Nationalist Or Globalist?

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  • I'm a Globalist!

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I'm a Nationalist!

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • I'm nothing but a pile of indecisive goo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
US Globalists sold American Citizens out years ago. I don't get why so many still support them. They don't have Citizens' best interests in mind. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.

I think it was businessmen that outsource manufacturing to cut labor cost in countries that signed on to the Free Trade agreements. That allow the products to be shipped back to the American markets without any penalty.

Businessmen like Trumpybear.

Trump's NWO Globalist 'Enemy #1.' They aren't big fans. But regardless, all Americans should be Nationalists at this point. Globalists have thrown them overboard.

Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.
President Trump plays the crazy left like a violin. Tossing out the term nationalist was intended to get a laugh at the crazy left's pretend outrage . Webster's definition of nationalism is "loyalty and devotion to a nation". It's no surprise that lefties would be offended.
US Globalists sold American Citizens out years ago. I don't get why so many still support them. They don't have Citizens' best interests in mind. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.

I think it was businessmen that outsource manufacturing to cut labor cost in countries that signed on to the Free Trade agreements. That allow the products to be shipped back to the American markets without any penalty.

Businessmen like Trumpybear.

Trump's NWO Globalist 'Enemy #1.' They aren't big fans. But regardless, all Americans should be Nationalists at this point. Globalists have thrown them overboard.

Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.

Just sayin, NWO Globalists hate him. He's putting Americans first. Globalists can't have that.
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?

One does not. There is a third choice. :auiqs.jpg:
Your siding with the Mao's Hitlers and Stalins is depressingly predictable

It isn't in American Citizens' best interests to support Globalists. They threw em overboard years ago. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.
It isn't in American Citizens' best interests to support Globalists. They threw em overboard years ago. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.
all them globalishits threw americans under the bus for sure. they stole our jobs, they shit on our economy and they used obammy to take our dignity.
US Globalists sold American Citizens out years ago. I don't get why so many still support them. They don't have Citizens' best interests in mind. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.

I think it was businessmen that outsource manufacturing to cut labor cost in countries that signed on to the Free Trade agreements. That allow the products to be shipped back to the American markets without any penalty.

Businessmen like Trumpybear.

Trump's NWO Globalist 'Enemy #1.' They aren't big fans. But regardless, all Americans should be Nationalists at this point. Globalists have thrown them overboard.

Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
US Globalists sold American Citizens out years ago. I don't get why so many still support them. They don't have Citizens' best interests in mind. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.

I think it was businessmen that outsource manufacturing to cut labor cost in countries that signed on to the Free Trade agreements. That allow the products to be shipped back to the American markets without any penalty.

Businessmen like Trumpybear.

Trump's NWO Globalist 'Enemy #1.' They aren't big fans. But regardless, all Americans should be Nationalists at this point. Globalists have thrown them overboard.

Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.
US Globalists sold American Citizens out years ago. I don't get why so many still support them. They don't have Citizens' best interests in mind. All Americans should be Nationalists at this point.

I think it was businessmen that outsource manufacturing to cut labor cost in countries that signed on to the Free Trade agreements. That allow the products to be shipped back to the American markets without any penalty.

Businessmen like Trumpybear.

Trump's NWO Globalist 'Enemy #1.' They aren't big fans. But regardless, all Americans should be Nationalists at this point. Globalists have thrown them overboard.

Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?

Yeah way too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. :cuckoo:
I think the question should be Nationalist or Goebbelist?


The Left is definitely Goebbelist
Not to get too far off topic, but should a U.S. Soldier be disciplined / courts martialed for refusing to take off his U.S. Military Uniform and donning the U.N.'s uniform while supporting a U.N. mission?

The soldier joined the US Military....not the UN's military.....

Ex-soldier appeals conviction for refusing order

(I was never faced with this problem / issue.......)
Nope. He listed 3 things, of which he put the Constitution last

Are you suggesting that an oath of loyalty to defend and uphold the Constitution does not include the American people - as in 'WE THE PEOPLE' - or the COUNTRY - as in the nation the US Constitution includes / is about?

Bwuhahahaha.....your attempt to spin, to oppose whatever I say simply because I do not agree with your beliefs / ideology is as laughable as Schumer's and Pelosi's vow to oppose anything and everything the President seeks to do for the same reason.

You are such a riot. Silly snowflakes....

I am not suggesting anything, I am stating the oath of office was written the way it was very specifically to include only the Constitution

For you to purposefully change it to suit your needs of the moment takes away from the what the whole oath is all about

Sent from my iPhone using
Not to get too far off topic, but should a U.S. Soldier be disciplined / courts martialed for refusing to take off his U.S. Military Uniform and donning the U.N.'s uniform while supporting a U.N. mission?

The soldier joined the US Military....not the UN's military.....

Ex-soldier appeals conviction for refusing order

(I was never faced with this problem / issue.......)
Unlike Asians Who Have Things to Be Proud of, Jungle Trash Are the Neanderthals of That Continent

I was in effect required to risk my life for the gutless gooks in the Army of the Republic of (South) Vietnam, which is why "we" lost that war. So charges of Globalism can be evaded if we are not told whom we are actually fighting for.
I am not suggesting anything, I am stating the oath of office was written the way it was very specifically to include only the Constitution
And what is the Constitution, dear snowflake? What is it about, what does it cover? US citizens, the country, rights, liberties, etc....

Again, you got caught quibbling, attempting to dig so far down in the nit-picky weeds to oppose something I said and now that you have been called out over it you are doubling and tripling-down on it.

You are like a child who is determined to get their way, no matter how wrong you are. :p

The oath of office the US military takes does include a loyalty to defend the United States and its citizens NOT JUST the Constitution.

Perhaps when YOU took YOUR oath of office you did not mean / swear any loyalty to the United States or the citizens of the United States. That's on YOU, dude.

Here is the oath of office I took several times during my 30 years in service:

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

In case you have no idea what the Constitution of the United States is, what it is comprised of, what it includes, and / or everything included in the oath to defend IT, here ya go:

United States Constitution - Wikipedia

When you swear an oath to defend the Constitution you are not swearing an oath to defend the original physical historic document - you are swearing an oath to defend and protect so much more.

It is almost frightening that you took such an oath without realizing that.
...Poh Tay Toh ... Poh TAH Toh

...Toh May Toh ... Tuh May Ter....


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