Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth

I will NEVER give up, no matter how much people ignore me, because I UNDERSTAND that it is only my own inability to get through to them, not wording it right that makes a new world government a failure. But eventually I will be able to explain it so that everyone understands. That is my obligation to humanity.

Your obligation to yourself is to get on the proper medication right away. Your only obligation to humanity is to excuse yourself from it as soon as possible.

Immediately after this time the Antichrist (A man possessed by Satan) shall arise and seize control of the world. He will require a one world government, a one world religion and a one world currency, all of which are now being developed at a very rapid pace, so that he will be able to control everything. If you do not accept his religion by accepting the Mark of the beast, you will not be allowed to buy or sell because he will control the world’s currency, and he will be in control of the one world Government to enforce his laws. The World Council of Churches, a seemingly do-good organization under the guise of Christ, now has 340 denominations under its control and one of them is most likely yours. Except for most independent churches, American Baptist and most of the Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran and Pentecostal/evangelical denominations are members. Traditional Bible beliefs will not be allowed and the one world Government will force these denominations to adhere to its religion. Even the religions of Atheism and Humanism will be illegal. It will be possible to make denominations and religions illegal, at that time, because the one world government will be in total control of your money, all laws, and religion. The world will be controlled by a dictator and that dictator will be controlled by Satan. You will literally have great pressure to accept Satan as your god and reject Jesus Christ. If you give in your final destination will be the lake of fire.
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:15)

The Antichrist-One World Government-Mark of the Beast « GJCN
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

Where do they find imbeciles like this ? Our pity
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

Where do they find imbeciles like this ?

In the dumpster behind the DNC headquarters. They're packed in there like sardines.
One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.

Which is precisely what we have today. Ostensibly we have a "three world government." The USA/Europe, Russia + China + friends, India + friends.

Another world war or two will combine them into one...and the people in charge will be ruthless.
That is precisely why we need to act - we can't wait for the elitists to create this one world government for us. I will NEVER give up, no matter how much people ignore me, because I UNDERSTAND that it is only my own inability to get through to them, not wording it right that makes a new world government a failure. But eventually I will be able to explain it so that everyone understands. That is my obligation to humanity.

Just how cerebrally challenged are you ? RETARD
You are confusing nationalism with imperialism.

Right wing nationalists are non-interventionists, and have opposed intervention in the world wars and all these nation building missions of the 20th and 21st century. Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Robert Taft, Ross Perot, are some examples of more nationalist/populist types who are non-interventionists.

Nation building and intervention is a liberal idea that started with Wilson, "making the world safe for Democracy".
pvsi wrote: "Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth
American culture is supposed to be minding your own business - they are minding businesses all over the world. Russians are minding business in Crimea, it was once theirs to begin with, ISIS is minding business in Iraq and Syria, China is minding business in USA, Chinese women come to give birth to USA just so their children can be US citizens.

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism, like Germans believed that they are superior, like Jews believe that they are special, like Christians believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven and so on. All you American patriots are condemned to a dying nation you associate with, because you should have associated yourself with HUMANITY rather than nation to begin with - whether you are a national of Eastern Ukraine, Russia, China - you are all NOBODIES, RACISTS - today racism is condemned, but nationalism is no less racism, it is only an accepted form, AND FOR AS LONG AS NATIONS WILL EXIST, once the parasite that destroys the nation is IDENTIFIED, it will be able to pack it's things, move out to another nation, and continue its cycle: American founding fathers WARNED people of this disease.

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS. "

Really. We are all one world ? That is a nice sentiment and all that, but the various religions, provincial, ethnic, religious and political allegiances contradict that. Nations are like tribes or extended families. There too many differences that separate us into groups to be ignored by wishful thinking. Unlike a Start Trek episode, people will always find beautify and strength in being different, not ALIKE.
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[ame=]George Carlin - Self Esteem Movement - YouTube[/ame]
You are confusing nationalism with imperialism.

Right wing nationalists are non-interventionists, and have opposed intervention in the world wars and all these nation building missions of the 20th and 21st century. Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Robert Taft, Ross Perot, are some examples of more nationalist/populist types who are non-interventionists.

Nation building and intervention is a liberal idea that started with Wilson, "making the world safe for Democracy".
Ron Paul and Ross Perot are among the people I respect more in America, but they are not in power - it's like Jesus Christ, I can not accept Christianity when you got Christians in power who are causing destruction and degradation of humanity - If Christians want to be taken seriously they need to either have one clear leader or Jesus Christ Himself to come down and tell to us all that "NO, Bush, Bachman, Obachma, baboon this baboon that, Tony blair and other aholes are NOT Christians" but their Christ is on vacation, Ron Paul and Buchanan are nobodies and the whole idea is a JOKE, no less than my - but I am dead serious about my new world government.
You are confusing nationalism with imperialism.

Right wing nationalists are non-interventionists, and have opposed intervention in the world wars and all these nation building missions of the 20th and 21st century. Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Robert Taft, Ross Perot, are some examples of more nationalist/populist types who are non-interventionists.

Nation building and intervention is a liberal idea that started with Wilson, "making the world safe for Democracy".
Ron Paul and Ross Perot are among the people I respect more in America, but they are not in power - it's like Jesus Christ, I can not accept Christianity when you got Christians in power who are causing destruction and degradation of humanity - If Christians want to be taken seriously they need to either have one clear leader or Jesus Christ Himself to come down and tell to us all that "NO, Bush, Bachman, Obachma, baboon this baboon that, Tony blair and other aholes are NOT Christians" but their Christ is on vacation, Ron Paul and Buchanan are nobodies and the whole idea is a JOKE, no less than my - but I am dead serious about my new world government.
Exactly, nationalists have no power. Since you can't revise your absurdly ignorant title, why don't you revise your OP to reflect that imperialism is the issue? Or you could say neo-conservatism or neo-liberalism, they are essentially the same thing and aptly fit the description of the attitude you describe in the post.

There is really no such thing as an American "nationalist". Name one person in the Congress or Senate who for example is a non-interventionist, opposes free trade, and opposes mass immigration?

It's rare to find anyone with any of the those three qualities in DC today.
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how about a government for every community? or even better for every family? or even better for every individual? which do you prefer?

:lmao: You don't even realize what you said there! That is precisely the philosophy that informed the founders of this great nation; the ripened fruit of the Enlightenment. Exactly the opposite of your dangerously juvenile "one world government" fantasy.

It is providential indeed that your ilk is so utterly irrelevant.
You Obama much?
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

More slogan-spouting drool from a statist bootlick. More threats from a Jacobinian thug, the irony flying right over its head.

Try it, brown shirt, and we'll abolish you.

Patriots, lock and load.

The tendency of every rightwinger ever to threaten to shoot anyone who disagrees with them is perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of the full and complete repeal of the Second Amendment.
You are confusing nationalism with imperialism.

Right wing nationalists are non-interventionists, and have opposed intervention in the world wars and all these nation building missions of the 20th and 21st century. Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Robert Taft, Ross Perot, are some examples of more nationalist/populist types who are non-interventionists.

Nation building and intervention is a liberal idea that started with Wilson, "making the world safe for Democracy".
Ron Paul and Ross Perot are among the people I respect more in America, but they are not in power - it's like Jesus Christ, I can not accept Christianity when you got Christians in power who are causing destruction and degradation of humanity - If Christians want to be taken seriously they need to either have one clear leader or Jesus Christ Himself to come down and tell to us all that "NO, Bush, Bachman, Obachma, baboon this baboon that, Tony blair and other aholes are NOT Christians" but their Christ is on vacation, Ron Paul and Buchanan are nobodies and the whole idea is a JOKE, no less than my - but I am dead serious about my new world government.
1. Exactly, nationalists have no power. Since you can't revise your absurdly ignorant title, why don't you revise your OP to reflect that imperialism is the issue? Or you could say neo-conservatism or neo-liberalism, they are essentially the same thing and aptly fit the description of the attitude you describe in the post.

2. There is really no such thing as an American "nationalist". Name one person in the Congress or Senate who for example is a non-interventionist, opposes free trade, and opposes mass immigration?

It's rare to find anyone with any of the those three qualities in DC today.
1. The right wing sector in Ukraine - I loved them until their movement got hijacked by oligarchs, and the nationalists in EASTERN Ukraine, I only PRAY for them to keep their sovereignty over US/EU backed Kiev junta - but reality is what it is - you can NOT defeat evil nation by nation, I have done so many explanations on this, perhaps I need to edit my speeches and repost them.
2. That is right, there are NO true nationalists in American power, and I identify with true American nationalists - I have stated in my speech that I LOVE people like militiamen who stood up behind an old rancher in Nevada who was harassed by his own so called government, I respect them MORE than US military who intervene globally and give Americans a bad name, yet it is people like ME/US who are shunned, called un-American, and other ugly names, and one world government will UNITE such people to become ONE world nationalists, NOT DIVIDED nationalists. I am originally from Lithuania, a tiny nation which was occupied by USSR, and having to go what I went through in my life and then to realize that behind the scenes both USSR and USA are/were both controlled by the same puppet masters wakes you up and in the eyes of masses I now may appear DISTURBED, but that is what it is when you learn the truth that masses are unaware of - you are no longer sleeping. I do NOT have to revise my statements, NATIONALISTS have to develop a bigger vision for their nation, for the world - think back where you came from - the world is OURS, not bankers - you throw these criminals out of your nation TODAY, they will regroup, and be back here on the next flight tomorrow morning... - they will not need a sail boat to get here. And they will begin bribing your officials again, not with your own money at first, but with unlimited goodies that they can buy with their unlimited money in OTHER nations - these parasites must have NO place on earth left to hide, other way it is not worth peoples time, not worth MY time, and not worth YOUR time to topple them just here in America. it's like healing a virus in a finger leaving the rest of the body untreated.
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Tyrannical governments don't "hide" at all. They don't need to. They stick it in your face, murder a few of your family members right in front of you, and ask "what are you gonna do about it?" If the answer is anything other than "nothing" the trigger is pulled again.

Did you just arrive on earth a few weeks ago? Wtf?
Name a tyrannical government and I will find you a connection between it and those who fund US government.

Why weren't you honest about this thread from the start? You are just another frustrated little nobody who hates the US. All this "one world government" nonsense was just an excuse to get to your real point. Ok, you hate the US. Noted. You are nothing and your impotent bitterness has been given all the consideration it is due: None.
Why do you keep jumping like a grass hopper - you made a point now STICK with it - name one tyrannical government so that I can connect it with your beloved Obama government.
how about a government for every community? or even better for every family? or even better for every individual? which do you prefer?

:lmao: You don't even realize what you said there! That is precisely the philosophy that informed the founders of this great nation; the ripened fruit of the Enlightenment. Exactly the opposite of your dangerously juvenile "one world government" fantasy.

It is providential indeed that your ilk is so utterly irrelevant.
You Obama much?

Not at all, idiot.
I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

More slogan-spouting drool from a statist bootlick. More threats from a Jacobinian thug, the irony flying right over its head.

Try it, brown shirt, and we'll abolish you.

Patriots, lock and load.

The tendency of every rightwinger ever to threaten to shoot anyone who disagrees with them is perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of the full and complete repeal of the Second Amendment.

Do so, and you'll have a second revolution.........

We aren't gonna give up our guns.......period.

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