Nationalist Or Globalist?

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  • I'm a Globalist!

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I'm a Nationalist!

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • I'm nothing but a pile of indecisive goo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I'm a Nationalist down to my toe nails.

I love this country and believe in it. I don't believe in Big Government and think the States should have power. Not the Fed.
What state do you live in? Are you pro choice? So you'd be ok if your state made abortions illegal?
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.
Good people are patriots. Nazis are nationalists.
where was that in your definitions you presented. lead us through that would you?
It’s there for anyone reasonably smart...
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.

Why not use the more appropriate term Patriotism?

Why don't we have some kind of national election or political mechanism for voters to hold a national referendum on national policies? That would be a nationalist platform I could get behind.
Good people are patriots. Nazis are nationalists.
where was that in your definitions you presented. lead us through that would you?
It’s there for anyone reasonably smart...
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
Good people are patriots. Nazis are nationalists.
where was that in your definitions you presented. lead us through that would you?
It’s there for anyone reasonably smart...
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Are you a nazi?

So we're not going to trade with the rest of the world

Kind of hard for the worlds only superpower to be nationalistic isn't it?

No, I am not a Democrat.

How many drugs are you on anyway? Who said anything about not trading with the rest of the world, besides you?

We act in our best interests. They act in their best interests. Negotiations commence.
I'm a Nationalist down to my toe nails.

I love this country and believe in it. I don't believe in Big Government and think the States should have power. Not the Fed.

Do Republicans still believe in states' rights? Sessions's marijuana policy is ultimate test

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded a key Obama-era marijuana policy on Thursday, giving federal prosecutors leeway to go after marijuana violations in states where the drug is legal, he opened up a fiery debate on whether the Republican Party still stands by one of its core planks: states’ rights.

Conservative politicians love to celebrate states' rights, using a rhetorical commitment to local control as an excuse for blocking progressive policies. Standing behind the idea that states should have the final say has become an almost rote response of Republican members of Congress when they are pressed on social issues.

Conservatives emphasized on states' rights when it came to slavery and Jim Crow, and they continue to do so with regard to hot button issues such as gay marriage, abortion, and separation of church and state.

For many Americans, the states' rights argument is attractive, even though (or, sadly, perhaps because) cries to respect states' rights historically were used to defend state practices that discriminated against minorities.

No wonder politicians of both parties love to beat up on Washington, D.C. and attack the federal bureaucracy. State governments may be no better, no more efficient, and no less corrupt, but for many people the federal government is “external” or “other” in a way that their local governments and local politicians are not.

But however often conservatives drag out the 10th Amendment, there is no hiding the hypocrisy of these arguments in light of the ways in which Republicans are eager to impose federal requirements on states when doing so aligns with their politics.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced recently that it would no longer accept state applications for waiver of welfare work requirements.

What makes this policy reversal remarkable is that it flies in the face of conservative rhetoric that local approaches and solutions are best, especially when it comes to tackling poverty. Under this new policy, even if a state determines that educational and training programs would benefit the poor in the state more than the adoption of a work-first approach, the Trump administration will block the states' decision.

So tell me. What specific issues do you wish your state had more power over? Because I have a feeling if the GOP didn't like that policy of yours, they'd let the federal government trump their states rights bullshit.
I'm a Nationalist down to my toe nails.

I love this country and believe in it. I don't believe in Big Government and think the States should have power. Not the Fed.
So one state should have the right to have santuary cities? The Fed should have no power to stop them?
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
When I joined the United States military I took an oath to support and defend this country, every American citizen,and our Constitution. I did not swear an oath of loyalty to 'the world'.

I have fought beside allies in combat as we have joined together for the combined common good, but at no time did my oath or loyalty change.

(At the same time I understand what it is to be an 'ugly American', intentionally disrespecting other nations and acting better than them while in their country I have regrettably seen it and believe that is unacceptable.)

I believe that the oath I took has no expiration date, and I will always remain loyal to this nation / the Constitution. (Notice I did not say 'politician'.)

Actually you took an oath to Support and Defend the Constitution...period

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My oath stated that I would defend the Constitution of the United States from it's enemies both foreign and domestic.


Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Are you a nazi?

So we're not going to trade with the rest of the world

Kind of hard for the worlds only superpower to be nationalistic isn't it?

No, I am not a Democrat.

How many drugs are you on anyway? Who said anything about not trading with the rest of the world, besides you?

We act in our best interests. They act in their best interests. Negotiations commence.

Well I got news for you. The companies you worship and Republicans serve, don't give a fuck about your best interests. They care about their best interests.

So while Trump is telling you he's going to bring jobs home, those companies you worship are going to be manufacturing where labor is cheap. And Republicans aren't going to do anything to their masters.

There is no USA, Europe and Russia. There is only IBM, Shell Oil and Honda. Corporations rule. It's a global economy.

Who is "our" best interest? Do you really think the politicians in Washington are looking out for you?

What do you do for a living by the way?
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Are you a nazi?

So we're not going to trade with the rest of the world

Kind of hard for the worlds only superpower to be nationalistic isn't it?

No, I am not a Democrat.

How many drugs are you on anyway? Who said anything about not trading with the rest of the world, besides you?

We act in our best interests. They act in their best interests. Negotiations commence.

Well I got news for you. The companies you worship and Republicans serve, don't give a fuck about your best interests. They care about their best interests.

And I care about mine, and vote accordingly. You, on the other hand, know nothing of my interests.

What do you do for a living by the way?

A working retirement with a third career at the chewy center. I do it well and on my own terms. At 66 I have 18 years of experience at it.

How 'bout you?
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.

Why not use the more appropriate term Patriotism?

Why don't we have some kind of national election or political mechanism for voters to hold a national referendum on national policies? That would be a nationalist platform I could get behind.
yeah you all like that PC police shit eh? semantics, you all have never dealt with gracefully.
where was that in your definitions you presented. lead us through that would you?
It’s there for anyone reasonably smart...
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
you are for the people calling for it, so I'm guessing you're all for it? I mean you got all us trump supporters all the same. funny how you all don't like getting grouped together. funny, real funny, too funny.
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
It’s there for anyone reasonably smart...
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
you are for the people calling for it, so I'm guessing you're all for it? I mean you got all us trump supporters all the same. funny how you all don't like getting grouped together. funny, real funny, too funny.
I’m an independent. Not sure what you are babbling about.
Trump is a white nationalist.

His base knew EXACTLY what he was saying.
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
you are for the people calling for it, so I'm guessing you're all for it? I mean you got all us trump supporters all the same. funny how you all don't like getting grouped together. funny, real funny, too funny.
I’m an independent. Not sure what you are babbling about.

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