Nationalize American BIG-OIL!!!

I'm actually counting on communists to be human. That means they can change. Sort of like what happened during the Reagan adminstration. Unfortunately, there was a setback. i prefer to think most people get up in the morning and head off to work, love their family and want to do the right thing.
The government spending as % gdp is about the same.
Norway 40.2% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp: 42.1%.
USA 38.9% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp 26.9%.

So the government spends about the same amount of money.
Government spending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the problem for you in USA is that the rich contributes to little to overall welfare, in Norway they contribute more and the government can deliver balanced budgets. The government spending is about the same, so the US government needs more money.

What type of idiot thinks government should grow right along with the economy? Why do those same idiots try to grow government even more in an economic downturn?
It's Europe. All they have left is government.

The US government is about the same size in %of GDP. The diffrence is that US finances its government with credit not taxes. With credit follows an interest rate. In the long run it will be a dissaster, look at Greece. Too low taxes and to much spending.

But nationalizing big-oil and taxing the rich would produce a lot of extra tax income that would balance the budget and keep the welfare also for the future. It is not a good thing to finance spending with credits. So the government needs more tax income.
If The President's gonna be (continually) busted for not doing more about prices-at-the-pump....while still being accused o' being a socialist....he might-as-WELL socialize all Big Oil interests, in the U.S., and SET prices-at-the-pump!!!!

Hell......who's he gonna piss-off; the high-roller$/1%er$/Teabaggin'-lackies?? Fuck them. They're a minority, anyhow.​

Poor Libs, it was okay to blame Bush for high gas prices, now it is wrong?

Man talk about getting your panties in a wad, suck it up, payback is a bitch! LOL!
Gee....I thought you Teabaggers saw prices-at-the-pump as a national-security issue, that.....without inexpensive-fuel, our entire-economy was being jeapordized????


Hey dumbass, we were saying the same things libtards said about Bush. Remember when Pelosi, Reid, Durban and the gang were saying that Bush made oil more expensive to help his oil buddies? It's called mocking.

And 2nd you libtards love the high oil prices, so we all have to walk to work or bike, while the rich can still afford gas. (you know your democratic politicians that give you orders)

I love liberals, they complain when things are too expensive for poor people, but then try to make things more expensive for "global warming" concerns.
StatOil is a well run company but it really isn't a relevant analogy to the US. There are 5 million Norwegians and 315 million Americans, with much a different history, culture and political structure.

The government spending as % gdp is about the same.
Norway 40.2% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp: 42.1%.
USA 38.9% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp 26.9%.

So the government spends about the same amount of money.
Government spending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the problem for you in USA is that the rich contributes to little to overall welfare, in Norway they contribute more and the government can deliver balanced budgets. The government spending is about the same, so the US government needs more money.

What type of idiot thinks government should grow right along with the economy? Why do those same idiots try to grow government even more in an economic downturn?
Most of the money is put into expanding the infrastructure to close the congestions in the economy. New roads, railways,power grid, water supply etc.

When the private sector economy is down and labour is available the government can start spending to employ unemployed construction workers and civil engineers. Building roads infrastructure and renovate schoos and government budilings.
i prefer to think most people get up in the morning and head off to work, love their family and want to do the right thing.

Same here, but I take my freedom to live my life as I please, unencumbered, seriously.

I am not very good slave material. I would rather die than allow another human put a rope around my neck and make me into their sugar daddy, their meal ticket, their free ride.

I really hate humans that make DEMANDS of another, especially when they seem to think it is their right. "Be my doctor for free." "Feed my illegitimate little boogers." "Pay my rent for me." Yeah, LOL, fuck you low life parasites out there, just TRY to make me do as Simon says. I am not here for your benefit, commies.

I shit you not, I take my freedom to associate with whom I choose, or NOT, damn serious.
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If The President's gonna be (continually) busted for not doing more about prices-at-the-pump....while still being accused o' being a socialist....he might-as-WELL socialize all Big Oil interests, in the U.S., and SET prices-at-the-pump!!!!

Hell......who's he gonna piss-off; the high-roller$/1%er$/Teabaggin'-lackies?? Fuck them. They're a minority, anyhow.​

Poor Libs, it was okay to blame Bush for high gas prices, now it is wrong?
No.....the issues are the same.

If we're gonna treat oil as (just) one-more-commodity.....rather-than (as "conservatives" insist) "the life-blood of our economy."....someone's gonna get all the people who pump their OWN the Koch Bros. & Mitt Romney.

[ame=]The Price Of Oil - YouTube[/ame]​
Gee....I thought you Teabaggers saw prices-at-the-pump as a national-security issue, that.....without inexpensive-fuel, our entire-economy was being jeapordized????


Hey dumbass, we were saying the same things libtards said about Bush. Remember when Pelosi, Reid, Durban and the gang were saying that Bush made oil more expensive to help his oil buddies?
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh??


I don't know if you're some Teabagger who just-recently discovered politics (right after the Black-dude won the Presidency)....or, if you're some school-kiddie....the end-result is the same.

You quite-obviously HAVE no fuckin' idea what the conversation was, back then.

Run along........

i prefer to think most people get up in the morning and head off to work, love their family and want to do the right thing.

Same here, but I take my freedom to live my life as I please, unencumbered, seriously.

I am not very good slave material. I would rather die than allow another human put a rope around my neck and make me into their sugar daddy, their meal ticket, their free ride.

I really hate humans that make DEMANDS of another, especially when they seem to think it is their right. "Be my doctor for free." "Feed my illegitimate little boogers." "Pay my rent for me." Yeah, LOL, fuck you low life parasites out there, just TRY to make me do as Simon says. I am not here for your benefit, commies.

I shit you not, I take my freedom to associate with whom I choose, or NOT, damn serious.

You need to define your terms better. You can have a liberal who doesn't want to live under communism say most of the things you mentioned. Communism is not your foe in the US.
The government spending as % gdp is about the same.
Norway 40.2% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp: 42.1%.
USA 38.9% gdp is government spending, tax burden % gdp 26.9%.

So the government spends about the same amount of money.
Government spending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the problem for you in USA is that the rich contributes to little to overall welfare, in Norway they contribute more and the government can deliver balanced budgets. The government spending is about the same, so the US government needs more money.

What type of idiot thinks government should grow right along with the economy? Why do those same idiots try to grow government even more in an economic downturn?
Most of the money is put into expanding the infrastructure to close the congestions in the economy. New roads, railways,power grid, water supply etc.

When the private sector economy is down and labour is available the government can start spending to employ unemployed construction workers and civil engineers. Building roads infrastructure and renovate schoos and government budilings.
.....Not to mention.....When the private sector economy is down.....building-materials are also less-expensive!!!

i prefer to think most people get up in the morning and head off to work, love their family and want to do the right thing.

Same here, but I take my freedom to live my life as I please, unencumbered, seriously.

I am not very good slave material. I would rather die than allow another human put a rope around my neck and make me into their sugar daddy, their meal ticket, their free ride. do know there's a difference between being a slave....and, being a sugar-daddy......right?


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers


School-kiddies & Teabaggers should NOT attempt to create analogies. That would require real-world/adult experiences.....vastly-lacking on playgrounds & (within) NASCAR-households.

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Never mind part of the reason the economy is down comes from government policy and expansion.
If The President's gonna be (continually) busted for not doing more about prices-at-the-pump....while still being accused o' being a socialist....he might-as-WELL socialize all Big Oil interests, in the U.S., and SET prices-at-the-pump!!!!

Hell......who's he gonna piss-off; the high-roller$/1%er$/Teabaggin'-lackies?? Fuck them. They're a minority, anyhow.​

Poor Libs, it was okay to blame Bush for high gas prices, now it is wrong?
No.....the issues are the same.

If we're gonna treat oil as (just) one-more-commodity.....rather-than (as "conservatives" insist) "the life-blood of our economy."....someone's gonna get all the people who pump their OWN the Koch Bros. & Mitt Romney.

[ame=]The Price Of Oil - YouTube[/ame]​

I know where the blame goes but it sure in the hell didn't stop libbies then. Funny how upset you whiners get when you can't control the spin and work it to your advantage.
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The other day I suggested nationalizing the oil companies and a right wing fool actually suggested using the 2nd amendment if we tried. The right to bare arms? Really? Middle class conservatives love the oil companies so much they would kill to defend them so they can continue to gouge us?

What a joke middle class Republicans are. So stupid.

And we don't need to bother the oil companies. We need to take on Wallstreet Oil Speculators. They are costing economy car owners an extra $12 everytime they fill up and SUV's $20. They are the problem. Get rid of them and gas isn't all that expensive.
The other day I suggested nationalizing the oil companies and a right wing fool actually suggested using the 2nd amendment if we tried. The right to bare arms? Really? Middle class conservatives love the oil companies so much they would kill to defend them so they can continue to gouge us?

What a joke middle class Republicans are. So stupid.

And we don't need to bother the oil companies. We need to take on Wallstreet Oil Speculators. They are costing economy car owners an extra $12 everytime they fill up and SUV's $20. They are the problem. Get rid of them and gas isn't all that expensive.

Yes Big Butt Michell bares arms and it should be outlawed.
The other day I suggested nationalizing the oil companies and a right wing fool actually suggested using the 2nd amendment if we tried. The right to bare arms? Really? Middle class conservatives love the oil companies so much they would kill to defend them so they can continue to gouge us?

Gouge us? Really? All those independent components that produce oil today have all gotten together to gouge us?

Who would then be the oil producers once you stopped this (so-called) gouging (a.k.a. making a profit) by all these independent sources producing today? Who would want to be a nationalized oil producer, strip of what are already low profit percent/margins compared to other industries? Who would invest in that? The government would have to become the investors, producers, drillers, refiners, etc. Might have to draft employees and eliminate unions or they might gouge too.

Nationalized education, nationalized retirement, nationalized health care, nationalized oil, nationalized what next? Nationalize the family farms? Oh yummy, I can think of nothing more tasty than nationalized food. Hey, how about nationalized sex, I'm ugly, can I sleep with your pretty wife, life is not fair if I can't.

OMG, LOL, where will it stop? Oh, woe are we, dear leader, nationalized our lives, our sperm, our eggs, because life is not fair for the lazy and inept and gawd especially those not packaged in a preferable color and/or don't have mature bwains. :lol: :tongue:

Gawd, what is it with you meddlers out there? Don't turn your lives and the planet over to a ruling military reenforced authority, are you people insane? Fuck, LOL, some of you scare me more than invading space aliens would. What planet are some of you from? :confused:
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The other day I suggested nationalizing the oil companies and a right wing fool actually suggested using the 2nd amendment if we tried. The right to bare arms? Really? Middle class conservatives love the oil companies so much they would kill to defend them so they can continue to gouge us?

What a joke middle class Republicans are. So stupid.

And we don't need to bother the oil companies. We need to take on Wallstreet Oil Speculators. They are costing economy car owners an extra $12 everytime they fill up and SUV's $20. They are the problem. Get rid of them and gas isn't all that expensive.

Gas tax is a big part too. I like how some act like highway construction is some big gift from the government.

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