Nationalist Or Globalist?

Choose Your Position

  • I'm a Globalist!

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I'm a Nationalist!

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • I'm nothing but a pile of indecisive goo.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I got news for you. The companies you worship and Republicans serve, don't give a fuck about your best interests. They care about their best interests.

And I care about mine, and vote accordingly. You, on the other hand, know nothing of my interests.

What do you do for a living by the way?

A working retirement with a third career at the chewy center. I do it well and on my own terms. At 66 I have 18 years of experience at it.

How 'bout you?
I won’t be working at 66

Neither am I. :113:
I just went through all the threads you’ve started since you joined in March 2018. Wow that’s a lot of threads. I, we, usmb and probably Facebook knows more about you than you. Rwnj

Of course you did, and I joined in 2013.

You only think you know something about me. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't use Facebook. Only fools do.
I know all about you. It’s in all the titles of the threads you’ve started. I see your radical right wing agenda
It’s o
Trump is a white nationalist.

His base knew EXACTLY what he was saying.
its our job to get out the vote. Don’t worry about the white racist vote. God bless them. They get a vote too. It’s not their fault they are who they are and vote the way they do. America is made up of free liberals and conservatives. If conservatives win we will go their route. They only win because so many people who disagree with them don’t vote every two years.

And I feel helpless when I run into a person who says they don’t vote. I try everything but nothing convinces them. They are what’s wrong you can’t change conservatives minds. They are set in their ways
And I care about mine, and vote accordingly. You, on the other hand, know nothing of my interests.

A working retirement with a third career at the chewy center. I do it well and on my own terms. At 66 I have 18 years of experience at it.

How 'bout you?
I won’t be working at 66

Neither am I. :113:
I just went through all the threads you’ve started since you joined in March 2018. Wow that’s a lot of threads. I, we, usmb and probably Facebook knows more about you than you. Rwnj

Of course you did, and I joined in 2013.

You only think you know something about me. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't use Facebook. Only fools do.
I know all about you. It’s in all the titles of the threads you’ve started. I see your radical right wing agenda

Which are you? Frankly I'm more of a Nationalist.....I am not for changing America into a Communist/Socialist country. I have seen the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of millions under Marxism. America shines like a bright light in the world, that is why EVERYONE wants to come here.
I am a nationalist.

Globalism is impossible currently....Very few nations stand for human rights, human liberty and allow for the voice of the people to dictate their direction. How can we even start to consider globalism?

America is special and should be protected with our lives.
I am a NATIONALIST. Globalism is what 4 previous presidents, before Trump, gave us, and it was terrible. US manufacturing businesses left the US, went overseas, and left us with nothing but service industries.

Hillary would have been more of that. Trump is fixing it.
Trump is a globalists, so are the Kushners and about everyone in his Admin.
Which are you? Frankly I'm more of a Nationalist.....I am not for changing America into a Communist/Socialist country. I have seen the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of millions under Marxism. America shines like a bright light in the world, that is why EVERYONE wants to come here.

Communist and Socialist are
incapable, we are a Capitalist/Socialist society.
Do you buy things (like your computer that you're using to read this) that are made overseas? Congratulations, you're a globalist. Claiming you're a nationalist and then supporting foreign economies is dishonesty. Much like our current occupant of the oval office who had his cheap wares made overseas earlier this decade...and now claims he's in support of American jobs.

Why you dumbasses believe him is bewildering.
I am a NATIONALIST. Globalism is what 4 previous presidents, before Trump, gave us, and it was terrible. US manufacturing businesses left the US, went overseas, and left us with nothing but service industries.

Hillary would have been more of that. Trump is fixing it.

All that is still going on under Trump, you're right it's terrible that people believe the lie of Trump.
I am a NATIONALIST. Globalism is what 4 previous presidents, before Trump, gave us, and it was terrible. US manufacturing businesses left the US, went overseas, and left us with nothing but service industries.

Hillary would have been more of that. Trump is fixing it.

All that is still going on under Trump, you're right it's terrible that people believe the lie of Trump.

Have you heard about the trade war with China? How about the new tariffs trying to get better trade deals? What lie are you referring to? Please try to post complete thoughts. Is it terrible that Trump is bringing back jobs and investment dollars from overseas?
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.
Do you buy things (like your computer that you're using to read this) that are made overseas? Congratulations, you're a globalist. Claiming you're a nationalist and then supporting foreign economies is dishonesty. Much like our current occupant of the oval office who had his cheap wares made overseas earlier this decade...and now claims he's in support of American jobs.

Why you dumbasses believe him is bewildering.
. God damn Candyass! Is there a hat that can contain your enormous brain?
I am a NATIONALIST. Globalism is what 4 previous presidents, before Trump, gave us, and it was terrible. US manufacturing businesses left the US, went overseas, and left us with nothing but service industries.

Hillary would have been more of that. Trump is fixing it.

All that is still going on under Trump, you're right it's terrible that people believe the lie of Trump.

Have you heard about the trade war with China? How about the new tariffs trying to get better trade deals? What lie are you referring to? Please try to post complete thoughts. Is it terrible that Trump is bringing back jobs and investment dollars from overseas?
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

This about sums it up.

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
I am a patriot that believes that economic and political isolationism is harmful to the security and prosperity of this great country.

Sent from my iPhone using
Gay, lame can’t have one without the other.
Patriots are Nationalists and Nationalists are Patriots.
To summarize, all good, productive, real Americans are nationalists while bottom feeders, weirdos, unAmericans, barely Americans and foreigners hate U.S. nationalism with passion.
There is an obvious difference. Why do you think racists choose white nationalism?
I don't deal with racists and I have no place for racism. it's all made up today. it's been so watered down by jamokes like yourself everything is now racist. so take your shit and shove it.
Sure, but as a nationalist we are superior to everyone else right?
Why do you think that?we do many things better and why people want to come here. So you think we suck eh?
I think we are great as a country, but I believe people are born equal. I don't think anyone is superior. I want the rest of the world to see our freedom and want to be like us.
me too. the problem folks on the left have is understanding that being born equal doesn't mean your life will be. Someone will be a sports star, some will be movie stars some people will invent new products and some will make tons of money. And unfortunately, some will be poor. It seems leftists can't accept that conclusion. And instead of focusing on how to help those poor they instead go after the majority who were successful and damn them all to hell. funny, I've never understood that. you?
Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."
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Let's see who we have here. Are you a borderless slave married to ultimate global governance, or an upstanding citizen standing tall for your country?
Why does one need to be nationalist (with all that "us-sim against them-ism") to not be a globalist?
why can't one be a nationalist?
Of course one can be a nationalist, but one is lying if they don't accept that Mao Hitler and Stalin all based their purges on nationalism rather than patriotism.

Orwell's example is that both patriotism and nationalism are tied to a political identity that binds a society together. But "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
Patriotism versus Nationalism in America

That's the simple answer, but I didn't post it yesterday because I thought it was over simplistic. It makes Trump supporters "the bad guy." And that's not necessarily true. What is true is that a patriot would never call a duly elected president illegitimate because he's not a citizen, when the evidence of that is just the man's name, his ethnicity and where one of his parents was born - without some concrete evidence based on legal records. A person's citizenship is decided by legal rules. If the rules are followed, a patriot accepts it.

But it's also true that some people use laws to try to delegitimize other's beliefs. And it's a bipartisan problem. The baker for example. No one was denied a cake.

So it's simple to say Trump is a nationalist and not a patriot. It's true, but one ignores other "groups" in America use similar tactics, I think that it's only a half-truth that is misleading.

What I think is dangerous about Trump isn't that he's a nationalist. We've had lots of nationalists. White nationalists, black nationalist, Christian nationalists, Zionists, and Muslim nationalists. But what preserves the US from nationalism is the Supreme Court, which ruled the baker just can't be ordered to bake a cake or go pound sand. And the Free Press, that publicized all sides of the baker dispute ... without one side being "fake news." And Federalism, where some states passed laws protecting people like the baker ... while also trying to find a way to accommodate the legal right of same sex people to have the same right of association that straight people have.

When some institution disagrees with Trump he calls them an enemy. The Fed is not the biggest danger to the economy. (This from Trump who wanted to just print enough money to pay off the natl debt). CNN is "fake news." A judge is biased because he is of latino descent. His political opponent should be "locked up."

You need to separate rhetoric from policy.

Also if one does not set one's own country above others in negotiations of import, there are any number if equally nationalistic (if less vocal about it) leaders ready to take one for a ride.

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