Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth

Actually, yes. Every one of the aforementioned empires attained that goal....and failed.

When you say that "every one" of those groups you named "attained that goal," you seem to be stating that the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, etc. conquered and controlled the entire planet. Not "hurr durr thuh entire earth that dey knew of lol" but the entire planet, period. If this is the case, please provide proof of ancient Roman rulership over ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar, and Japan. If I have misinterpreted your remarks, explain in great detail what you meant by them.

They conquered More of the world than they knew existed. The Mongols though, came the closest to attaining the goal. They also ruled competently and in an enlightened manner. Something that no progressive has managed to do since.

" ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar"????not even nations when "" Rome was the world"" for 1000 years
To your second question, please produce an official Israeli government document that establishes this as Israel's purpose. Non-Jews just won't understand without seeing it in writing.

Are you claiming that Hitler's genocide of millions of Jews was not a tremendous factor in the remaining Jews establishing the Nation of Israel? It's arguably the largest factor.
A "nation" is simply what one identifies him or her self with. A "state" is political division with borders. America is a nation-state. Islam is a nation without borders. There is no Islamic state. Yugoslavia was a state but not a nation. When it existed you had people within who were not identifying themselves as "Yugoslavian". Rather, there were ethnic Serbs, Croats, Muslims and so forth.

As Americans we are fortunate to have a nation- state (at least until we lose our national identity to Mexicans and/ or Muslims). It is the national identity that binds us together. It is a commonality. Nationalism is the promotion of, and pride in, one's nationality. Muslims, for example, are very nationalistic, as we all know.

Maybe your gripe would have more merit if you define your parameters better and aim your criticism in the direction of ultra- nationalism, which would be the promotion of a particular national identity to the exclusion of all others. Simply taking a shot at the generic term "nationalism" is way too broad.

Simply put, don't be such an ignorant ****.

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The proof is in small countries with generally homogeneous societies being the most peaceful and with little crime

Name ONE "small country" that is "generally homogeneous" and is also "peaceful" with "little crime".

Also, define all of those terms that I just put in quotation marks. I would like to know where you set the limits on "generally," "little," and "small," in particular.

Malta and Greenland are pretty good examples.
When you say that "every one" of those groups you named "attained that goal," you seem to be stating that the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, etc. conquered and controlled the entire planet. Not "hurr durr thuh entire earth that dey knew of lol" but the entire planet, period. If this is the case, please provide proof of ancient Roman rulership over ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar, and Japan. If I have misinterpreted your remarks, explain in great detail what you meant by them.

They conquered More of the world than they knew existed. The Mongols though, came the closest to attaining the goal. They also ruled competently and in an enlightened manner. Something that no progressive has managed to do since.

" ancient Bolivia, Greenland, Madagascar"????not even nations when "" Rome was the world"" for 1000 years

What are you babbling about?
Are you kidding. Iraq is a fine example of multiculturalism exposed for the failure that it is. And you think an entire planet can do any better?
Jesus Christ there exists mountains of stupidity in people.
Ask yourself THIS: NATURALLY, do white people WANT to live among black people??? do black people WANT to live among white people??? - I believe there is NOTHING wrong with people living together in peace and I have no problem living among decent people of any kind, but naturally we don't migrate and mix in, it is done for a certain purpose as I explain in my speeches
Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others, like racism

I wish to focus upon this statement because it's likely to be overlooked by posters who aren't quite fully aware as to how completely true it is.

Nationalism is not pride in one's country or people. It is not self-respect. It is not the desire to see one's culture continued on to future generations. Nationalism is hate. Nationalism is racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination all rolled into one.

Nationalism needs to be abolished, along with nations. A single worldwide government would be so much more efficient.

You are an absolute babbling idiot with a narcissistic attitude because of your $400,000 college education. Fuck you. Thats right... I have three college degrees and I said FUCK YOU. have you ever worked in the real world? Oh...your a limousine liberal living on mommy and daddies $$$$. Nationalism is when the United States "nuts up" and stands our ground. Oh, I'm sorry, you hate U.S exceptionalism and want a one world communist government. That makes you a terrorist threat to the Republic. Why don't you go to North Korea, they too hate the USA.
I have gotten banned for saying far less insulting stuff from most political forums, and at the same time I have often heard your right wing politicians on Fox News talk about how liberals control the media.
A one world government is doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. The most important being that so long as the government is at the least benign the people will do OK.

However, when the government decides that they no longer like their citizenry (as always happens eventually) there will be no place to hide and the death toll would put every other holocaust to shame.
Wrong: one world government will be responsible for any of the nonsense that results from its' actions and will have no one else, no other governments, no other parties to blame.
Ask yourself THIS: NATURALLY, do white people WANT to live among black people??? do black people WANT to live among white people???

You're dense. People live among people. Always have.
American culture is supposed to be...

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others...

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

Sorry, but a reality check is due.
The anti-christ will have the same opinion, one world goverment, one world money,one world religion and he will proclame himself god!!!
American culture is supposed to be...

Nationalism can only exist when people are convinced that they are better than others...

There is ONLY ONE HOPE for humanity - that the greatest military nation on earth (which is USA at the moment) LIBERATES itself from this disease BEFORE it is completely destroyed. THEN, the obligation is to unite, to liberate the whole world so that the disease to humanity has no place on earth left to hide: this is NOT WAR MONGERING, war mongering is what is happening TODAY, under the rule of OLIGARCHS.

Sorry, but a reality check is due.
I can only respond with the title of this thread:
Nationalism is a disease to mankind and they can not argue only ignore the truth
A one world government is doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. The most important being that so long as the government is at the least benign the people will do OK.

However, when the government decides that they no longer like their citizenry (as always happens eventually) there will be no place to hide and the death toll would put every other holocaust to shame.
Wrong: one world government will be responsible for any of the nonsense that results from its' actions and will have no one else, no other governments, no other parties to blame.

And, more to the one to answer to. A one world government will be great for the elite but death for the poor. That's a simple fact.
A one world government is doomed to fail for a whole host of reasons. The most important being that so long as the government is at the least benign the people will do OK.

However, when the government decides that they no longer like their citizenry (as always happens eventually) there will be no place to hide and the death toll would put every other holocaust to shame.
Wrong: one world government will be responsible for any of the nonsense that results from its' actions and will have no one else, no other governments, no other parties to blame.
And, more to the one to answer to. A one world government will be great for the elite but death for the poor. That's a simple fact.
Simple facts you can back up with short and logical explanations.

As I already explained. One world government will have to answer to the people and will have no one else to blame
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Wrong: one world government will be responsible for any of the nonsense that results from its' actions and will have no one else, no other governments, no other parties to blame.
And, more to the one to answer to. A one world government will be great for the elite but death for the poor. That's a simple fact.
Simple facts you can back up with short and logical explanations.

As I already explained. One world government will have to answer to the people and will have no one else to blame

One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one. Not that such an asinine, juvenile fantasy will ever come to pass anyway.

If you ever have studied history you sure haven't learned anything from it.
And, more to the one to answer to. A one world government will be great for the elite but death for the poor. That's a simple fact.
Simple facts you can back up with short and logical explanations.

As I already explained. One world government will have to answer to the people and will have no one else to blame
One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.
It would not hide behind the political circus and be able to get away with all sorts of crimes while blaming the other hand/side. As is stated on web site, it would hold referendum style elections every 4 years, which is different from popularity style contests we have today, in which all the dictatorship has to do is publicize a few of it's own friends as candidates and call them opposition.
Simple facts you can back up with short and logical explanations.

As I already explained. One world government will have to answer to the people and will have no one else to blame
One government with all power concentrated in a few hands would answer to no one.
It would not hide behind the political circus and be able to get away with all sorts of crimes while blaming the other hand/side.

Tyrannical governments don't "hide" at all. They don't need to. They stick it in your face, murder a few of your family members right in front of you, and ask "what are you gonna do about it?" If the answer is anything other than "nothing" the trigger is pulled again.

Did you just arrive on earth a few weeks ago? Wtf?

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