Native American tribes want Liz Warren to apologize for lying about her indigenous heritage

Besides which --- Warren never applied for Cherokee membership anyway. She never made such a claim, yet the OP and his fellow travellers want to erect that as a strawman as well.

I happen to be Irish but I've never applied for Irish citizenship. They'd be two different things.

Then there are the census forms they'll inevitably bring up, noting ancestors self-reporting as "white" while ignoring the fact that in the genocidal era anyone who could "pass" for white did so as a matter of pure self-preservation.

Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.

Her "family heritage" can say any damned thing it wants. It doesn't qualify as actual evidence of anything. Can we hearken back to the DNA study of descendants of Sally Hemings? Their "family heritage" had told them they were descendants of Thomas Jefferson, and it ended up debunked.
Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.
Dumbass, I never claimed she claimed to be linked to the Dawes rolls. You're a joke liar defending a liar.

What he's playing is When you want to cover up your own bad behavior you quickly point to something else and say loudly "Hey, Look Over There".
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.

One cannot prove a negative. It's not up to me to prove she said what you say she said, it's up to you to prove your own statement.

BTW, I am a Member of the millions of Western Americans with Cherokee Blood NOT on the roll.

Why are you sending these Weatherman replies to me? I haven't been making these points.

Sorry bout that. This has become such a mess, it's hard to keep track of. I'll try harder.
Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.
Dumbass, I never claimed she claimed to be linked to the Dawes rolls. You're a joke liar defending a liar.

OH YES YOU DID fucking liar. Roll that tape.

Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

Think you can make that out, or should we have your nurse read it to you?

AGAIN-- I demanded to know when, where, how she ever made that claim.

And you had NOTHING. Because there is NOTHING. And now you're running away from your own post.

Dishonest HACK.
Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.

Her "family heritage" can say any damned thing it wants. It doesn't qualify as actual evidence of anything. Can we hearken back to the DNA study of descendants of Sally Hemings? Their "family heritage" had told them they were descendants of Thomas Jefferson, and it ended up debunked.

They have Jeffersons DNA on file. But if you take a DNA test to see if you are a specific Indian Tribe, it just comes back Native American. Simple as that. And there are Millions of us that have Cherokee blood (not matter how little) that can't prove our Heritage. Doesn't make it lie. It makes it History,if only Family History.
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

I'd have to check, but I believe it's actually illegal to present yourself as an American Indian for profit without being an actual, registered member of a tribe. It happens all too often in the Southwest, with people trying to present their craftwork as "Native American" and being shut down because they're not tribe members, even when they actually DO have documented heritage.

The question is moot for this purpose, since Warren never did so present herself. These historical revisionists have been asked 156 times for any evidence and have yet to find any.
She lied about having Native American ancestry.

You were asked ---- AGAIN --- exactly 78 posts ago for any evidence of that.

You ran away.


Now here you are again, emptyhanded again and expecting different results. Are you retarded?

She benefited personally, politically and financially from that lie.

AGAIN --- where's the evidence? Where's the link? See you in 78 more posts when you come slithering back hoping everybody forgot about this one.

Fucking demented dickhead.

Even the Washington post refused to touch it now that says something...


Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" page has actually decided against judging the issue at all, offering "no rating" and, in a piece Tuesday, suggesting "readers to look into it on their own and decide whether Trump's attacks over Warren's background have merit."
She lied about having Native American ancestry.

You were asked ---- AGAIN --- exactly 78 posts ago for any evidence of that.

You ran away.


Now here you are again, emptyhanded again and expecting different results. Are you retarded?

She benefited personally, politically and financially from that lie.

AGAIN --- where's the evidence? Where's the link? See you in 78 more posts when you come slithering back hoping everybody forgot about this one.

Fucking demented dickhead.
Like I said, it is painfully obvious that you suck far too much Elizabeth Warren ass… LOL
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

I'd have to check, but I believe it's actually illegal to present yourself as an American Indian for profit without being an actual, registered member of a tribe. It happens all too often in the Southwest, with people trying to present their craftwork as "Native American" and being shut down because they're not tribe members, even when they actually DO have documented heritage.

The question is moot for this purpose, since Warren never did so present herself. These historical revisionists have been asked 156 times for any evidence and have yet to find any.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.
Dumbass, I never claimed she claimed to be linked to the Dawes rolls. You're a joke liar defending a liar.

OH YES YOU DID fucking liar. Roll that tape.

Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

Think you can make that out, or should we have your nurse read it to you?

AGAIN-- I demanded to know when, where, how she ever made that claim.

And you had NOTHING. Because there is NOTHING. And now you're running away from your own post.

Dishonest HACK.

Speaking of Lying and dishonesty, here is his original post. Without your Edits that is.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

I'd have to check, but I believe it's actually illegal to present yourself as an American Indian for profit without being an actual, registered member of a tribe. It happens all too often in the Southwest, with people trying to present their craftwork as "Native American" and being shut down because they're not tribe members, even when they actually DO have documented heritage.

The question is moot for this purpose, since Warren never did so present herself. These historical revisionists have been asked 156 times for any evidence and have yet to find any.

I am just wondering whom is paying to post this nonsense. Is it the Republican Party or the Putin Party.
This reminds me I was partying one time in Chicago with a bunch of Mexican gang members in my youth at a bar they asked me if I was part Mexican (I tan easily in the summer) I said sure and got big fat lines of cocaine right at the bar for free :)
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

I'd have to check, but I believe it's actually illegal to present yourself as an American Indian for profit without being an actual, registered member of a tribe. It happens all too often in the Southwest, with people trying to present their craftwork as "Native American" and being shut down because they're not tribe members, even when they actually DO have documented heritage.

The question is moot for this purpose, since Warren never did so present herself. These historical revisionists have been asked 156 times for any evidence and have yet to find any.

I am just wondering whom is paying to post this nonsense. Is it the Republican Party or the Putin Party.
The Russian connection… ;)
She lied about having Native American ancestry.

You were asked ---- AGAIN --- exactly 78 posts ago for any evidence of that.

You ran away.


Now here you are again, emptyhanded again and expecting different results. Are you retarded?

She benefited personally, politically and financially from that lie.

AGAIN --- where's the evidence? Where's the link? See you in 78 more posts when you come slithering back hoping everybody forgot about this one.

Fucking demented dickhead.

Even the Washington post refused to touch it now that says something...


Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" page has actually decided against judging the issue at all, offering "no rating" and, in a piece Tuesday, suggesting "readers to look into it on their own and decide whether Trump's attacks over Warren's background have merit."

Once AGAIN yet another lying mendacious false made-up fake fictitious misrepresentation. And I didn't even need to click in to know what it was although I did just to make sure.

--- What WaPo decided against judging was the question of whether Warren has Native American blood or not. Nobody can answer that definitively and no one has ever claimed to.


No Mushmouth, the issue here is right up there in the title of this thread where it still sits -- the allegation that "she lied". That is an act of commission. That's a direct action requiring BOTH (a) knowledge of the absence of such ancestry AND (b) then claiming it anyway.

And EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU has completely FAILED to make that case. In this thread and in every previous one, without exception.

She lied about having Native American ancestry.

You were asked ---- AGAIN --- exactly 78 posts ago for any evidence of that.

You ran away.


Now here you are again, emptyhanded again and expecting different results. Are you retarded?

She benefited personally, politically and financially from that lie.

AGAIN --- where's the evidence? Where's the link? See you in 78 more posts when you come slithering back hoping everybody forgot about this one.

Fucking demented dickhead.

Even the Washington post refused to touch it now that says something...


Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" page has actually decided against judging the issue at all, offering "no rating" and, in a piece Tuesday, suggesting "readers to look into it on their own and decide whether Trump's attacks over Warren's background have merit."

Once AGAIN yet another lying mendacious false made-up fake fictitious misrepresentation. And I didn't even need to click in to know what it was although I did just to make sure.

--- What WaPo decided against judging was the question of whether Warren has Native American blood or not. Nobody can answer that definitively and no one has ever claimed to.


No Mushmouth, the issue here is right up there in the title of this thread where it still sits -- the allegation that "she lied". That is an act of commission. That's a direct action requiring BOTH (a) knowledge of the absence of such ancestry AND (b) then claiming it anyway.

And EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU has completely FAILED to make that case. In this thread and in every previous one, without exception.

She’s a career politician corrupt to the core, hypocrisy is her life’s blood... fact
She lied about having Native American ancestry.

You were asked ---- AGAIN --- exactly 78 posts ago for any evidence of that.

You ran away.


Now here you are again, emptyhanded again and expecting different results. Are you retarded?

She benefited personally, politically and financially from that lie.

AGAIN --- where's the evidence? Where's the link? See you in 78 more posts when you come slithering back hoping everybody forgot about this one.

Fucking demented dickhead.

Even the Washington post refused to touch it now that says something...


Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" page has actually decided against judging the issue at all, offering "no rating" and, in a piece Tuesday, suggesting "readers to look into it on their own and decide whether Trump's attacks over Warren's background have merit."

Once AGAIN yet another lying mendacious false made-up fake fictitious misrepresentation. And I didn't even need to click in to know what it was although I did just to make sure.

--- What WaPo decided against judging was the question of whether Warren has Native American blood or not. Nobody can answer that definitively and no one has ever claimed to.


No Mushmouth, the issue here is right up there in the title of this thread where it still sits -- the allegation that "she lied". That is an act of commission. That's a direct action requiring BOTH (a) knowledge of the absence of such ancestry AND (b) then claiming it anyway.

And EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU has completely FAILED to make that case. In this thread and in every previous one, without exception.


Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...
Even with a DNA test, it isn't proof positive that anyone is Cherokee. It will only state, "Native American". Unlike yours and mine "Irish" the Irish show different in a DNA than any American Indian Tribe.
Process is straightforward. You show documented evidence your ancestor is listed in the Dawes rolls, which is a list of Cherokee tribe members from around 1900.

Warren never claimed to be on the Dawes Rolls. Not even close. Your argument is complete bullshit.
Then she lied by falsely claiming membership of the Cherokee people.

No Punky --- ****YOU**** just lied by claiming she claimed that.

Go ahead ---- just try to prove me wrong.

Moreover the Warren family heritage cites not just Cherokee but Lenape as well. We just mentioned that where lost-marbles-boi tried to tie her to Jeffrey Fucking Amherst.

Her "family heritage" can say any damned thing it wants. It doesn't qualify as actual evidence of anything. Can we hearken back to the DNA study of descendants of Sally Hemings? Their "family heritage" had told them they were descendants of Thomas Jefferson, and it ended up debunked.

Correct but scroll back to the previous post and you'll see the point is that the poster I answered (Weatherman) made the false claim that Warren "falsely claimed membership of [sic] the Cherokee people". My counterpoint noted that Cherokee is not the only tribe her family heritage claims, so even if his false accusation were true it still would't make her a non-Indian.

That's the secondary point. The primary one is that the poster --- and the OP, and several others --- are setting up strawman arguments proposing to attack positions the subject never took in the first place. Like claiming to be a member of Cherokee Nation.

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