Nationalist Or Globalist?

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  • I'm a Globalist!

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I'm a Nationalist!

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • I'm nothing but a pile of indecisive goo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."

You need to separate rhetoric from policy.

Also if one does not set one's own country above others in negotiations of import, there are any number if equally nationalistic (if less vocal about it) leaders ready to take one for a ride.
poor impotent billy. Always the same. Others are better than him, and it hurts
Trump is a globalists, so are the Kushners and about everyone in his Admin.

Do you buy things (like your computer that you're using to read this) that are made overseas? Congratulations, you're a globalist. Claiming you're a nationalist and then supporting foreign economies is dishonesty. Much like our current occupant of the oval office who had his cheap wares made overseas earlier this decade...and now claims he's in support of American jobs.

Why you dumbasses believe him is bewildering.
So everyone who is a nationalist should not own things that are only made overseas ? (which is just about everything)

Gotta have the companies come back here first, before you can buy American from them.
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."

You need to separate rhetoric from policy.

Also if one does not set one's own country above others in negotiations of import, there are any number if equally nationalistic (if less vocal about it) leaders ready to take one for a ride.
poor impotent billy. Always the same. Others are better than him, and it hurts

Let's have some names, eh? :auiqs.jpg:
Which are you? Frankly I'm more of a Nationalist.....I am not for changing America into a Communist/Socialist country. I have seen the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of millions under Marxism. America shines like a bright light in the world, that is why EVERYONE wants to come here.
Improvements in technology can only make our world "smaller"; global trade, not global war.

Not quite >>>

1. new $1.5 Billion aluminum mill will be built in Ashland, Ky - will create up to 1,800 construction jobs and about 500 permanent positions

2. Following the imposition of tariffs, U.S. Steel announced it would restart its steel-making facilities and one blast furnace at an Illinois plant.

3. Century Aluminum Co. announced a nearly $120 million investment to expand and modernize a smelter in nearby Hawesville, Ky., that had its production decreased to 40% since 2015.

4. Alcoa will reopen an idle smelter in Indiana.

5. Steelmakers Nucor and Commercial Metals will build new mills in Missouri and Oklahoma, respectively.

6. Whirlpool said it would add 200 jobs at its Ohio plant after the announcement of new tariffs.

7. South Korean manufacturer Samsung opened its first plant in South Carolina.

8. LG Electronics broke ground on a $250 Million 310-acre site in Tennessee — their washers will be made with American hands. (600 new jobs)
No, I do not think that is an effective use of our money. It never works.
That's correct. Which is why Trump has replaced it (globalist unrestricted access to our market) with tariffs, a lowered corporate tax, cancellation of business regulations, aka NATIONALISM.
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."
Do you buy things (like your computer that you're using to read this) that are made overseas? Congratulations, you're a globalist. Claiming you're a nationalist and then supporting foreign economies is dishonesty. Much like our current occupant of the oval office who had his cheap wares made overseas earlier this decade...and now claims he's in support of American jobs.

Why you dumbasses believe him is bewildering.
. God damn Candyass! Is there a hat that can contain your enormous brain?
I’m betting it’ll be a pink one.
It all starts at home.
If everyone takes care of their home, then problems become few.

Take care of your home, neighborhood community, town, city, county, state, region, country, continent, hemisphere, world.

See where the world is on that list?
Deceptive Language From the Ruling Word-Manufacturers

"America First" is poorly phrased. It implies that something is next after patriotic nationalism. So does your list. But there is nothing more.
Nah, Trumpybear is a phony. Actions speak louder than words. He's flip flopped more than Bush.

Make Amerika Great. Buy my products made in China.
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

David the Rockefeller started globalism. HeirHead guillotine fodder despise their serfs and think they are not snobs if they promote transnationalism. "See, I care about the little people, as long as their not the American little people."
anti americanism here it is folks.

Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

David the Rockefeller started globalism. HeirHead guillotine fodder despise their serfs and think they are not snobs if they promote transnationalism. "See, I care about the little people, as long as their not the American little people."
that's not even globalism, since he shits on americans and who are part of the globe last time I checked.
Of course Trumpybear is anti American and anti Western Alliance. Why do you think he sucks up to Putin so much?
ahhhh look at you. mr. I can't stand america projecting. thanks, we all knew you were totally anti american.

AS you cheer the pro-Russian Trumpybear.

The NWO is the one the West built after our Victory in WWII.

Trumpublicans want to destroy that world under the CT of the Globalist and return us to the days of fierce nationalism that in part sparked WWI and WWII.

Any American who is not a nationalist is a low down fucking traitor. True story.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

David the Rockefeller started globalism. HeirHead guillotine fodder despise their serfs and think they are not snobs if they promote transnationalism. "See, I care about the little people, as long as their not the American little people."
that's not even globalism, since he shits on americans and who are part of the globe last time I checked.
Please don't cast aspersions on Trumpybear I own one and he hangs from a tree all day in my front yard
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."
OK, the distinction is a patriot will always stick to the constitution or whatever is the central unity of the nation. Under the broadest definition a nationalist might do that. But he also might stick to a narrower loyality ... white nationalism, for example. Hitler and Stalin for example separated their loyalty to only a segment of the population.

You can decide for yourself whether Trump is guilty of similar "selective" inclusion of citizens into those he deems worthy. But even if you find him guilty of that, it's not like he's the only "divider" in American politics today. As Roberts' dissent in the Oberkfell implied "be careful of the result's unintended consequences." And we still have some black citizens thinking they're entitled to some reparations for something long ago
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."
OK, the distinction is a patriot will always stick to the constitution or whatever is the central unity of the nation. Under the broadest definition a nationalist might do that. But he also might stick to a narrower loyality ... white nationalism, for example. Hitler and Stalin for example separated their loyalty to only a segment of the population.

You can decide for yourself whether Trump is guilty of similar "selective" inclusion of citizens into those he deems worthy. But even if you find him guilty of that, it's not like he's the only "divider" in American politics today. As Roberts' dissent in the Oberkfell implied "be careful of the result's unintended consequences." And we still have some black citizens thinking they're entitled to some reparations for something long ago
OK, you nor the demoloser leftists get to make up bullshit as PC police. sorry. definitions are definitions.

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