Nationalist Or Globalist?

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  • I'm a Globalist!

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I'm a Nationalist!

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • I'm nothing but a pile of indecisive goo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
why would I think that? I believe in my neighbors and the people of this country, first and foremost. If there is time for other countries, we obviously help out. Our country comes first, always does and always will. No matter who you all try to evolve us into.

So, when you watch the olympics you root for other countries to beat american athletes?

1980 Soviet's vs USA, you were for the Soviets?
I supposed only your kind of smart. the stupid kind.
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
you are for the people calling for it, so I'm guessing you're all for it? I mean you got all us trump supporters all the same. funny how you all don't like getting grouped together. funny, real funny, too funny.
I’m an independent. Not sure what you are babbling about.
BUT there are some good people among them?? lol
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
why would I think that? I believe in my neighbors and the people of this country, first and foremost. If there is time for other countries, we obviously help out. Our country comes first, always does and always will. No matter who you all try to evolve us into.

So, when you watch the olympics you root for other countries to beat american athletes?
That sounds like patriotism, not nationalism.
Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
why would I think that? I believe in my neighbors and the people of this country, first and foremost. If there is time for other countries, we obviously help out. Our country comes first, always does and always will. No matter who you all try to evolve us into.

So, when you watch the olympics you root for other countries to beat american athletes?
That sounds like patriotism, not nationalism.
how you figure?
The kind who don’t want wars. Stupid is nationalism. How did it workout for the Nazis?
then why are you for civil unrest in your own country? you all crack me up when you speak out of both sides of your mouths.
When have i been for civil unrest?
you are for the people calling for it, so I'm guessing you're all for it? I mean you got all us trump supporters all the same. funny how you all don't like getting grouped together. funny, real funny, too funny.
I’m an independent. Not sure what you are babbling about.
BUT there are some good people among them?? lol
naw, you all suck. You're living proof.
Republicans are good at violence.

Look at Timothy McVeigh, Dylann Roof, Charlottesville. The list is endless.
I am not suggesting anything, I am stating the oath of office was written the way it was very specifically to include only the Constitution
And what is the Constitution, dear snowflake? What is it about, what does it cover? US citizens, the country, rights, liberties, etc....

Again, you got caught quibbling, attempting to dig so far down in the nit-picky weeds to oppose something I said and now that you have been called out over it you are doubling and tripling-down on it.

You are like a child who is determined to get their way, no matter how wrong you are. :p

The oath of office the US military takes does include a loyalty to defend the United States and its citizens NOT JUST the Constitution.

Perhaps when YOU took YOUR oath of office you did not mean / swear any loyalty to the United States or the citizens of the United States. That's on YOU, dude.

Here is the oath of office I took several times during my 30 years in service:

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

In case you have no idea what the Constitution of the United States is, what it is comprised of, what it includes, and / or everything included in the oath to defend IT, here ya go:

United States Constitution - Wikipedia

When you swear an oath to defend the Constitution you are not swearing an oath to defend the original physical historic document - you are swearing an oath to defend and protect so much more.

It is almost frightening that you took such an oath without realizing that.

I cannot help that you lack the basic intelligence to understand why it is to the Constitution that you are swearing your loyalty to, and not to individuals.

I do though find it odd that you claim to "defend this country, every American citizen,and our Constitution." yet you post 100 or more threads a week attacking Americans citizens and posting unproven claims about them declaring them all guilty, despite what the Constitution says about guilt, for the sole reason they think differently than you do.

You are a fraud!
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
When I joined the United States military I took an oath to support and defend this country, every American citizen,and our Constitution. I did not swear an oath of loyalty to 'the world'.

I have fought beside allies in combat as we have joined together for the combined common good, but at no time did my oath or loyalty change.

(At the same time I understand what it is to be an 'ugly American', intentionally disrespecting other nations and acting better than them while in their country I have regrettably seen it and believe that is unacceptable.)

I believe that the oath I took has no expiration date, and I will always remain loyal to this nation / the Constitution. (Notice I did not say 'politician'.)

Actually you took an oath to Support and Defend the Constitution...period

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My oath stated that I would defend the Constitution of the United States from it's enemies both foreign and domestic.



Mine too.
Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.

Why not use the more appropriate term Patriotism?

Why don't we have some kind of national election or political mechanism for voters to hold a national referendum on national policies? That would be a nationalist platform I could get behind.
yeah you all like that PC police shit eh? semantics, you all have never dealt with gracefully.

The only reasons to use the term nationalism are A. you don't realize the historical context associated with it or B. you're sending a message to the White Nationalist that you're okay with their agenda.

How can there be nationalism in a federation of 50 sovereign states?

Would a Trumpian Nationalist stand up for California?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.

Why not use the more appropriate term Patriotism?

Why don't we have some kind of national election or political mechanism for voters to hold a national referendum on national policies? That would be a nationalist platform I could get behind.
yeah you all like that PC police shit eh? semantics, you all have never dealt with gracefully.

The only reasons to use the term nationalism are A. you don't realize the historical context associated with it or B. you're sending a message to the White Nationalist that you're okay with their agenda.

How can there be nationalism in a federation of 50 sovereign states?

Would Trumpian Nationalist stand up for California?

I suspect so, after it's been properly repatriated.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
why would I think that? I believe in my neighbors and the people of this country, first and foremost. If there is time for other countries, we obviously help out. Our country comes first, always does and always will. No matter who you all try to evolve us into.

So, when you watch the olympics you root for other countries to beat american athletes?
That sounds like patriotism, not nationalism.
how you figure?

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?

It’s fascinating to watch you people struggle with the simplest things. It’s like you’ve been programmed to roll up in the fetal position when certain words are spoke.
Did you know that superiority and supremacy exists...Do you know what makes one supreme or superior over another?
Why do these things make you piss your pink panties?
AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.

Why not use the more appropriate term Patriotism?

Why don't we have some kind of national election or political mechanism for voters to hold a national referendum on national policies? That would be a nationalist platform I could get behind.
yeah you all like that PC police shit eh? semantics, you all have never dealt with gracefully.

The only reasons to use the term nationalism are A. you don't realize the historical context associated with it or B. you're sending a message to the White Nationalist that you're okay with their agenda.

How can there be nationalism in a federation of 50 sovereign states?

Would Trumpian Nationalist stand up for California?

I suspect so, after it's been properly repatriated.

Re-education camps for liberals huh? or were you thinking death camps? Ops did I say "Death Camps"? I meant "Happy Camps"........
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
When I joined the United States military I took an oath to support and defend this country, every American citizen,and our Constitution. I did not swear an oath of loyalty to 'the world'.

I have fought beside allies in combat as we have joined together for the combined common good, but at no time did my oath or loyalty change.

(At the same time I understand what it is to be an 'ugly American', intentionally disrespecting other nations and acting better than them while in their country I have regrettably seen it and believe that is unacceptable.)

I believe that the oath I took has no expiration date, and I will always remain loyal to this nation / the Constitution. (Notice I did not say 'politician'.)

Actually you took an oath to Support and Defend the Constitution...period

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My oath stated that I would defend the Constitution of the United States from it's enemies both foreign and domestic.



Mine too.


You realize that means if I'm reactivated I'll do everything in my power to arrest anyone in the military who I believe is not following the regulations or the Uniform Code Of Military Justice. Correct?


Last edited:
Nationalism vs. patriotism

Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination.

By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.

Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?

It’s fascinating to watch you people struggle with the simplest things. It’s like you’ve been programmed to roll up in the fetal position when certain words are spoke.
Did you know that superiority and supremacy exists...Do you know what makes one supreme or superior over another?
Why do these things make you piss your pink panties?
Cause that’s what the Nazis believed. I’d prefer millions don’t die.
Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?

It’s fascinating to watch you people struggle with the simplest things. It’s like you’ve been programmed to roll up in the fetal position when certain words are spoke.
Did you know that superiority and supremacy exists...Do you know what makes one supreme or superior over another?
Why do these things make you piss your pink panties?
Cause that’s what the Nazis believed. I’d prefer millions don’t die.

Stop being so paranoid bud....I hate wetbacks more than Hitler hated Jews but I’ve never killed one.
Grab your straight jacket and follow me here....
I’m far more superior than those disgusting humans amongst that caravan. I would never bring a child or ten into a world of misery and despair. TA-DA!

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