Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth

People are already being primed to take the mark of the beast and getting them accustomed to the idea of a national ID system. This mark will eventually become a world ID system. The actual mark will come during the rapidly approaching seven year period known as the tribulation which begins immediately after the rapture of the church. During this time an actual mark will be placed on the skin of the right hand or the forehead and a computer chip will be placed inside the skin of everyone who submits to it. If you do not submit you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Which means you will not be able to make money or buy food or a home or anything else. In other words, you will be persecuted. If you do submit, the consequences are much worse. Taking the mark of the beast will actually be "pledging allegiance" to the Beast i.e. Satan. Once you do this, during the tribulation period, you will never be able to be saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with the fallen angels and Satan, your God, to whom you have pledged allegiance.
Satan has declared: "I will be like the most high." (Isaiah 14:14) He wants to be a god himself. It is his goal to force people to follow him who will not do so voluntarily. Once a person accepts the mark of the beast it will be too late:
JH. The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN
People are already being primed to take the mark of the beast and getting them accustomed to the idea of a national ID system. This mark will eventually become a world ID system. The actual mark will come during the rapidly approaching seven year period known as the tribulation which begins immediately after the rapture of the church. During this time an actual mark will be placed on the skin of the right hand or the forehead and a computer chip will be placed inside the skin of everyone who submits to it. If you do not submit you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Which means you will not be able to make money or buy food or a home or anything else. In other words, you will be persecuted. If you do submit, the consequences are much worse. Taking the mark of the beast will actually be "pledging allegiance" to the Beast i.e. Satan. Once you do this, during the tribulation period, you will never be able to be saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with the fallen angels and Satan, your God, to whom you have pledged allegiance.
Satan has declared: "I will be like the most high." (Isaiah 14:14) He wants to be a god himself. It is his goal to force people to follow him who will not do so voluntarily. Once a person accepts the mark of the beast it will be too late:
JH. The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN

There goes the neighborhood.

People are already being primed to take the mark of the beast and getting them accustomed to the idea of a national ID system. This mark will eventually become a world ID system. The actual mark will come during the rapidly approaching seven year period known as the tribulation which begins immediately after the rapture of the church. During this time an actual mark will be placed on the skin of the right hand or the forehead and a computer chip will be placed inside the skin of everyone who submits to it. If you do not submit you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Which means you will not be able to make money or buy food or a home or anything else. In other words, you will be persecuted. If you do submit, the consequences are much worse. Taking the mark of the beast will actually be "pledging allegiance" to the Beast i.e. Satan. Once you do this, during the tribulation period, you will never be able to be saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with the fallen angels and Satan, your God, to whom you have pledged allegiance.
Satan has declared: "I will be like the most high." (Isaiah 14:14) He wants to be a god himself. It is his goal to force people to follow him who will not do so voluntarily. Once a person accepts the mark of the beast it will be too late:
JH. The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN

There goes the neighborhood.


Still can't make your ignore button work???? ROFLMAO!!!!
This was a stupid thread to start with, but now that this loon is here it's all over.
you should find yourself living in the tribulation whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST OR PLEDGE ALLIGENCE TO HIM. Remember, there will be no restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit during that time and Satan will rule the entire world. He will not want Christians around preaching the true gospel so, many will be killed and go to Heaven, but that is much better than the alternative of living more comfortably for those seven years and spending eternity in the Lake of Fire. Better yet, believe on the one who took the punishment of death upon himself so that he can save you right now and avoid the tribulation altogether.
God declares that we must be "made righteous" to live with him forever. Your religion will not save you, your good deeds will not save you, your denomination will not save you, nor will your unbelief change reality. Only through Christ will you receive a pardon from sin.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2-Corinthians 5:21)
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31)

One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.

Which is precisely what we have today. Ostensibly we have a "three world government." The USA/Europe, Russia + China + friends, India + friends.

Another world war or two will combine them into one...and the people in charge will be ruthless.
People are already being primed to take the mark of the beast and getting them accustomed to the idea of a national ID system. This mark will eventually become a world ID system. The actual mark will come during the rapidly approaching seven year period known as the tribulation which begins immediately after the rapture of the church. During this time an actual mark will be placed on the skin of the right hand or the forehead and a computer chip will be placed inside the skin of everyone who submits to it. If you do not submit you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Which means you will not be able to make money or buy food or a home or anything else. In other words, you will be persecuted. If you do submit, the consequences are much worse. Taking the mark of the beast will actually be "pledging allegiance" to the Beast i.e. Satan. Once you do this, during the tribulation period, you will never be able to be saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with the fallen angels and Satan, your God, to whom you have pledged allegiance.
Satan has declared: "I will be like the most high." (Isaiah 14:14) He wants to be a god himself. It is his goal to force people to follow him who will not do so voluntarily. Once a person accepts the mark of the beast it will be too late:
JH. The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN

RFID chips and such shit. They''ll abolish hard/paper currency (THE UN OUTRIGHT CLAIMS THEY WANT E-CURRENCY ONLY) and then all monetary transactions will be executed through your RFID chip.
Prove it.

This proves nothing. "hurr durr sum dudes did sum stuff but nt rly cuz dey failed" is not proof. There has never been any single, all-powerful global government. That is why we're in the mess we're in today, and why we don't have a Moon colony.
Are you kidding. Iraq is a fine example of multiculturalism exposed for the failure that it is. And you think an entire planet can do any better?
Jesus Christ there exists mountains of stupidity in people.

Wrong. Iraq is a fine example of RELIGION being exposed for the failure that it is. The ONLY reason there is ANY violence in Iraq right now is because of religion. Remove the durka-durka "let's all pray to the big desert moon rock" factor, all will be quiet on the Middle Eastern front.

Just exactly how do you propose removing religion from those in the middle east? Killing everyone of faith is not a very practical solution.
Are you kidding. Iraq is a fine example of multiculturalism exposed for the failure that it is. And you think an entire planet can do any better?
Jesus Christ there exists mountains of stupidity in people.

Wrong. Iraq is a fine example of RELIGION being exposed for the failure that it is. The ONLY reason there is ANY violence in Iraq right now is because of religion. Remove the durka-durka "let's all pray to the big desert moon rock" factor, all will be quiet on the Middle Eastern front.

Just exactly how do you propose removing religion from those in the middle east? Killing everyone of faith is not a very practical solution.

"RELIGION"??? =man's idea!!! GOD'S PLAN IS FOR MAN TO SEEK AND KNOW GOD AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR AND for believers to live their lives as HIS sons.
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

The Unfortunate History of American Nationalism

Robert Kagan’s feature, "Cowboy Nation," in the October 23rd issue of The New Republic, contends that the United States, contrary to the popular myth, is now and always has been a nation committed to aggressive and often violent expansionist tendencies.

Kagan takes the reader through a long list of American wars, interventions, and massacres that all occurred in the name of spreading liberty to every corner of the globe. The blessings of liberty were to be spread, by force if necessary, across the American continent, and finally to Asia and beyond."
Those of you who all for the one world government are going to love it for the 1st 3 1/2 years.

It's going to be great, no more identity theft, the world leader will make peace with the Palestinians and Jews, You all will think it's just wonderful and then Boom the shit really hits the fan.
You all will be going through the next 3 1/2 years of living Hell.

How do we know this?
Because Revelation is happening right before our very eyes and it is happing in the right order.

The Good news of Jesus spread though out the whole world. Check
Israel becoming a Nation. Check
Climate change. Check
Nuclear Weapons. Check
Global Communications. Check
Increased natural Disasters. Check
Famines and Plagues. Happing and will increase.
People will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.
Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

Any of you who are for the one world order will not believe in the truth nor accept it, just like the people did in Noah's time.
A one world govt does not end well. Good grief. Are some of y'all really this stupid?

To support this statement "A one world govt does not end well"? My conjectures have evolved from studying history for fifty yrs.(mostly informaly, after a few basic courses in college). Your statement is no more that a belief, based on what?

Based on historical fact. The closest there has ever been to a one world government that worked was under the Mongols. Care to tell us how, and why it failed? I'll take your 50 years and raise you ten.

If you want to discuss totalitarian despotic Empires we could do that. In this thread we're discussing a hypothetical entity...One-World-Government. Hypothetical, meaning one has never existed-pure conjecture about a global democratic institution. Empires, which have been the norm throughout history, are pretty much the antithesis of the OWG concept.

Try to stay on topic.
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

More slogan-spouting drool from a statist bootlick. More threats from a Jacobinian thug, the irony flying right over its head.

Try it, brown shirt, and we'll abolish you.

Patriots, lock and load.
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One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.
It would not hide behind the political circus and be able to get away with all sorts of crimes while blaming the other hand/side.

Tyrannical governments don't "hide" at all. They don't need to. They stick it in your face, murder a few of your family members right in front of you, and ask "what are you gonna do about it?" If the answer is anything other than "nothing" the trigger is pulled again.

Did you just arrive on earth a few weeks ago? Wtf?
Name a tyrannical government and I will find you a connection between it and those who fund US government. google for photos of McCain posing with ISIS terrorist group in Syria or Obama asking for 500 million more to support these tyrannical rats that they trying to put in power.
People are already being primed to take the mark of the beast and getting them accustomed to the idea of a national ID system. This mark will eventually become a world ID system. The actual mark will come during the rapidly approaching seven year period known as the tribulation which begins immediately after the rapture of the church. During this time an actual mark will be placed on the skin of the right hand or the forehead and a computer chip will be placed inside the skin of everyone who submits to it. If you do not submit you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Which means you will not be able to make money or buy food or a home or anything else. In other words, you will be persecuted. If you do submit, the consequences are much worse. Taking the mark of the beast will actually be "pledging allegiance" to the Beast i.e. Satan. Once you do this, during the tribulation period, you will never be able to be saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with the fallen angels and Satan, your God, to whom you have pledged allegiance.
Satan has declared: "I will be like the most high." (Isaiah 14:14) He wants to be a god himself. It is his goal to force people to follow him who will not do so voluntarily. Once a person accepts the mark of the beast it will be too late:
JH. The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN
Sounds like Herman Cain and his 666 tax plan
One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.

Which is precisely what we have today. Ostensibly we have a "three world government." The USA/Europe, Russia + China + friends, India + friends.

Another world war or two will combine them into one...and the people in charge will be ruthless.
That is precisely why we need to act - we can't wait for the elitists to create this one world government for us. I will NEVER give up, no matter how much people ignore me, because I UNDERSTAND that it is only my own inability to get through to them, not wording it right that makes a new world government a failure. But eventually I will be able to explain it so that everyone understands. That is my obligation to humanity.
Those of you who all for the one world government are going to love it for the 1st 3 1/2 years.

It's going to be great, no more identity theft, the world leader will make peace with the Palestinians and Jews, You all will think it's just wonderful and then Boom the shit really hits the fan.
You all will be going through the next 3 1/2 years of living Hell.

How do we know this?
Because Revelation is happening right before our very eyes and it is happing in the right order.

The Good news of Jesus spread though out the whole world. Check
Israel becoming a Nation. Check
Climate change. Check
Nuclear Weapons. Check
Global Communications. Check
Increased natural Disasters. Check
Famines and Plagues. Happing and will increase.
People will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.
Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

Any of you who are for the one world order will not believe in the truth nor accept it, just like the people did in Noah's time.
If you have a point to make please make it I will listen. how about a government for every community? or even better for every family? or even better for every individual? which do you prefer?
It would not hide behind the political circus and be able to get away with all sorts of crimes while blaming the other hand/side.

Tyrannical governments don't "hide" at all. They don't need to. They stick it in your face, murder a few of your family members right in front of you, and ask "what are you gonna do about it?" If the answer is anything other than "nothing" the trigger is pulled again.

Did you just arrive on earth a few weeks ago? Wtf?
Name a tyrannical government and I will find you a connection between it and those who fund US government.

Why weren't you honest about this thread from the start? You are just another frustrated little nobody who hates the US. All this "one world government" nonsense was just an excuse to get to your real point. Ok, you hate the US. Noted. You are nothing and your impotent bitterness has been given all the consideration it is due: None.
how about a government for every community? or even better for every family? or even better for every individual? which do you prefer?

:lmao: You don't even realize what you said there! That is precisely the philosophy that informed the founders of this great nation; the ripened fruit of the Enlightenment. Exactly the opposite of your dangerously juvenile "one world government" fantasy.

It is providential indeed that your ilk is so utterly irrelevant.

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