Native American tribes want Liz Warren to apologize for lying about her indigenous heritage

I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
So she proceeded to steal money from the government because someone said she had high cheekbones.

She's a thief and a liar.

For the 565th time ----- LINK??

Exactly. You're a fraud and a liar.
Link to what?

To the fucking drivel you just plopped above, Slappy. "She proceeded to steal money from the government". YOUR post. Now prove that, and you'll have a valid point. Until then --- you're pulling it out of your ass. Historical events don't just retroactively "happen" because you decide you wish they HAD happened and post it on some message board.

What, you're gonna play stupid every time you get busted? Like you can't read your own shit?
What the fuck is WRONG with you?

I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.
It's black and white, dufus. Either she's in the tribes list of members or she is not.

Once AGAIN --- LINK to where WARREN ever claimed to be on the rolls? Of either tribe?

Exactly. Does not exist. Because you pulled it out of your ass.
cherokee law says you can only be a Cherokee if you're linked to the rolls, dufus.
She took jobs from more qualified people by lying.

"Given the association’s process of sending the form to new faculty, it is possible that Warren filled out that form three times: once in 1986 when she was at the University of Texas, in 1987 when she moved to the University of Pennsylvania, and a third time when she spent a year as visiting faculty at Harvard in 1992. In 1995, when she moved to Harvard, she no longer appears in the minority teacher list."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties


Once AGAIN Warren *never* claimed to be on any "rolls" or to be a member of Cherokee Nation, or even an applicant. *****YOU****** just now made that up as a strawman.

What she did is recount family stories citing Cherokee and Lenape, much the same as your elders told you family stories about ancestral slugs and mildew. *NOBODY* gets to second-guess what oral traditions a family passes down. I know that must chap your fascism-wanking hide that people are free to talk among themselves without some "Authority" stepping in, but tough titty.

I happen to be Irish. That doesn't mean you'll find any record of me in the archives in Ireland. Holy SHIT what a moron.
You actually want the world to think this simple shit flies over your head??
Hey shitforbrains, you want to find the quote where I ever said she claimed to be linked to the rolls?
You are a moronic troll pissing on Native Americans.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.

She lied about her Native American heritage for privilege and money.

She should resign.

It’s a shame that you disagree with the insulted Native Americans who want her to apologize. Would you feel the same way if Warren had an (R) after her name?

I don’t think so.

The only thing I can think of that would be an extreme insult is if YOU were to claim to be part Native American. Why, that would start the evening before Dances all across the Indian Nations and be followed by them attacking every white person they could.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.

It's also nonfuckingexistent.

Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.

It's also nonfuckingexistent.

Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Boy, you are stuck on stupid.
Cherokee Tribe says if you are a member or not. Period, end of debate. Black and White.
Unless she is listed, she is a pathetic liar and thief stealing from others.
She should resign immediately.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.

It's also nonfuckingexistent.

Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Boy, you are stuck on stupid.
Cherokee Tribe says if you are a member or not. Period, end of debate. Black and White.
Unless she is listed, she is a pathetic liar and thief stealing from others.
She should resign immediately.

And here you just did it AGAIN after denying you did so. You gotta be made of concentrated moron.

"MEMBER" is what the fuck "rolls" means DUMBASS. So is LISTED. "Listed" on what? On the fucking ROLLS.
Warren has never claimed to be a MEMBER.
Warren as far as we know has never even applied to be a MEMBER.
MEMBER -- of anything -- IS NOT INVOLVED when you're speaking of ethnicity. Ethnicity doesn't make you a fucking MEMBER of anything NOR did she or I claim it does --- **YOU** just plugged that in out of nowhere after pulling it out of your ASS.

You COMPLETELY fail to substantiate any point at all.

Now suck my MEMBER.
Even the Washington post refused to touch it now that says something...


Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" page has actually decided against judging the issue at all, offering "no rating" and, in a piece Tuesday, suggesting "readers to look into it on their own and decide whether Trump's attacks over Warren's background have merit."

Once AGAIN yet another lying mendacious false made-up fake fictitious misrepresentation. And I didn't even need to click in to know what it was although I did just to make sure.

--- What WaPo decided against judging was the question of whether Warren has Native American blood or not. Nobody can answer that definitively and no one has ever claimed to.


No Mushmouth, the issue here is right up there in the title of this thread where it still sits -- the allegation that "she lied". That is an act of commission. That's a direct action requiring BOTH (a) knowledge of the absence of such ancestry AND (b) then claiming it anyway.

And EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU has completely FAILED to make that case. In this thread and in every previous one, without exception.


Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...

I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.

Sorry, but that is not a basis for presenting yourself as such in a professional capacity.

I have the actual geneology paperwork to show that one of my ancestors was an American Indian. Doesn't mean I put it on my resume and present myself as a minority to take advange of affirmative action.
Once AGAIN yet another lying mendacious false made-up fake fictitious misrepresentation. And I didn't even need to click in to know what it was although I did just to make sure.

--- What WaPo decided against judging was the question of whether Warren has Native American blood or not. Nobody can answer that definitively and no one has ever claimed to.


No Mushmouth, the issue here is right up there in the title of this thread where it still sits -- the allegation that "she lied". That is an act of commission. That's a direct action requiring BOTH (a) knowledge of the absence of such ancestry AND (b) then claiming it anyway.

And EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU has completely FAILED to make that case. In this thread and in every previous one, without exception.


Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...

I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.

Sorry, but that is not a basis for presenting yourself as such in a professional capacity.

I have the actual geneology paperwork to show that one of my ancestors was an American Indian. Doesn't mean I put it on my resume and present myself as a minority to take advange of affirmative action.

Nor did Warren.

I've invited these wags over and over to prove me wrong about that. None took the challenge. Because they can't.
Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...

I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.
It doesn’t matter, She has to live with that the rest of her life and deserves it... Karma is a bitch
Prove that she didn't? Again liberal WAPO refused to tackle it...

I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.

No one said she applied for any tribal rolls or claimed to be on any, Chuckles. Stop trying to redefine the goal posts. She based her career in academia on claiming to be Native American.

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe

But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory.

So stop trying to pretend this was just her telling family anecdotes to a few friends.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

There is no "error".

She was told by family of Cherokee/Lenape ancestry. That is a simple fact --- she WAS told.

Well --- that's it. The end.

Sorry, but that is not a basis for presenting yourself as such in a professional capacity.

I have the actual geneology paperwork to show that one of my ancestors was an American Indian. Doesn't mean I put it on my resume and present myself as a minority to take advange of affirmative action.

Nor did Warren.

I've invited these wags over and over to prove me wrong about that. None took the challenge. Because they can't.

Been there, done that. Check my last post.
Elizabeth Warren deserves to be mocked about this subject the rest of her life… Karma is a bitch
I don't ***NEED*** to prove the negative, Dipweed. ***YOU*** need to prove the assertion. And that assertion is that, quote, "she lied". YOU CAN'T DO IT.

And neither did the WaPo purport to address that, lying HACK.
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.

No one said she applied for any tribal rolls or claimed to be on any, Chuckles. Stop trying to redefine the goal posts. She based her career in academia on claiming to be Native American.

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe

But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory.

So stop trying to pretend this was just her telling family anecdotes to a few friends.

NO, she did not. It didn't come up in the interviews, it wasn't on the résumé, she did NOT "base her career in academia" on it. Again, prove me wrong.

I didn't move any goal posts. These wags trying to conflate the Cherokee rolls with Warren't family anecdotes did that.
AGAIN, Warren has never claimed to be, or applied for, membership in Cherokee Nation and that has never been her assertion. EVER. By the same token I have no need of any kind of credentials or citizenship from the government of Ireland to claim my own Irish ethnicity. They're two different things.
Last edited:
Elizabeth Warren cannot prove she is an American Indian in any form, so that discredits her 100%.

n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.

No one said she applied for any tribal rolls or claimed to be on any, Chuckles. Stop trying to redefine the goal posts. She based her career in academia on claiming to be Native American.

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe

But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory.

So stop trying to pretend this was just her telling family anecdotes to a few friends.

NO, she did not. It didn't come up in the interviews, it wasn't on the résumé, she did NOT "base her career in academia" on it. Again, prove me wrong.

I didn't move any goal posts. These wags trying to conflate the Cherokee rolls with Warren't family anecdotes did that.
AGAIN, Warren has never claimed to be, or applied for, membership in Cherokee Nation and that has never been her assertion. EVER. By the same token I have no need of any kind of credentials or citizenship from the government of Ireland to claim my own Irish ethnicity. They're two different things.
It doesn’t matter, she has to deal with that the rest of her life and she deserves such...
Karma is a bitch
n America, you have to prove she isn't. The Rolls don't count because they are so incomplete and tthey are not going to trryy andd make it accruate for financial reasons. There are millions of us that have Cherokee blood not on that roll. And her taking a DNA would only prove that she has some type of American Indian Blood.

So, Comrade, what's next?

No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.

No one said she applied for any tribal rolls or claimed to be on any, Chuckles. Stop trying to redefine the goal posts. She based her career in academia on claiming to be Native American.

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe

But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory.

So stop trying to pretend this was just her telling family anecdotes to a few friends.

NO, she did not. It didn't come up in the interviews, it wasn't on the résumé, she did NOT "base her career in academia" on it. Again, prove me wrong.

I didn't move any goal posts. These wags trying to conflate the Cherokee rolls with Warren't family anecdotes did that.
AGAIN, Warren has never claimed to be, or applied for, membership in Cherokee Nation and that has never been her assertion. EVER. By the same token I have no need of any kind of credentials or citizenship from the government of Ireland to claim my own Irish ethnicity. They're two different things.
It doesn’t matter, she has to deal with that the rest of her life and she deserves such...
Karma is a bitch

It DOES matter, for the very simple reason that you can't just make shit up and expect it to be retroactively true.

The assertion here is "Warren lied". Until anybody anywhere can prove that, it's fucking BULLSHIT.

Nobody has to legitimately deal with BULLSHIT. Understand? I don't give a flying friggety fuck what you WISH were true. Deal with the real world as it is. You have no choice.
No, actually, when it comes to being an American Indian, you have to prove you ARE. Doesn't matter if the rolls are incomplete. If everyday people have to abide by the rules, she should have to as well.

Once again --- Warren has never as far as we know applied for the Rolls or claimed to be a member of Cherokee Nation. She recounted family history of Native ancestry, which is a whole different thing.

I claim to be of Irish ancestry but I don't claim to be a citizen of Ireland, nor did I ever apply to be, nor would it be necessary to be ethnically Irish.

No one said she applied for any tribal rolls or claimed to be on any, Chuckles. Stop trying to redefine the goal posts. She based her career in academia on claiming to be Native American.

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe

But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory.

So stop trying to pretend this was just her telling family anecdotes to a few friends.

NO, she did not. It didn't come up in the interviews, it wasn't on the résumé, she did NOT "base her career in academia" on it. Again, prove me wrong.

I didn't move any goal posts. These wags trying to conflate the Cherokee rolls with Warren't family anecdotes did that.
AGAIN, Warren has never claimed to be, or applied for, membership in Cherokee Nation and that has never been her assertion. EVER. By the same token I have no need of any kind of credentials or citizenship from the government of Ireland to claim my own Irish ethnicity. They're two different things.
It doesn’t matter, she has to deal with that the rest of her life and she deserves such...
Karma is a bitch

It DOES matter, for the very simple reason that you can't just make shit up and expect it to be retroactively true.

The assertion here is "Warren lied". Until anybody anywhere can prove that, it's fucking BULLSHIT.

Nobody has to legitimately deal with BULLSHIT. Understand? I don't give a flying friggety fuck what you WISH were true. Deal with the real world as it is. You have no choice.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.

It's also nonfuckingexistent.

Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Boy, you are stuck on stupid.
Cherokee Tribe says if you are a member or not. Period, end of debate. Black and White.
Unless she is listed, she is a pathetic liar and thief stealing from others.
She should resign immediately.

You can go into the ignore pile as well.
I’m entirely willing to believe that she originally thought she was part Cherokee — lots of families think they have some sort of American Indian ancestry, and many (perhaps most) are wrong. But her real crime wasn’t in being wrong, it was in doubling down and refusing to admit the possibility of error once people questioned her. That character is neither appealing, nor good for a presidential candidate. Much less a president.

I don't see where she made a mistake here. She has enough that this triviality should be a non starter. Family History is just that. And there is a very good chance that she IS part Native American since most people that are from long lines in the US are. And the most prolific tribe has always been the Cherokee.

What's the matter, you feel threatened that she could jepordize your Orange Orangatan in 2020? So much so that you overlook his short comings? This is exactly what this is all about. If Jesus were to run, you would probably go off on him being a Bastard and can't prove who his Father is. I am done with you. Ignore, Ignore and more Ignore.
There is zero evidence of family history. And her claiming minority status to gain favor to get jobs at universities is a slap in the face to real native Americans.

It's also nonfuckingexistent.

Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Boy, you are stuck on stupid.
Cherokee Tribe says if you are a member or not. Period, end of debate. Black and White.
Unless she is listed, she is a pathetic liar and thief stealing from others.
She should resign immediately.

You can go into the ignore pile as well.
Bubble world leftists always require a circle of insane people around them at all times. Any contact with someone sane causes immediately melting of the snowflake.

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