Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Yes the negroid has been on earth a long time, some say the groid is the missing link
Only the soids from europe think the original humans are the missing link. What do you expect from hybrid simian/troglodytes?
Yes the negroid has been on earth a long time, some say the groid is the missing link
BTW thats an ugly monkey in your avatar. Why didnt you have it groomed before you took the picture?
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Human evolution is simple, the groid came first that's why they are so primitive and look and act the most like apes
Soids look exactly like chimps. Thats why they are feral and the most dangerous of the primates. Thats why they star in the Planet of the Apes. Realism. Well that and the lice filled pelt white people grow.

While he holds a rifle, a White mans invention
No other humans can match the white man in violence. The best they can do is try to arm themselves in similar fashion.

Yeah, every race has people who do evil. Didn't some tribes like inca and Aztec sacrifice women and children? Did they not pull out a still beating heart to their "gods?" Saying no one can match the "white man" in violence is a clear narrow view of history

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While he holds a rifle, a White mans invention
No other humans can match the white man in violence. The best they can do is try to arm themselves in similar fashion.

Been to Africa lately? Been to downtown Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore...etc? What a damn racist thing you have said, you should reconsider your racist views.
Tsk, tsk Jake. Native Americans should understand conquest they did it just like all races did it. A superior force moved in and displaced and inferior force just like has happened from the dawn of time. Just like the NAs did when they took over the land. The time of the NA had passed, sorry to say that but that is just the truth.

But what we have now is an inferior force taking over a superior force through nothing more then having babies and dragging down the superior forces economy.

The NA fought back against the westward expansion they just were not capable of stopping it. WE are capable of stopping what is going on to the demise of EVERYONE and should.

Give your home back to a NA, it might make you feel better about being white.
Don't forget.................whites used weapons of mass destruction on the Native Americans when they gave them small pox infected blankets to wipe them out.
That is not true actually but it does show how gullible you are

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