Native Americans Object to Pope's soon to be "Saint"...

What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool
Liberals always whining about the Native Americans. You want to know how viscous and nasty the American Indians were? Read Empire of the Summer Moon.

Empire of the Summer Moon Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History S. C. Gwynne 9781416591061 Books
Thanks for the heads up on the book!!

As a side note NLT.

I grew up in Oklahoma around a lot of Comanche indians and went to school with Quanah Parker's granddaughter.

Quanah Parker's house is now a museum.

Many people think of the American Indian as some kind of noble figure. But in reality the Comanche were blood thirsty savages who tortured captives just for sport. .... :cool:
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What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

Most of your posts are wrong or lies, including in this thread.

YOU would do well to take your own advice.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business

You know of very few Catholic Native Americans because they are Protestant Christians. Born again Believers that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not the Doctrine of devils - Babylonian religion that Catholicism has brainwashed its people into.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business

You know of very few Catholic Native Americans because they are Protestant Christians. Born again Believers that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not the Doctrine of devils - Babylonian religion that Catholicism has brainwashed its people into.

You're getting annoying, blowhard. Take your hate and go confess to Jesus Christ, our Savior
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.

You're about one comment from getting sent to ignore. Grow up and most important start acting like a Christian instead of a hate filled troll
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business

You know of very few Catholic Native Americans because they are Protestant Christians. Born again Believers that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not the Doctrine of devils - Babylonian religion that Catholicism has brainwashed its people into.

You're getting annoying, blowhard. Take your hate and go confess to Jesus Christ, our Savior

I confess Jesus Christ as my Savior every day, Sassy. Why do you confess your sins to a man instead of confessing them to Jesus Christ? There is no such teaching in the bible to confess your sins to a priest. Jesus Christ is your High Priest. Not some man dressed in all black in a confessional! Wake up! You were not commanded in the Bible to do pennance! You were commanded to Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
Liberals always whining about the Native Americans. You want to know how viscous and nasty the American Indians were? Read Empire of the Summer Moon.

Empire of the Summer Moon Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History S. C. Gwynne 9781416591061 Books
As a side note NLT.

I grew up in Oklahoma around a lot of Comanche indians and went to school with Quanah Parker's granddaughter.

Quanah Parker's house is now a museum.

Many people think of the American Indian as some kind of noble figure. But in reality the Comanche were blood thirsty savages. .... :cool:

Its true that we have held Native American Indians to a much higher standard than other groups but in fact, they were just like all other human beings.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business

You know of very few Catholic Native Americans because they are Protestant Christians. Born again Believers that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not the Doctrine of devils - Babylonian religion that Catholicism has brainwashed its people into.

You're getting annoying, blowhard. Take your hate and go confess to Jesus Christ, our Savior

I confess Jesus Christ as my Savior every day, Sassy. Why do you confess your sins to a man instead of confessing them to Jesus Christ? There is no such teaching in the bible to confess your sins to a priest. Jesus Christ is your High Priest. Not some man dressed in all black in a confessional! Wake up! You were not commanded in the Bible to do pennance! You were commanded to Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Listen up asshole, I've had it from you. STOP trying to project how my relationship with God and myself is, you do not know so stop pretending you do. Understand this, you are not acting like a Christian, not in the least.
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.

You're about one comment from getting sent to ignore. Grow up and most important start acting like a Christian instead of a hate filled troll

Christians are called to speak out against evil and expose false prophets. Jesus did it, Paul did it, Jude did it and I'm doing it. I'm in good company. You can find another thread no one is forcing you to be stay on this one but if you choose to use the ignore feature then use it.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business
And.....there's a very good reason there are few Catholic Native Americans....they killed a large chunk of them and the survivors are not fond of the Church.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business

You know of very few Catholic Native Americans because they are Protestant Christians. Born again Believers that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not the Doctrine of devils - Babylonian religion that Catholicism has brainwashed its people into.

You're getting annoying, blowhard. Take your hate and go confess to Jesus Christ, our Savior

I confess Jesus Christ as my Savior every day, Sassy. Why do you confess your sins to a man instead of confessing them to Jesus Christ? There is no such teaching in the bible to confess your sins to a priest. Jesus Christ is your High Priest. Not some man dressed in all black in a confessional! Wake up! You were not commanded in the Bible to do pennance! You were commanded to Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Listen up asshole, I've had it from you. STOP trying to project how my relationship with God and myself is, you do not know so stop pretending you do. Understand this, you are not acting like a Christian, not in the least.
Find another thread, Lass. This one seems to not be what you are searching for. (the truth)
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!
Do they worship false idols like Jack Chick like you do?
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.

You're about one comment from getting sent to ignore. Grow up and most important start acting like a Christian instead of a hate filled troll

Christians are called to speak out against evil and expose false prophets. Jesus did it, Paul did it, Jude did it and I'm doing it. I'm in good company. You can find another thread no one is forcing you to be stay on this one but if you choose to use the ignore feature then use it.

You're ignored and a lesson for you, you Protestants came about in the early 1830's...where the hell were you before then? Idiot, in the grand scheme you're babes in the woods
Jack Chick is a follower of Jesus Christ and a preacher of the Gospel. Which is why the Vatican has been trying to silence him / even going so far as to seek a ban on his material. (they did the same thing to ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera) The truth is he has exposed them and they know that so long as the truth is out there telling the story of where they come from (Babylonian cult) it impedes on their agenda to be leader of a one world global religion. It's the sole reason for the existence of the Jesuits - to stamp out Protestant churches and force everyone to come underneath their "Roman Umbrella". They are not "the church". They are a cult.
I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.

You're about one comment from getting sent to ignore. Grow up and most important start acting like a Christian instead of a hate filled troll

Christians are called to speak out against evil and expose false prophets. Jesus did it, Paul did it, Jude did it and I'm doing it. I'm in good company. You can find another thread no one is forcing you to be stay on this one but if you choose to use the ignore feature then use it.

You're ignored and a lesson for you, you Protestants came about in the early 1830's...where the hell were you before then? Idiot, in the grand scheme you're babes in the woods

Born again believers of the early church were not Roman Catholics. They were fed to the lions by the Romans. They were hunted down by the Catholics - even during the Inquisitions later on. Study history and read some books by Alexander Hislop and Dr. Alberto Rivera and you'll find out the true History of your Babylonian religion.
I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!

The Pope is not our "lord". Do yourself a favor and actually take time to learn the Church before you attempt to bash it. You look like a fool

The Roman Catholic Institution is not a church. It's a cult that has brainwashed you into believing that the Pope speaks for God (he does not) and that Mary is the way to your salvation! Mary was a sinner. She had to be saved by grace just like any other sinner. Your religion teaches that Mary was immaculate - born sinless - that is in direct opposition to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. Who should we believe? God? Or your popes? Not a difficult decision for me. How about you? Are you going to be a follower of men or of Christ? What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. Choose wisely.

You're about one comment from getting sent to ignore. Grow up and most important start acting like a Christian instead of a hate filled troll

Christians are called to speak out against evil and expose false prophets. Jesus did it, Paul did it, Jude did it and I'm doing it. I'm in good company. You can find another thread no one is forcing you to be stay on this one but if you choose to use the ignore feature then use it.

You're ignored and a lesson for you, you Protestants came about in the early 1830's...where the hell were you before then? Idiot, in the grand scheme you're babes in the woods failed early American history, didn't you? The first Protestants who came were the Jamestown colonists....1609, followed by the Pilgrims (Protestants) in 1620.

I guess you can't cure dumb.
I know very few Catholic Native Americans...they should mind their own business
And.....there's a very good reason there are few Catholic Native Americans....they killed a large chunk of them and the survivors are not fond of the Church.
The Catholic church did not kill them the Spainish military did. The Catholic Missonarys tried to convert them.

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