Native American Activists Ramp Up Push To Rebrand Columbus Day


"The fact that America would honor this man is preposterous."

NEW YORK, Oct 9 (Reuters) - About four miles from the world's largest Christopher Columbus parade in midtown Manhattan on Monday, hundreds of Native Americans and their supporters will hold a sunrise prayer circle to honor ancestors who were slain or driven from their land.

The ceremony will begin the final day of a weekend "powwow" on Randall's Island in New York's East River, an event that features traditional dancing, story-telling and art.

The Redhawk Native American Arts Council's powwow is both a celebration of Native American culture and an unmistakable counterpoint to the parade, which many detractors say honors a man who symbolizes centuries of oppression of aboriginal people by Europeans.

Organizers hope to call attention to issues of social and economic injustice that have dogged Native Americans since Christopher Columbus led his path-finding expedition to the "New World" in 1492.

The powwow has been held for the past 20 years but never on Columbus Day. It is part of a drive by Native Americans and their supporters throughout the country, who are trying to rebrand Columbus Day as a holiday that honors indigenous people, rather than their European conquerors. Their efforts have been successful in several U.S. cities this year.

"The fact that America would honor this man is preposterous," said Cliff Matias, lead organizer of the powwow and a lifelong Brooklyn resident who claims blood ties with Latin America's Taino and Kichwa nations. "It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."

More: Native American Activists Ramp Up Push To Rebrand Columbus Day

Why would America honor such a man? It's like celebrating genocide. Columbus Day is not a happy day for Native Americans.

Native American Genocide

Why would Native Americans allow some carpet bagging agitator to take speak for them?
While it's acceptable to celebrate some parts of Native American Heritage, it has to be recognized that they were genocidal savages among their own. All practiced torture, some practiced cannibalism. The war they waged against the white settlers was brutal and required new definitions for atrocity. Then they lost. Shit happens folks.
Europeans were practicing torture at the same time. In fact, the earliest European settlers practiced torturing people to death by burning and drowning people for alleged religious reasons.
Why divide? Why not call it human exploration day!!!!

We could even promote space exploration and the future of exploration!!!!!
^^^^ says the idiot who voted for the Democrat party that ended the space program.

I've not voted democrat I voted Bush, McCain and Romney.

But if you run a tea partier I am very likely to do so.
Indians should take advantage of their situation and quit complaining about stupid shit. Open a casino, open a tax free tobacco shop. Get the real victory. Make more money than Whitey.
A member of my family did just that, opened a casino. He's been trying to get me into the family business but I keep turning him down. He's been audited twice and investigated by the FBI for his tactics against competitors. He's done nothing to disabuse my notion that casino owners are shady as fuck and exploit our people more than any white man ever has. Casino owners are quislings of the white race.
And the advances brought about by the European influences that Columbus's discovery initiated make it possible for those Indian hypocrites to have signs and internet capability to make their message known.
Instead of abolishing Columbus Day we should create an American Indian heritage day dedicated exclusively to Indian whiners. We can call it Come Blow Us Day.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
I disagree. Discovery is worthless unless it's made by the known world, the ones drawing the maps; civilizations actually progressing instead of being stuck in an endless, pointless loop as my people were.
Celebrate Columbus is you wish, but the guy did not discover anything. He showed that sea travel was possible between Europe and the Americas. Perhaps that can be viewed as a discovery. He opened the Americas for slave trade, exploitation and pillage.
We have known since the 1970's archaeology finds that the Norsemen traveled and made settlement in North America long before Columbus. That means even the claims of Columbus discovering the new world for Europe is inaccurate.
But it was Columbus's voyage that opened the door to advancement in civilization in this hemisphere, tragedies notwithstanding.
Absolutely. For that he deserves credit. No doubt his deeds led to the development of the Americas. The issue is discovery. The claim of discovery indicates the societies. cultures and civilizations that were already here had no merit. Maybe it is all just a question of semantics or political correctness, but it seems to be important to some people.
No one ever disputed the significance of any existing cultures. But the progress resulting from advance civilizations landing here is unquestionable. The Indian bitchers like to deny that while conveniently taking advantage of those advancements. Hypocritical.
Let current Indians recreate their advanced-caveman culture on their reservations and live the life of the heritage that they insist was destroyed by europeans. I certainly won't interfere. But they don't get to use any electronic devices as a means to bitch or communicate in any way.
In fact we were less advanced than civilizations thousands of years older. We lacked literature, science, architecture, metallurgy, masonry, advanced inventions, vessels for international trade, all of which even the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had. Our existence was violent, brutal, and pointless. Thank God the white man freed us!

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