Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Unfortunately for them they are not in the position of strength, they lost that long ago. ;)

The key is claim to the land.

Since the US govt has allowed corporations to destroy the environment, and create huge debts charged to taxpayers,
then these can be claimed as damages to demand the land be held as collateral on the debts.

The tables can be turned where the negligent and abusive parties are not able to pay for the costs of their abuses.
So anyone else, the taxpayers the natives the immigrant workers who are able to collectively organize money to
"buy out the debts" could argue for shares in the land if we are going to pay for the damages done by others.

I would start by reclaiming forest land and ocean/river ecosystems that corporations and govt have refused
to take responsibility for restoring after corporate damages. The African American church communities can
reclaim neighborhoods and schools in order to establish equal access to education and representation in govt.

Victims and communities affecting by drug and human trafficking can claim property as restitution under RICO.
There are any number of ways to achieve the same effect of reimbursement for past wrongs that exceed
what the govt can pay for.

This is going nowhere, they are in no position to make any demands,it's stupid and showmanship
I've been told that they would rather not hear our jibber-jabber language everywhere and wish we would adopt something truly American.
Don't forget.................whites used weapons of mass destruction on the Native Americans when they gave them small pox infected blankets to wipe them out.
The spread of Western Christian civilization made this nation a great nation, a letter writer recently stated.

Maybe a lot of Christians also think the spread of smallpox also made it great, or the murder of thousands of American Indians and their forced removal to concentration camps, or the molesting of Indian children by Christian clergy. It seems to me that the real “savages” were the white people
The real savages were white people
Looks like the descendants of the white christian savages are defending their anscestors

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