your post?




Ratings may be submitted on a scale of 1 (meaning "completely accurate") to 10 (meaning "I bow before you, LM, as all of we unworthy manpigs should").

Thank you for validating my post with your babbling retort. 24-karat gold? Guess you will not have a guy put one on your finger eh? Oh, so please don't post about abortion because you will not proliferate the species.
One of the problems here is that so long as different Races/ethnicity exist,

Literally stopped reading there. You appear to have based your post on this premise. Prove it.

Why do Jews, like myself, try to maintain a general homogeneous society by maintaining (and establishing) the Nation of Israel? Could it be because we want some safe Jewish haven to flee to if another culture/race decides to start genocide us for the 999th time in our history?
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The proof is in small countries with generally homogeneous societies being the most peaceful and with little crime
One of the problems here is that so long as different Races/ethnicity exist,

Literally stopped reading there. You appear to have based your post on this premise. Prove it.

Why do Jews, like myself, try to maintain a general homogeneous society by maintaining (and establishing) the Nation of Israel? Could it be because we want some safe Jewish haven to flee to if another culture/race decides to start genocide us for the 999th time in our history?

To your first question, our fellow Jews celebrate diversity in Israel, which is roughly 25% non-Jewish.

To your second question, please produce an official Israeli government document that establishes this as Israel's purpose. Non-Jews just won't understand without seeing it in writing.
The proof is in small countries with generally homogeneous societies being the most peaceful and with little crime

Name ONE "small country" that is "generally homogeneous" and is also "peaceful" with "little crime".

Also, define all of those terms that I just put in quotation marks. I would like to know where you set the limits on "generally," "little," and "small," in particular.
Prove it.

This proves nothing. "hurr durr sum dudes did sum stuff but nt rly cuz dey failed" is not proof. There has never been any single, all-powerful global government. That is why we're in the mess we're in today, and why we don't have a Moon colony.

Actually, yes. Every one of the aforementioned empires attained that goal....and failed.

When you say that "every one" of those groups you named "attained that goal," you seem to be stating that the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, etc. conquered and controlled the entire planet. Not "hurr durr thuh entire earth that dey knew of lol" but the entire planet, period. If this is the case, please provide proof of ancient Roman rulership over ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar, and Japan. If I have misinterpreted your remarks, explain in great detail what you meant by them.

They conquered More of the world than they knew existed. The Mongols though, came the closest to attaining the goal. They also ruled competently and in an enlightened manner. Something that no progressive has managed to do since.
I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

Oh bullshit.

Prove it.

Don't have to. You do.
We identify as a nation because that's what makes us Americans.

Isn't it ironic that we as Americans are held together by a 226 year old piece of paper and a 200 year old swatch of cloth?

Our greatest association with humanity in fact lies with our nationality.

Let us be one with the Zimbabweans........not.

And how might the U.S. differ from Zimbabwe?

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