Native American tribes want Liz Warren to apologize for lying about her indigenous heritage

Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...

I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.

Since when can you prove a negative? I am not Pocahontas, I don't know what she told people.

Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

Sucks to be you liar..

I win :)
I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.

Since when can you prove a negative? I am not Pocahontas, I don't know what she told people.

Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.

Know what else I ain't seeing?

--- any evidence at all to back your ass-sertion of "she lied". Matter of fact there isn't even any REFERENCE to it.

Wassamatta hack-breath? Can't do that either? :gay:

Go suck a monkey's asshole. :fu:
Since when can you prove a negative? I am not Pocahontas, I don't know what she told people.

Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.
Once again I win again you can see fucking Russia from Alaska..

I know politics, science, geography, economics , arithmetic, and physiology..and I am just a 2nd grade drop out :)

Yes you can see Russia from Alaska tard ..

Last edited:
Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.
Once again I win again you can see fucking Russia from Alaska..

I know politics, science, geography, economics , arithmetic, and physiology..and I am just a 2nd grade drop out :)

Yes you can see Russia from Alaska tard ..

Prove me wrong pogo that you can't see Russia from Alaska..and I will prove you are an idiot..

Since when can you prove a negative? I am not Pocahontas, I don't know what she told people.

Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.

Know what else I ain't seeing?

--- any evidence at all to back your ass-sertion of "she lied". Matter of fact there isn't even any REFERENCE to it.

Wassamatta hack-breath? Can't do that either? :gay:

Go suck a monkey's asshole. :fu:
This is amusing to me how the tables are turning and you can't handle the heat, Pocahontas lied, Sarah didn't.
Besides which --- Warren never applied for Cherokee membership anyway. She never made such a claim, yet the OP and his fellow travellers want to erect that as a strawman as well.

I happen to be Irish but I've never applied for Irish citizenship. They'd be two different things.

Then there are the census forms they'll inevitably bring up, noting ancestors self-reporting as "white" while ignoring the fact that in the genocidal era anyone who could "pass" for white did so as a matter of pure self-preservation.

Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.
Her proof is high cheek bones. :lmao:
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
Your task is not to prove a negative --- yours is to prove a positive.

I cannot believe it's actually necessary to spoon-feed this explanation to an entity who purports to be a grown adult but your ass-sertion is "SHE LIED". That's a conscious, initiative act. It requires **BOTH** (a) stating something as fact **AND SIMULTANEOUSLY** (b) knowing that statement is false.

That's what you ass-serted. Now prove she did that.

Lying HACK.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.

Know what else I ain't seeing?

--- any evidence at all to back your ass-sertion of "she lied". Matter of fact there isn't even any REFERENCE to it.

Wassamatta hack-breath? Can't do that either? :gay:

Go suck a monkey's asshole. :fu:
This is amusing to me how the tables are turning and you can't handle the heat, Pocahontas lied, Sarah didn't.

Once AGAIN shit-for-brains, there is neither a "Sarah" nor a "Pocahontas" involved here.

There is a gaggle of liars. One of them is the OP. Another is yourself. OP at least had enough sense to abandon ship.
You ---- not so much.

Why are you so upset? She will never get her dignity back, we are flaming Pocahontas, like the left flamed Sarah Palin...

It doesn't feel so good now does it pal?

Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.

Know what else I ain't seeing?

--- any evidence at all to back your ass-sertion of "she lied". Matter of fact there isn't even any REFERENCE to it.

Wassamatta hack-breath? Can't do that either? :gay:

Go suck a monkey's asshole. :fu:
This is amusing to me how the tables are turning and you can't handle the heat, Pocahontas lied, Sarah didn't.

Once AGAIN shit-for-brains, there is neither a "Sarah" nor a "Pocahontas" involved here.

There is a gaggle of liars. One of them is the OP. Another is yourself. OP at least had enough sense to abandon ship.
You ---- not so much.


What did you do pogo wake up from your nap?

I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
So she proceeded to steal money from the government because someone said she had high cheekbones.

She's a thief and a liar.
Why don't you go find my posts about Sarah Palin, you lying ass sack of horse shit.

Go on, bring them here. Let the whole class see them. Then you can essplain to us all what the FUCK they have to do with you running away from an ass-sertion you pulled out of your ass and now don't know how to put back in.

Lying HACK.

Now you and I are going for war you lying hack

And yes you can see Russia from godamn Alaska

I'm not seeing any of my posts there, hack-boi.

Wassamatta? CAN'T DO IT? What a shocker.

Fucking lying HACK.

Know what else I ain't seeing?

--- any evidence at all to back your ass-sertion of "she lied". Matter of fact there isn't even any REFERENCE to it.

Wassamatta hack-breath? Can't do that either? :gay:

Go suck a monkey's asshole. :fu:
This is amusing to me how the tables are turning and you can't handle the heat, Pocahontas lied, Sarah didn't.

Once AGAIN shit-for-brains, there is neither a "Sarah" nor a "Pocahontas" involved here.

There is a gaggle of liars. One of them is the OP. Another is yourself. OP at least had enough sense to abandon ship.
You ---- not so much.


What did you do pogo wake up from your nap?


I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
It's black and white, dufus. Either she's in the tribes list of members or she is not.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
So she proceeded to steal money from the government

For the 565th time ----- LINK??

Exactly. You're a fraud and a liar.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
It's black and white, dufus. Either she's in the tribes list of members or she is not.

Once AGAIN --- LINK to where WARREN ever claimed to be on the rolls? Of either tribe?

Exactly. Does not exist. Because you pulled it out of your ass.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
So she proceeded to steal money from the government because someone said she had high cheekbones.

She's a thief and a liar.

For the 565th time ----- LINK??

Exactly. You're a fraud and a liar.
Link to what?
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
It's black and white, dufus. Either she's in the tribes list of members or she is not.

Once AGAIN --- LINK to where WARREN ever claimed to be on the rolls? Of either tribe?

Exactly. Does not exist. Because you pulled it out of your ass.
cherokee law says you can only be a Cherokee if you're linked to the rolls, dufus.
She took jobs from more qualified people by lying.

"Given the association’s process of sending the form to new faculty, it is possible that Warren filled out that form three times: once in 1986 when she was at the University of Texas, in 1987 when she moved to the University of Pennsylvania, and a third time when she spent a year as visiting faculty at Harvard in 1992. In 1995, when she moved to Harvard, she no longer appears in the minority teacher list."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
So she proceeded to steal money from the government because someone said she had high cheekbones.

She's a thief and a liar.

For the 565th time ----- LINK??

Exactly. You're a fraud and a liar.
Link to what?

To the fucking drivel you just plopped above, Slappy. "She proceeded to steal money from the government". YOUR post. Now prove that, and you'll have a valid point. Until then --- you're pulling it out of your ass. Historical events don't just retroactively "happen" because you decide you wish they HAD happened and post it on some message board.

What, you're gonna play stupid every time you get busted? Like you can't read your own shit?
What the fuck is WRONG with you?

I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
It's black and white, dufus. Either she's in the tribes list of members or she is not.

Once AGAIN --- LINK to where WARREN ever claimed to be on the rolls? Of either tribe?

Exactly. Does not exist. Because you pulled it out of your ass.
cherokee law says you can only be a Cherokee if you're linked to the rolls, dufus.
She took jobs from more qualified people by lying.

"Given the association’s process of sending the form to new faculty, it is possible that Warren filled out that form three times: once in 1986 when she was at the University of Texas, in 1987 when she moved to the University of Pennsylvania, and a third time when she spent a year as visiting faculty at Harvard in 1992. In 1995, when she moved to Harvard, she no longer appears in the minority teacher list."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties


Once AGAIN Warren *never* claimed to be on any "rolls" or to be a member of Cherokee Nation, or even an applicant. *****YOU****** just now made that up as a strawman.

What she did is recount family stories citing Cherokee and Lenape, much the same as your elders told you family stories about ancestral slugs and mildew. *NOBODY* gets to second-guess what oral traditions a family passes down. I know that must chap your fascism-wanking hide that people are free to talk among themselves without some "Authority" stepping in, but tough titty.

I happen to be Irish. That doesn't mean you'll find any record of me in the archives in Ireland. Holy SHIT what a moron.
You actually want the world to think this simple shit flies over your head??
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.

She lied about her Native American heritage for privilege and money.

She should resign.

It’s a shame that you disagree with the insulted Native Americans who want her to apologize. Would you feel the same way if Warren had an (R) after her name?

I don’t think so.

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