Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Oh good.

Well, hopefully this will assuage some of the white guilt that consumes some folks.
Nice to see ;) I am part native and I believe the best thing to ever happen to us was the white man. I can sit on a computer and walk down to the store to buy food. No hunting, no super deadly diseases, no cold or heat(ac!)!
Of course the other races and ethnicities could be as violent.

The American First People practiced genocide and mourning wars all the time.

The OP is about the stupidity of the nativists and immigration deportation.
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Unfortunately for them they are not in the position of strength, they lost that long ago. ;)
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Unfortunately for them they are not in the position of strength, they lost that long ago. ;)
Well whites did trick them until they built up their numbers. White boy motto...."Might makes right". White people are very violent.
Whites are more than violent. They are efficient. Killing becomes the organized effort of a machine.

The native Americans did not have a country. No borders. No government. They inhabited a landmass that could be settled.

Very much like liberals have done to present day United States. The ineffective government is unwilling to protect the borders. We are a land mass open to settlement by the world.
Whites are more than violent. They are efficient. Killing becomes the organized effort of a machine.

The native Americans did not have a country. No borders. No government. They inhabited a landmass that could be settled.

Very much like liberals have done to present day United States. The ineffective government is unwilling to protect the borders. We are a land mass open to settlement by the world.
:) That is one of the most strained inaccurate similes I have ever seen.
Whites are more than violent. They are efficient. Killing becomes the organized effort of a machine.

The native Americans did not have a country. No borders. No government. They inhabited a landmass that could be settled.

Very much like liberals have done to present day United States. The ineffective government is unwilling to protect the borders. We are a land mass open to settlement by the world.
Can I quote you? I keep telling people whites are more violent but you make a good point. They are also more efficient. Violence white people think of and organize would never cross the minds of the rest of the humans on this planet.
I like the part where they are demanding a $5,000 application fee. LOL, here's a thought, fug off
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Unfortunately for them they are not in the position of strength, they lost that long ago. ;)

The key to restoring power is claim to the land.

Since the US govt has allowed corporations to destroy the environment, and create huge debts charged to taxpayers,
then these can be claimed as damages to demand the land be held as collateral on the debts.

The tables can be turned where the negligent and abusive parties are not able to pay for the costs of their abuses.
So anyone else, the taxpayers the natives the immigrant workers who are able to collectively organize money to
"buy out the debts" could argue for shares in the land if we are going to pay for the damages done by others.

I would start by reclaiming forest land and ocean/river ecosystems that corporations and govt have refused
to take responsibility for restoring after corporate damages. The African American church communities can
reclaim neighborhoods and schools in order to establish equal access to education and representation in govt.

Victims and communities affecting by drug and human trafficking can claim property as restitution under RICO.
There are any number of ways to achieve the same effect of reimbursement for past wrongs that exceed
what the govt can pay for.
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