Nations first Natural Gas ban is repealed. Huge POLITICAL win for the free market

I happen to believe that is a misrepresentation of the miners as was explained in the last election, those miners will be transitioned into the new green -energy field...

That was Hillary's thing. Trump said he was going to bring back big beautiful coal jobs .
I wouldn't stop investors.
You personally?

Only because by yourself you cant

But as part of the green mob led by Al Gore, greta thunberg, ambulance chasing slip and fsll lawyers and other urban vultures you deserve some of the credit
You personally?

Only because by yourself you cant

But as part of the green mob led by Al Gore, greta thunberg, ambulance chasing slip and fsll lawyers and other urban vultures you deserve some of the credit

Despite a campaign promise to put coal miners back to work and support "beautiful clean coal," President Donald Trump is on track to leave the White House with the nation posting the lowest coal production and jobs figures in recent history.

"You watch what happens — if I win, we're going to bring those miners back," Trump said at a 2016 rally.

Despite a slight increase in coal production in the third quarter compared to the previous one, the period marked a new low in average coal mine employment with just 40,458 jobs, according to an S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis of available data. Average quarterly coal mining employment fell 23.6% from the first quarter of 2017, when Trump took office, to the most recent quarter. Coal production is down 31.5% in the third quarter compared to the first quarter of 2017.
The planet doesn't need saving. The planet is doing fine - been here 4.5 billion years - George Carlin

Despite a campaign promise to put coal miners back to work and support "beautiful clean coal," President Donald Trump is on track to leave the White House with the nation posting the lowest coal production and jobs figures in recent history.

"You watch what happens — if I win, we're going to bring those miners back," Trump said at a 2016 rally.

Despite a slight increase in coal production in the third quarter compared to the previous one, the period marked a new low in average coal mine employment with just 40,458 jobs, according to an S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis of available data. Average quarterly coal mining employment fell 23.6% from the first quarter of 2017, when Trump took office, to the most recent quarter. Coal production is down 31.5% in the third quarter compared to the first quarter of 2017.
With India and china expanding energy production from coal its obvious that disinvestment in America is s political decision rather than economic
It is not a worship of Trump, you asshole.

It is an empirical evalution of his energy policies.

It is NOT tough to understand that more supply will drop prices.

It does not take a GOD to understand the supply and demand curve.

I didnt take the "vax". Tell me how I say Trump is a God?


You fucking retard.
All of them use the same failed shaming policies to converse with disagreement. The reasoning here is that you will be embarrassed and then shut up. It doesn't work anymore an frankly never really did.
I happen to believe that is a misrepresentation of the miners and what they were promised as was explained in the last election, those miners will be transitioned into the new green -energy field... :scared1:
Mr. Potato Head told them to learn to program. "Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God's sake.". That's steel-trap logic right there.

How about anyone who can become president? I'd love to watch Biden try to learn how to use any programming language to do anything.

Mr. Potato Head told them to learn to program. "Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God's sake.". That's steel-trap logic right there.

How about anyone who can become president? I'd love to watch Biden try to learn how to use any programming language to do anything.

I appreciate the back-up bro...just so your not taken by surprise I voted for Biden in the last election and yesterday in the New York primary, my problem isn't the real democrats as I am one, but these socially educated white liberal types are everything that is wrong with America.

Despite a campaign promise to put coal miners back to work and support "beautiful clean coal," President Donald Trump is on track to leave the White House with the nation posting the lowest coal production and jobs figures in recent history.

"You watch what happens — if I win, we're going to bring those miners back," Trump said at a 2016 rally.

Despite a slight increase in coal production in the third quarter compared to the previous one, the period marked a new low in average coal mine employment with just 40,458 jobs, according to an S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis of available data. Average quarterly coal mining employment fell 23.6% from the first quarter of 2017, when Trump took office, to the most recent quarter. Coal production is down 31.5% in the third quarter compared to the first quarter of 2017.

'My friends were lied to': will coalminers stand by Trump as jobs disappear?

The president vowed to help the industry, but it continues shrinking despite his cuts to regulations
so you have the above link proving the union link is bogus, the union link proving "there are no jobs" is bogus and the #70 post [backing up my claim] showing the misrepresentation of the claim...each of your links has contradicted the previous link or claim you've made.
so you have the above link proving the union link is bogus, the union link proving "there are no jobs" is bogus and the #70 post [backing up my claim] showing the misrepresentation of the claim...each of your links has contradicted the previous link or claim you've made.

There are fewer jobs. Big beautiful coal isn't coming back.

Mining Industry - United Mine Workers of America

Despite a campaign promise to put coal miners back to work and support "beautiful clean coal," President Donald Trump is on track to leave the White House with the nation posting the lowest coal production and jobs figures in recent history.

"You watch what happens — if I win, we're going to bring those miners back," Trump said at a 2016 rally.

Despite a slight increase in coal production in the third quarter compared to the previous one, the period marked a new low in average coal mine employment with just 40,458 jobs, according to an S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis of available data. Average quarterly coal mining employment fell 23.6% from the first quarter of 2017, when Trump took office, to the most recent quarter. Coal production is down 31.5% in the third quarter compared to the first quarter of 2017.

Mining Industry - United Mine Workers of America

The United Mine Workers of America was formed by coal miners, and they remain our largest membership group to this day. The UMWA is the largest union in North America representing coal miners and is one of the largest in the world. The UMWA proudly represents workers in and around underground...
Here's that nutty logic for ya to digest, not really sure how it fits together but enjoy.

“Climate change must be addressed, but piecemeal policies at the local level like bans on natural gas piping in new buildings or all-electric ordinances, which are preempted by federal law, are not the answer,” said Jot Condie, CEO of the California Restaurant Association, in a statement.

It seems economic impact of these policies are not usually considered, or even calculated in the least.

To what IMPACT will the gas stove ban "save the planet"?

Can it even be empirically proven that banning gas stoves will "save the planet"?

Seems like a play to sell more electric stoves. How about the carbon impact of manufacturing new electric stoves to replace gas stoves? What about the solid waste of the trashed gas stoves?

A step back...

Induction hobs are the way to go these days... Way safer and very responsive...

Electrification of this is to future proof...

We think scientifically that we will get cheap sustainable energy and deliver it using electricity first before anything else.
Yes, Hydrogen production could come but that could just as easily turned into Electricity... Hydrogen production and distribution would demand huge costs, Electricity (while needing to be upgraded) has most of the infrastructure in place.
Every form of energy can be turned that can be harnessed can be turned into Electricity.

This isn't as much about saving the plant as about future proofing...

I know the MAGA crowd will find this upsetting. Using your brain to think ahead is a bit much for them...

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