Nationwide baby formula shortage hits shocking levels sparking panic among parents

That’s interesting, did you give Joe credit for solving the supply chain issues 6 months ago? I have a sneaking suspicion the answer is no
No, because I knew it was more lies from Brandon then. And I’m shown now I was correct in my conclusion.
Well, it does make sense .. human babies are public enemy #1 for the science denying and media wings of the Democratic Party these days...

(true story) as Biden and the Democratic Party leadership would say.. ;)
He does say that a lot lol. "True story, not a joke ..."

Translation "I'm about to lie my ass off..."
No, because I knew it was more lies from Brandon then. And I’m shown now I was correct in my conclusion.
Ok good, then he wasn’t responsible for solving it which pretty much negates the point you were trying to make. But you can go off him being a liar now so why don’t you just pivot to that for a spell
Ok good, then he wasn’t responsible for solving it which pretty much negates the point you were trying to make. But you can go off him being a liar now so why don’t you just pivot to that for a spell
He wants to take the credit, poopy pants can take the blame.
What policy specifically impacted baby formula?
There were EO's up the wazoo on the first day. Ask the traitors who want their utopia what they did. The supply chain has been muddled. And we have the means of supplying our citizens. If the installed puppet in office cannot see that baby formula is important for children, then it is just another offering to the devil when an infant dies. This by Prog standards probably was planned.
plants that make things necessary for producing baby formula

are you really that dumb?
Im asking specifically which ones. I’d like to look them up and see what restrictions you’re talking about
There were EO's up the wazoo on the first day. Ask the traitors who want their utopia what they did. The supply chain has been muddled. And we have the means of supplying our citizens. If the installed puppet in office cannot see that baby formula is important for children, then it is just another offering to the devil when an infant dies. This by Prog standards probably was planned.
Again, what specific EOs impacted which plants to effect the supply of baby food. Be specific or it’s apparent you are just talking out of your ass
Again, what specific EOs impacted which plants to effect the supply of baby food. Be specific or it’s apparent you are just talking out of your ass
Again, Biden claims responsibility for the supply chain, take it up with him.
There is no shortage of workers not a supply chain issue. People are working harder than ever.
When will they fix this communistic government and allow the capitalist to control production and distribution?
'They' have to rid the country (vote out) the stupid Democrat policies and all the Democrat elites first.
'They' have to rid the country (vote out) the stupid Democrat policies and all the Democrat elites first.
I’m still Looking for the link showing how Biden is controlling the production and distribution of baby formula. Can you connect the dots?
That still won't change formula supplies for babies.
Yes it will. Democrats ruined our economy and our supply chain. Democrats caused fuel prices to soar which, in turn, caused the price of goods to soar. Democrats created a fake pandemic crisis to harm a political opponent. Covid restrictions put a strangle hold on ports which backed up supplies and caused freighters to sit off-shore for months. Leave it to Democrats to put politics above the welfare of We The People and our children.

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